Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 128: The King of the Others and Soul Shock

"Take care of yourself!"

"See you later."

"Hahaha, after I go back, I must have a good sleep."

Everyone separated from each other and then left, leaving only five people: Aoki, Mitsuri Kanroji, Miss Tamashi and Sister Butterfly.

Although it was Aoki who picked the person up, I'm sorry, but he didn't take care of him.

The five people strolled under the moonlight, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

Butterfly Kanae sighed: "Now I still feel like I'm in a dream. Muzan Kibutsuji died so easily."

"not simple."

Aoki shook his head.

In terms of blood volume, Muzan Demon Tsuji is definitely the thickest among the ghosts he has killed.

Although it is not dangerous, it is still quite strenuous to fight.


In order to kill Onimusuji Muzan, they started making preparations very early, including making poison, setting plans, etc.

Zhu Shi said: "The aging medicine is of no use at all, and the poisonous effect of destroying cells is not great. Fortunately, Mr. Aomura is strong enough."

"The aging poison still has some effect, otherwise, Kibutsuji Mumei would not collapse so quickly." Aoki said.

The battle between him and Oniwu Tsuji Muzan lasted for about 20 minutes, which means that in the end, Oniitsuji Muzan aged about 2,000 years.

These lifespans may be nothing to Kibutsuji Muzan at his peak.

However, after being severely weakened by "Swallowing Ghosts", this 2000-year-old is very fatal.

Mitsuri Kanroji did not participate in the discussion of credit, and walked cheerfully in front, then suddenly turned around.

"Kibutsuji Mukai is dead. Does that mean that after we kill all the ghosts in the world now, there will be no more ghosts in the future?"

Aoki shook his head: "With the tragic death of Onibatsuji Mu, all the ghosts under his control will die. Now the only ghosts in the world are me, Miss Tamashi, and Yushiro."

Ganluji Mili blinked blankly: "That's it, that's really great!"

Everyone else looked calm, obviously already knowing the news.

Aoki stopped and said, "Let's go back to Butterfly House directly!"

Everyone had no objection, and they grabbed his arms on both sides.

A flower before my eyes, and the world changes.

Kanzaki Aoi, Kanaehu and the three little girls sat in the room without saying a word, all looking very nervous.


The sound of the door opening sounded.

The five people rushed out without hesitation and saw a man and four women in the yard at a glance.

Butterfly Kanae smiled softly and said: "Kui-chan, Kanae, we have defeated Onimushuji Mukai."

Shanahu's expression was a little dazed, Kanzaki Aoi's face was full of excitement, and the other three little girls were already cheering loudly.

Although it was very late, everyone was in high spirits. They moved a table to the yard, brought many pastries and snacks, and chatted while eating.

It wasn't until late at night that they dispersed.

Aoki returned to his room and turned on the system with a thought.

I didn't bother to check it before, but now I can take a closer look at the harvest.

The familiar blue screen appeared in the field of vision.

[Name: Aoki]

【Strength: 26】

[Physique: 25]

[Intelligence: 25]

[Agility: 25]

[Occupation: Hunter, King of the White Walkers, Martial Artist]

[Free attribute points: 10]

【King of the White Walkers】

Quality: ★★☆

Level: lv20 (0/2000)

Skills: Ghost Blood Ⅵ, Space Travel Ⅱ, Transparent World Ⅱ, Swallowing Ghosts Ⅱ, Soul Shock (not learned yet)

Aoki first looked at the job title.


The "White Walker" has become the "King of the White Walkers", and the quality has also changed from two stars to two and a half stars.

The level that has already reached the peak can continue to be improved.

After killing Heishimou and reaching level 20, the experience will be overflowing. Killing Muzan Kibutsuji should also earn a lot of experience.

However, none of these experiences were inherited.

Everything has to start over.

Aoki looked upward, and his energy suddenly lifted, and the depression of not being able to inherit the experience was swept away.

A total of 10 free attribute points!

A level 20 two-and-a-half-star profession has exactly 10 more free attribute points than a level 20 two-star profession.

He had previously thought about whether these attribute points would be replenished, and how they would be distributed if so, but he did not expect that they would directly appear as his own attribute points.

Simple and crude.

However, he likes it.

10 free attribute points are enough to take his strength to another two levels.

"But, having said that, I am already invincible in this world. Whether my strength continues to improve does not seem to have much significance."

Aoki shook his head and didn't think much about it.

No matter what, improving strength is a good thing.

He looked at the skill bar again, and finally there was an additional skill, which was the third reward of the "Path of the Ghost King".

"Soul shock?"

Aoki's eyes gradually brightened.

Now his strength has been perfected.

The displacement skill has "space shuttle", which is equivalent to flashing and teleporting. There is no cooling time. It is extremely easy to use whether it is attacking or retreating.

The offense also has the Aoki style created by myself. Although it does not have a real sure-kill move, it is usually enough.

Defense... no need to defend at all, infinite regeneration, casual injury.

Perception has a "transparent world", 360-degree perception without blind spots, does not rely on eyes, and has a predictive effect.

The only thing he lacked was a control skill.

"Soul Shock" made up the last link.

"Soul Shock", as the name suggests, is to launch a mental attack on the soul, which can cause mental confusion and slow movements at the least, and even soul collapse at the worst.

It is a bit similar to Muzan Kibutsuji's shock wave.

However, Muzan's shock wave mainly targets the body, while "Soul Surfing" targets the soul.

The latter is more bizarre and more difficult to defend against than the former, but the damage is not as good as the former.

If the distance is close, Muzan Kibutsuji's shock wave can even kill the pillar.

However, "Soul Surfing" is difficult to directly cause death unless the strength gap is too large.

This is mainly a control skill, and the specific effect depends on the strength of the enemy.

In addition, when facing some special enemies, "Soul Shock" may have a miraculous effect.

Aoki was not happy for too long, and soon found a serious problem.

The current state of "Soul Shock" is that it can be learned, but the learning requirement is-6 free skill points!

"Well, this is also expected."

Aoki shook his head and suppressed the impulse in his heart.

After all, he is fighting against the "King of the Others".

Although he hopes that he can learn with one skill point, that is obviously impossible.

Six skill points are acceptable, but the question is, where can he get the skill points?

Currently, there are three ways for him to obtain skill points: quests, upgrades, and ghost swallowing.

The first one can only wait passively.

As for the second and third ones, they all require killing ghosts.

However, after Muzan Kibutsuji died, there are only three ghosts left in the world, including him. Where can he collect skill points?

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