Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 144 Four Super Dangerous Species

The firelight danced and heat filled the surroundings, dispelling the coldness of the night.

Heitong was lying next to the fire, curled up and asleep, holding a snack bag in his hand with the words "Heitong's snacks" written on it.

Aoki leaned on the rock, his head resting on his arms.

Since the day, he has been thinking about a problem.

Where did the complex spatial fluctuations here come from?

Space, or time and space, has a self-healing function, ranging from space cracks to space fluctuations. If there is no external influence, it will inevitably gradually disappear.

However, since the day, the spatial fluctuations here have not weakened even if the account is blocked.

There must be one or more sources!

Moreover, it must have something to do with the super dangerous species that teleported them here.

Find the source, destroy it, and then you can use space to travel away.

Out of caution, he had left two spatial imprints on the way here, which could be used now.

Aoki looked up.

If he could fly, he could quickly grasp the terrain here. However, as long as he raised his head, a faint sense of crisis would appear in his heart.

There must be something wrong in the sky!

"Is there another super dangerous species?"

Aoki grinned.

In addition to the super dangerous species that controls the power of space... there are three super dangerous species in this small area!


It should be said that there are at least three super dangerous species.

The sun pierced the darkness and the sky became bright again.

Heitong opened his eyes, grabbed Bafang, and sat up vigilantly.

"you're awake?"

A familiar voice came from the side. Heitong's body relaxed, he nodded, found his snack bag, took out a candy, and ate it.

"I plan to go to the sky and have a look." Aoki said.

Don't give up on the investigation just because of a slight sense of danger.

Even if there really is a super dangerous species living in the sky, it is impossible to kill him with one blow.

What he was worried about was that the super dangerous species would chase him down.

"how to get to?"

"I have a solution."

"Then I'll go with you!"

Aoki smiled.

As a partner, Black Eyes is indeed very reliable.

"No, it's more convenient for me to go up by myself, but you have to be prepared to fight.

If there really is a super dangerous species in the sky, and if we chase it down, we'd better repel it or even prepare to kill it. "

Black Eyes has a super dangerous doll that is very powerful.

Isn't it just for this time that Heitong has been allowed to retain his power before?

"I see!"

Black Eyes drew out the eighth room, but was not in a hurry to summon the doll.


Aoki spread out huge black bat wings behind him, and his figure soared into the sky.

The black pupils looked at his back, a little doubt appearing in the jewel-like black eyes.

"Is that a Teigu? It feels a little different."

Aoki shot up into the sky like a rocket.

When he approached the canopy, he waved his wings vigorously twice, then quickly retracted them. His whole body was like a cannonball, crashing into the canopy.

After a brief period of darkness, the vision suddenly opened up.

Qingmu rushed out of the tree canopy and looked around, with a look of surprise on his face.

Contrary to what he expected, what they were on was not an island.

Below him is a lush primeval forest, and at the end of the forest is a misty gray-white barren land with bones everywhere.

Through the fog, you can vaguely see a towering mountain peak further away.

The other side was just as he thought, an endless ocean.

Before Aoki could observe further, a sharp whistling sound suddenly reached his ears.

Before he could react, sharp wind blades fell on him.

Puff puff puff puff!

Aoki was instantly torn apart, even his head was split in two.

Huge wind pressure hit him, as if a pair of invisible hands were pressing on his body, and his body began to fall rapidly.

Aoki turned his eyes hard and looked in the direction of the wind blade. A huge gray-white figure appeared in his field of vision. It looked like a legendary pterosaur, with its wings spread nearly fifty meters.

"Sure enough, there is another super dangerous species."

Green trees smashed into the canopy.

At the same time, mouths sprouted from various parts of the body. After opening, a force of swallowing and sucking was produced.

The torn body began to assemble, regenerate, and recover.

Of course he can do this move as well.

However, the suction power is limited, so it can only be used by gathering the limbs.

When he was about to hit the ground, Aoki's body completely regenerated, and his bat wings spread out, slowing down part of his descent. However, he still fell to pieces, with 80% of his bones broken and all his internal organs ruptured.

However, when he stood up, he was back to normal.

The black pupils were stunned for a moment.

There are so many extraordinary things about this person.

Aoki said: "There is indeed a super dangerous species above. It looks like a pterosaur. It can attack like a wind blade and its destructive capabilities are terrifying."

If there was a real comparison, this super dangerous species was not as big of a threat to him as the previous one.

It's difficult to kill him completely with a wind blade. He can recover even if it is cut into minced meat.

"Then what should we do now?" Heitong asked.

"Go to the west and have a look!" Aoki said: "The west is an ocean."

He had just determined the direction through the position of the sun.

Hei Tong said: "Are there super dangerous species in the ocean?"

It is indeed possible.


Qing Mu said: "We have to see it to be sure, and then we can decide on the countermeasures."

Hei Tong agreed.

The two set off.

It was not an easy journey.

There are too many dangerous species in this forest, including a large number of super dangerous species.

The two killed their way through.

On the way, Qing Mu did not forget to look for the source of space fluctuations.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

It was the second day when they arrived at the beach.

With just one look, they knew that there were super dangerous species here.

A super-large snail was lying across the beach, like a small hill, and it could emit super strong mucus. Qing Mu tried to step on it, but finally cut off his leg to get away.

"It is basically certain that there are four super dangerous species here. Currently, three of them are at home, blocking the sky, the ocean, and the land."

Aoki said: "Next, let's discuss which side to use as a breakthrough point."

Hei Tong ate candy and was silent for a while: "We can only choose the dangerous species in the east."

Needless to say, she can't help the one in the sky at all.

This big snail, with mucus all over its body, can't move at all.

The only possible one is the dangerous species on the gray plain in the east that they haven't seen yet.

Aoki nodded: "However, before that, we have to confirm one thing, whether the dangerous species in the sky will come down to help."

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