After confirming that he could no longer see Esdeath, Qingmu slowed down his flight and looked down.

The world was completely covered with ice and snow, desolate, cold, and barbaric.

He looked far away and finally found two small villages in the distance.

After finding a place that could barely be called a road, Qingmu swooped down. After landing, he looked back in the direction he came from.

"What a crazy woman!"

Esdeath is a very complicated person.

She has a very high ability to command troops. The army she leads can be called the strongest army in the empire. With her strong personal strength, she is almost invincible.

Esdeath is very generous to her subordinates and the people. She often gives her gold and silver treasures awarded by the emperor to her subordinates, and prohibits her subordinates from harassing the people and accepting bribes.

She suppressed many invasions of foreign ethnic groups, and her military exploits are outstanding. She can be called a national hero.

In fact, Esdeath does have a large number of fans in the empire.

But at the same time, she follows the law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak, loves war and killing, believes that strength is justice, has no sympathy or mercy in her heart, and loves torture and interrogation. She is strong and domineering, cold and ruthless.

Esdeath cannot be evaluated by the moral standards of ordinary people.

Perhaps, it is most appropriate to treat her as a knife instead of a human being.

Esdeath is a sharp, bloodthirsty demon sword that can save lives and expand territory, but if you are not careful, you will hurt yourself.

"By the way, Esdeath is a super-shaky Ace. I remember seeing a sentence somewhere saying that every Ace hides a heart of love. If you are strong enough, can you train Esdeath to be..."

Qingmu suddenly stopped this dangerous thought.

Don't think about those messy things, anyway, he doesn't have that strength.

Qingmu's attention left Esdeath and thought about the current situation in the world.

Esdeath is still alive, which means that the empire has not fallen apart.

The Empire is the most powerful country in the world, with a history of more than a thousand years.

Today, under the leadership of the Minister, the entire Empire has become corrupt, dark, cruel, and bloody, and is rapidly approaching the brink of collapse.

It is worth mentioning that Esdeath is the Minister's ally.

Esdeath uses the Minister's influence to create opportunities for fighting and killing for herself, and the Minister uses Esdeath's strength to consolidate her rule.

There is a special weapon in this world, called the Imperial Equipment.

In order to maintain long-term rule, the founding emperor of the Empire used the power of the whole country to use the materials of super dangerous species, rare metals such as Orichalcum, and a large number of lost secrets to create forty-eight weapons that cannot be replicated.

This is the Imperial Equipment.

However, in a war hundreds of years ago, part of the Imperial Equipment was lost and flowed to the people, shaking the rule of the Empire.

In this era, the Minister was in power behind the curtain, controlling the young emperor and controlling the government. The situation completely collapsed, and rebellions broke out everywhere.

Aoki didn't care about the problems of the Empire, but he was very interested in the Imperial Equipment.

He raised his left hand, and the silver flower on the back of his hand became very dim. The energy stored in it had been exhausted, and it was unknown how long it would take to be refilled.

"Should we take advantage of this time to collect a few imperial artifacts?"

Thinking of imperial artifacts, the first thing that came to Aoki's mind was the manipulation armor and the evil spirit.

The imperial artifact that Tatsumi inherited from Brand.

Made from the muscles of the super dangerous species Tyrande, it has excellent defense and can greatly improve physical fitness.

In addition, there are Esdeath's Demon God Appearance, the Devil's Essence, the Red Eyes' One-Hit Kill, the Demon Sword Murasame, etc.

"The Devil's Essence has been absorbed by Esdeath. Even if she is killed, she will most likely be destroyed with her in the end. The evil spirit is not bad."

Aoki's expression moved, and he thought of another imperial artifact.

The first and strongest imperial artifact, inherited by the imperial royal family, is the national guardian mecha, the Supreme Throne (Note 1).

The little emperor who has no experience in using it can easily destroy a block with one strike. If he attacks a few times at random, the entire imperial capital is at risk of collapse.

Qingmu thought silently about his next move.

Since he came to this world, even if he couldn't solve the problem, he had to make good use of the resources of this world.

He was invincible in the demon slayer world, but it might not be the case in other worlds.

If you want to do something well, you must first sharpen your tools.

Without sufficient strength, even if he found an opportunity to break the predicament, he might not be able to get it.

The excitement of traveling through the world gradually cooled down, and Qingmu's thinking became clear.

"Two things are most important, one is to upgrade the level, and the other is to try to obtain the imperial equipment."

The people in this world are very strong.

Maybe they can support the "King of the Different Demons" to continue to upgrade.

However, this still requires some experiments.

The imperial equipment can solve his problem of insufficient attack.

The demon's regeneration ability is strong, coupled with space shuttle and bat wings, his ability to save his life is very strong, but his destructive power is seriously insufficient.

As long as he gets a suitable imperial equipment, his strength will increase greatly.

However, it is not that simple to use the imperial equipment.

The imperial equipment depends on the compatibility. If the compatibility does not match, it cannot be used forcibly.

Moreover, the compatibility of each imperial equipment is different.

Some imperial tools have been sealed for many years, and no one has met the requirements.

"After thinking about it, I feel that the most suitable one for me is the Supreme Throne!"

Aoki muttered to himself.

First of all, if you want to choose, you should choose the best one.

In terms of destructive power, imperial tools like the Cross Tail are not at the same level as the Supreme Throne.

Secondly, the use requirement of the Supreme Throne is the most clear, that is, royal bloodline.

For others, this is a completely unattainable condition.

However, Aoki can give it a try.

He even thought of two ways immediately.

The first is to simulate the bloodline of royal members by complete mimicry ability.

He is not sure whether it can be done.

Because he does not know how the Supreme Throne distinguishes bloodline.

The second way is to turn the little emperor into a ghost and swallow him.

However, after turning into a ghost, the bloodline may be destroyed.

"Let's go to the imperial capital first!"

Aoki put away his thoughts.

Next, the imperial capital is where the wind and clouds gather, and it is also the best opportunity to obtain imperial tools.

The first goal is the Supreme Throne.

But if there is a chance, you can also try to collect other imperial tools.

Because the burden and consumption of the imperial equipment are extremely great, under normal circumstances, each person can only use one imperial equipment, but he is not afraid of getting hurt, so he may use more.

After confirming the direction, Qingmu left quickly.

The target is not the imperial capital, but a village he saw before.

He doesn't even know the direction of the imperial capital.

He has to find someone to ask for directions first.


Note 1: Some translations call it the throne of the first emperor, but I think it sounds better as the supreme throne.

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