Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 156 The Empire's Response

It's a pity that I didn't find the minister.

However, today's harvest was already good. Aoki glanced at the people in the palace and disappeared quietly.

Soon after.

Bude led the Guards to find this place. After some investigation, his expression became very ugly.

"He actually still has this ability!"

Looking at the blood stains at the entrance of the palace, Bude's already serious face became even more serious.

He can transform, travel through space, and is so powerful that he can kill the four Rakshasa ghosts in a short time.

Where did this strong man come from?

Why do you want to break into the palace at night?

Could it be someone from the rebels again?

A member of Night Raid?

Are you here to assassinate His Majesty?

Thinking of this, Bude could no longer hold back and strode towards His Majesty's palace.

On the surface, it seemed that the enemy had left, but no one knew whether he had really left, or whether he had changed his appearance and hid in the crowd, continuing to plot evil.

After a while.

The sleeping little emperor was shouted out.

Civil officials headed by the minister and military attachés headed by Bude gathered together.

"General Bude, there were assassins in the palace. All four of my masters died in the battle to protect the palace. As the commander of the Guards, didn't you neglect your duty?"

Minister Ernest took the lead in attacking.

The Four Rakshasa Ghosts were his private soldiers and the strongest force in his hands at present. To die in such an unexplained manner was a big loss to him.

Bude gave Ernest a cold look: "The presence of assassins in the palace is indeed my responsibility, but things like the Four Rakshasa Ghosts should not have appeared in the palace in the first place!"

Ernest didn't care: "They are here to protect me. You know, the rebel men are always looking for opportunities to assassinate me. I can't do it without anyone protecting me!"

Bude said nothing more and turned to look at the little emperor.

"Your Majesty, the assassin this time is very troublesome. He has the ability to change shape and travel through space. Even I can't catch him!"

The little emperor was shocked: "Even the general can't do anything?"

Bude nodded solemnly.

"If we fight head-on, I will be able to kill the assassin, but he has abilities similar to Teigu Shangri-La, so I can't catch him!"

After speaking, he glanced at the minister.

As far as he knows, Shangri-La is still in the hands of the empire and should be controlled by ministers.

The little emperor stood up and waved his hand: "General, don't worry, they are just assassins. We will definitely find a solution!"

After saying that, he looked at Ernest.

"Minister, do you think this is okay?"

Ernest took a bite of the meat and praised: "Your Majesty is so brave, he is worthy of being a wise king!"

Bude frowned and asked directly: "Minister, where is Shangri-La? If you want to kill that assassin, you must use the power of Shangri-La!"

Ernest ate the meat and said vaguely: "Shangri-La has been used to perform a very important task and is not in the imperial capital now."

In fact, he handed over Shangri-La to his son Sheila, who went around the world to look for talents.

Now that Sheila is not in the empire, he can't bring out Shangri-La at all.

Bude looked serious: "What can be more important than the safety of the palace and the safety of His Majesty?"

Ernest paid no attention to his accusation.

"This mission was assigned before the assassin appeared. General, it is your responsibility to protect the palace and His Majesty. This is your dereliction of duty!

By the way, there are also four of my men, who have already sacrificed their lives to protect the safety of the palace! "

Bude looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty, in the next few days, I hope to be by your side to protect you until the assassin is eliminated!"

"Then please leave it to the general!"

The little emperor followed the good deeds.

The person he trusts most is the minister, but he also has great trust in the general.

The general's family has been responsible for guarding the palace and the emperor for thousands of years.

Ernest narrowed his eyes.

He didn't want others to have too much contact with the emperor.

However, the threat of assassins is also real. If the little emperor dies, it will indeed be very troublesome.

Heitong sat in the room, waiting silently.

These days, she has been familiar with Aoki to give herself strength.

She discovered that not only did she gain almost immortal regeneration and eternal lifespan, but she also had eternal energy, no need to sleep anymore, the ability to see in the dark, and so on.

Some abilities are even more terrifying than the Teigu.

Stopping his complicated thoughts, Black Eyes looked out the window.

Aoki has been gone for a long time.

Although she knew that with Aoki's strength, it was almost impossible to encounter danger, she was still a little worried.

That's the palace!

There are not only the most elite troops in the empire, the Guards led by General Bude, but also the masters of the Imperial Fist Temple, the dangerous species raised by the Teigu, and so on.

The number of strong people is countless, making it the most dangerous place in the world.

at this time.


Invisible fluctuations swept across, and a figure suddenly appeared in the room.

Black-eyed eyes lit up: "Aoki, you're back!"

Aoki nodded slightly and glanced at the room: "Nothing happened, right?"

"Everything is fine!"

"That's good!"

Aoki said: "I still have something to do. Do you want to stay here or come with me?"

"I want to be with you!" Heitong said without hesitation.

Aoki put his hand on Hei Tong's shoulder and reminded him.

"Don't resist."

"Got it."

Before Hei Tong finished speaking, she felt a flash in front of her eyes and came to a strange space.

It was Aoki's "space shuttle".

She immediately reacted. She had experienced it several times these days.

Hei Tong looked up and found that this space was very empty. There was only a house and some supplies next to them, and there was nothing else.


It's not completely empty.

There are four more people!

Hei Tong looked carefully and showed a surprised expression on his face: "Is this, the four Rakshasa ghosts?"

Aoki said: "I went to the palace today and met them, so I solved them by the way."

Hei Tong gently kicked the four Rakshasa ghosts and showed a faint smile on his face.

The four Rakshasa ghosts are well-known figures in the killing world, but they were solved by Aoki "by the way".

They probably never thought that they would end up like this.

Aoki carried the four Rakshasa ghosts to a special room.

The room was very empty, but the surrounding walls were nailed with shackles.

He put the four Rakshasa ghosts in one by one, and tied them up with chains made of steel bars as thick as an adult's arm.

In this way, even if the four Rakshasa ghosts gained the power of the upper string level, they would not be able to break free.

After getting ready, Aoki picked up a scalpel.

"Then, let's start the experiment. Let me see what the secret of the power of the dangerous species is."

Although he is not as good as Miss Tamayo, he is also a real doctor.

This is also one of the reasons why he chose "doctor" first when choosing a half-star profession.

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