"Don't run!"

"Leone, pay back the money you owe to our big brother!"



There was a commotion.

Aoki and Kurohiro, who were strolling, stopped and turned to look.

On the street, a group of people were chasing and cursing. Their target was a woman with long golden hair, revealing clothes, beautiful appearance, and strong wildness.

Kurohiro quietly took a half step forward and blocked Aoki behind.

Aoki patted her shoulder, signaling her to stay calm, and looked at the blonde woman with a little emotion in his heart.

Before, he said that he would definitely meet the members of the Night Raid, but he didn't expect to meet them so soon.


One of the members of the Night Raid.

Teigu, the user of the Lion King.

From her temperament, it can be seen that she is indeed very compatible with the Lion King.


Long-term use of Teigu may be corroded by the Teigu, especially the transformation-type Teigu of the Lion King, which is more dangerous than the armor-type Teigu of the evil spirit.

I wonder if Leone has been corroded now?


Leone laughed and ran all the way.

She grew up in the slums and was very familiar with this place. Those behind him could not catch up with him at all.

At this moment, Leone was stunned.

Two people suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the way.

However, this was not the key.

The key was the girl.

"She looks like Akame. I remember Akame does have a sister."

Leone thought about it and a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Wow, get out of the way!"

She shouted and rushed directly towards the two people.

Hei Tong glanced at Qing Mu.

Qing Mu shook his head imperceptibly.

Hei Tong hesitated for a moment and put down the palm that was stretched to Hachifusa.

The other party was deliberately rushing towards them. As a top assassin, she certainly could see this.

However, since Qing Mu said it was okay, she would wait and see.


Leona hugged the two of them: "There's no other way. Since we bumped into each other, I can only take you away with me!"

She hugged Aoki with one hand and Hei Tong with the other, laughing and continuing to rush forward. After turning around, she entered an empty alley.

Leona looked around and made sure that those people didn't catch up. Then she put down Aoki and Hei Tong and laughed with her hands on her hips.

"Hahaha, I finally got rid of them!"

Hei Tong looked at Leona silently.

She could see that although this woman was careless, she was always very vigilant.

"How did you get involved with those people?" Aoki asked.

"I just lost some money in a bet. Hey, those people are so stingy!"

Leona waved her hand carelessly and grinned again: "I'm really sorry for involving you today. I'll treat you to a drink!"

"Do you have money?" Aoki asked.

Leona's face suddenly fell.

She forgot about it.

Although Ye Xi paid a salary, and the salary was not low, she would spend it all as soon as she got the money.

Anyway, Ye Xi provided food and accommodation, so she didn't have to worry about starving herself.

"Meeting is fate, I'll treat you!"

Qingmu waved his hand, and suddenly there was a jar of wine in his palm.

Leone's nose twitched slightly, and a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face.

A deserted small courtyard.

Qingmu and the other two sat on the ground.

Hula la.

The clear wine fell and soon filled the cup.

Leone couldn't wait to pick up the cup, took a big sip, wiped his mouth, and said happily: "Ha! Good wine!"

Qingmu took the initiative to say: "My name is Qingmu, and this is my friend, Hei Tong."

Leone's eyes condensed slightly, and then laughed nonchalantly: "I am Leone, hehe, come on, cheers for our acquaintance!"

Hei Tong ignored the two, picked up the cup, tasted it gently, and his pretty face wrinkled into a ball.

Is this wine?

It's so hard to drink?



Didn't Aoki say that she couldn't taste food anymore and could only live by drinking blood?

After finishing a whole jar of wine, Leone said goodbye.

"Hehe, it's dark now, I should leave! I had a lot of fun today. Where are you staying? I'll come to visit you later!"

"We just came to the capital and don't have a fixed place to stay. We are planning to find a hotel later."

Aoki said.

Leone put her arm around his shoulders and said casually: "How about this, I'll recommend you one, it's absolutely good value for money, and it's guaranteed to be safe!"

"Okay!" Aoki didn't refuse.

Leone is considered a local snake here.

Although she can't get in touch with the upper class, she eats very happily in the lower class.

With her help, it really saves the effort of searching.

Of course.

You have to be careful not to be cheated by her.

This woman sometimes has a very bad personality. She even deceived Tatsumi, who was like a little white rabbit when she just came to the capital.

Led by Leona, the three of them came to a relatively prosperous street outside the imperial capital.

"It's here!"

Leona put his hands on his hips: "As long as you mention my name, you will..."

"Will you get a discount?"

Aoki looked up.

It looked like a proper hotel, and no problems were found for the time being.

Leona smiled and said: "There will be trouble, so don't mention my name!"


Just then, a loud shout sounded, and a middle-aged man poked his head out from the second floor of the hotel, staring at Leona with anger on his face.

"Hahaha, I'm leaving, good luck to you!"

Leona ran away with a big laugh.

The man on the second floor came to the door of the hotel panting and looked around.

"Where are the people? Where are the people? Where is Leona?"

"She has left!"

Aoki said.

"This damn girl!"

The man took a breath, and the anger on his face gradually disappeared: "Are you two going to stay in the hotel?"

Aoki nodded: "Yes!"

"You were brought by Leona, right?"

The man smiled: "Leona must have said not to mention her name, otherwise there will be trouble or something."

"Leona did say that, is there any conflict between the boss and Leona?"

Aoki asked.

The man waved his hand: "Hey! There is no conflict, I was just beaten up by her."

Aoki: "..."

"But don't worry, guests, I will never take my anger out on you because of this!" The man patted his chest and promised.

Aoki didn't care and followed the man into the hotel.

Whether the man had malicious intentions or not, he didn't care.

Even if he stood still, the man couldn't do anything to him.

When he was about to enter the door, Aoki stepped forward again and looked at the wall next to him.

There were several wanted posters on it, and the wanted targets were one man and three women.

The man said: "That is a vicious criminal organization in the imperial capital, called Night Raid, which is famous for its assassination at night. If you go out at night, you must be careful."

"We are just ordinary people, we shouldn't be targeted by the killer, right?"

"That's true."

Hei Tong blinked twice.

At the top is the wanted poster of my sister.

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