Aoki calculated.

There were 17 ghosts besieging him today, not counting the hand ghost, and they gave him 90 experience points in total.

"The benefits dropped so fast. It seems that there is no need to specifically look for these weak ghosts to kill in the future."

[Ding Dong! ]

["Teng Xishan Dungeon" completed, rewards have been issued. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade! ]

"It has to be a mission reward!"

Aoki exclaimed, thought for a while, and according to the previous plan, added the two free attribute points this time to intelligence and agility respectively.

A cool breath passed through his body, and Aoki felt refreshed. His thinking speed increased slightly, and his swollen muscles also returned to symmetry.

There is nothing to say about the skill points. He added them directly to "ghost blood" and got the prompt of "all attributes +1" again.

Aoki was about to check the changes in the system, and suddenly froze.

An unprecedented feeling surged into his heart, as if he had taken off a lot of shackles, every cell was cheering, and every drop of blood was shouting.

Relaxed! Free! Carefree!

Like a new life!

Aoki was inspired: "Has the curse that Muzan Muzan planted in my body disappeared?"

When Muzan Muzan Muzan creates a ghost, he will leave a curse in the blood. Any ghost who says his name will be killed by the curse.

In addition, he can control the blood given to ghosts, seal the ghost's regeneration ability, and can easily kill any ghost.

It can be said that once you become a ghost, you will never be able to resist Muzan.

At present, the only exceptions should be Tamayo and Yushiro.

The former relied on his superb medical skills to do many experiments on himself and got rid of Muzan's control. Yushiro is the only ghost who was not created by Muzan and is not bound by the curse.

This is also a thorn in Aoki's heart.

Changing to a strange ghost did not let him get rid of Muzan's control. Life and death are completely in Muzan's hands.

Getting rid of Muzan's control is more important to him than any more attributes.

"No, it's more than that!"

Aoki carefully felt his changes and gradually understood in his heart.

It's not as simple as getting rid of Muzan, but completely controlling his own bloodline and completely cutting off the connection with Muzan.

"I was thinking about whether to ask Tamayo for help, but I didn't expect that this hidden danger would be eliminated just like that. System Daddy. It really won't disappoint you!"

Aoki exclaimed and looked at the system panel.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 13]

[Constitution: 11]

[Intelligence: 12]

[Agility: 11]

[Occupation: Hunter, White Walker]


[White Walker]

Quality: ★★

Level: lv4 (118/400)

Skills: Ghost Blood III, Space Shuttle (not yet learned), Transparent World (not yet learned), Devouring Ghosts

It can be said that the weak novice period has been completely passed.

Aoki subconsciously tried to learn some skills.

Transparent World.

[Sorry, the prerequisite skill level is not enough. ]

Space Shuttle.

[Sorry, insufficient skill points. 】

"Still can't learn... huh?"

Aoki suddenly came back to his senses: "Space shuttle, can I learn it?"

He tried again, and the system prompt was still "Insufficient skill points".

"Is the requirement for space shuttle lower than that for transparent world? However, if you think about it carefully, it is reasonable. After all, transparent world is much more difficult than blood ghost art here."

Aoki nodded secretly and studied it carefully.

Soon, he found a bad news.

The requirements for learning and upgrading skills have become higher!

To learn "space shuttle", 2 skill points are required, and to upgrade "ghost blood" again, 3 skill points are required.

"It seems that the stage of rapid strengthening is over!"

Aoki thought thoughtfully.

The most important reason why his four-dimensional attributes can be improved so much in a short period of time is the improvement brought by "ghost blood".

If you learn "space shuttle" first, you can upgrade "ghost blood" again after reaching level 9.

Aoki put aside these complicated thoughts.

This trip to Tengxi Mountain ended successfully, and the harvest was more abundant than expected.


It's time to leave.

This is not a place to stay for a long time.

Aoki flew down the mountain without any regrets.

At the same time.

On the bustling streets of Asakusa.

A black-haired young man with a delicate outfit and a pale face was walking slowly in the crowd.

The people around him were playing and laughing, completely unaware that there was a man-eating evil ghost hiding next to them.

Suddenly, Muzan Kibutsuji paused and turned his head subconsciously. His eyes seemed to penetrate through the space and reached the distant Fujiki Mountain.

After a moment, his eyes became angry and a little unbelievable.

"What's going on? How did he do it?"

Just now, he felt that a certain connection was suddenly disconnected. After sensing it, he found that it was the ghost created not long ago that got rid of his control.

"Is there any secret about that human? I should have studied it more at that time!"

Muzan Kibutsuji's eyes were cold.

He hated changes, and he hated this kind of change that was completely beyond his expectations.

However, in addition to being angry, he also felt a little regretful.

"It doesn't matter, just catch him! Is there anyone nearby? Ling Yuzi? No, one is not enough, we need a few more, and make sure you catch him for me!"

The expression on Kibutsuji Muzan's face became extremely terrifying, and he slowly walked towards the alley shrouded in shadows. The moment his body was shrouded in shadows, he disappeared silently.

The moonlight is melting and the autumn night is like water.

Two figures, one large and one small, walked side by side, moving at an astonishing speed.

The figure of Teng Xishan moved from far to near, and when they reached the foot of the mountain, they stopped.

The petite female ghost has short white hair, double horns on her forehead, red eyes and purple pupils, and symmetrical red lines on her face.

The tall figure next to her had a pair of curved horns on both sides of his head, and his face was ferocious, like a bull's head.

"Is this right here?"

The female ghost looked up at Teng Xishan and frowned deeply.

Wisteria flowers!

And there were so many wisterias!

That adult really gave them a troublesome mission.

not far away.

Two members of the Demon Slayer Corps wearing brown uniforms walked slowly over

"I just heard something moving here."

"Did you hear it wrong? Who would come here in the middle of the night?"

"Maybe it's a ghost?"

"Hahaha, ghosts will attack the mountain with vines? If they smell the wisteria flowers every few kilometers, they will turn around and run away."

"That's not necessarily the case, just in case..."

The conversation between the two stopped suddenly, and they looked at the two figures at the foot of the mountain.

"It's a ghost!"

"There's really a ghost!"

The two looked at each other with serious expressions.

"They don't seem to have noticed us yet."


The two nodded and slowly drew out the long swords at their waists.

"Breath of water, kata of one, water cut!"

They rose up at the same time and attacked the ghost.

The two ghosts showed no reaction.

Just when the two thought they were about to succeed, they suddenly spurted blood from their mouths and flew back, their chests visibly collapsed.

The two ghosts turned around slowly, with teasing and ridicule in their eyes.

The two members of the Demon Slayer Corps fell into an ice cellar.

Through the moonlight, they could clearly see that the two ghosts had words engraved in their eyes, which were "Xialu" and "Xiasi" respectively.

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