Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 114 The three girls met for the first time

After getting the sunshade hat, Tamayo's childishness was aroused and she played all day.

She even went for a walk on the street at noon when the sun was the strongest.

The sun set, the sunset faded, and night fell again.

"Are you ready?" Aoki asked.

Tamayo nodded and looked at Yushiro standing next to her: "Yushiro, I'll leave the house to you."

Yushiro nodded reluctantly.

Aoki grabbed Tamayo's arm, and then the two disappeared into the room.

Tamayo felt a flash before her eyes, and she came from the familiar room to a large courtyard, and calmed down: "Where is this?"

Before Aoki could answer, Ubuyashiki Amane came over.

"Mr. Aomura, is this Miss Tamayo?"

"Yes!" Aoki said again: "Miss Tamayo, this is Mrs. Amane, the wife of the head of the Ubuyashiki family, the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps."

"Sorry to bother Miss Tamayo!"

"Mrs. Amane, you're welcome!"

After the greetings, the three of them walked inside together.

On the way.

Madam Tianyin explained, "We were too tired yesterday, and the head of the family, Yoya, was injured more severely and was bedridden. We couldn't come to greet him. Please forgive me, Miss Tamayo."

"Madam Tianyin, don't worry!"

While Tamayo was speaking, she was also secretly looking at the courtyard.

It was a little different from what she imagined. There were no layers of guards, and no pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps were seen. On the surface, it looked like an ordinary rich family courtyard.

Led by Ubuyashiki Tianyin, the three came to a room. As soon as they entered, a pungent smell of herbs hit them.

Ubuyashiki Yoya was lying in the middle of the room, and two children dressed as girls were taking care of him.

One of them was actually a boy.

The descendants of the Ubuyashiki family were weak, and when they were young, they would raise their sons as daughters.

"Is it Mr. Aoki and Miss Tamayo?"

Ubuyashiki Yoya was lying on the hospital bed. Although he looked weak, his voice was still calm and his smile remained gentle.

Tamayo secretly admired.

Leading the Demon Slayer Corps and fighting against demons for thousands of years, the Ubuyashiki family was indeed extraordinary.

When her eyes moved to the face of Ubuyashiki Yoya, she was also shocked.

It is really a strange and even terrifying disease.

Aoki said: "Excuse me, head of the Ubuyashiki family."

"Mr. Aomura is trying to save me, why bother?" Ubuyashiki Yoya turned his head slightly and faced Tamayo: "Excuse me, Miss Tamayo."

"Here is the head of the Ubuyashiki family. You don't have to be polite. I admire the Ubuyashiki family for fighting against Muzan Kibutsuji for a thousand years." Tamayo said.

After a few polite words, Tamayo began to check Ubuyashiki Yoya's body.

After the end, Aoki and the other two left and came to another room.

"How is it?"

Aoki asked.

Tamayo's face was a little serious: "It's terrible. If it continues like this, the head of the Ubuyashiki family may not even last five years."

"Five years."

Ubuyashiki Amane lowered her eyes.

This year, Ubuyashiki Yoya is 19 years old, and he will only be 24 years old in five years.

However, this is the fate of the Ubuyashiki family.

Since the appearance of Muzan Kibutsuji, no one in the Ubuyashiki clan has lived past 30 years old.

Aoki knew that what Miss Tamayo said was true.

The truth is even more cruel. About three years later, Ubuyashiki Yoya will be on the verge of death.

"Can it be delayed?" Aoki asked.

Tamayo nodded: "You can try, but the premise is that the condition cannot continue to worsen."

"Once Muzan Kibutsuji is killed, the curse of the Ubuyashiki clan should be lifted. As for whether the condition will worsen..." Aoki couldn't judge.

"That's enough." Tamayo's tone became relaxed: "As long as the curse disappears, under ideal conditions, the head of the Ubuyashiki family should be able to live to more than 40 years old."

"Forty years old? "

Aoki looked at Mrs. Amane.

Ubuyashiki Amane was already in tears.


After leaving some medicine and agreeing to come back for a follow-up visit in two days, Aoki took Miss Tamayo away.

Chewu House.

Kanae Kochi and Shinobu Kochi sat opposite each other.

"Sister, what kind of person do you think Miss Tamayo is?"

Kanae Kochi thought for a while and said, "She must be a kind and knowledgeable woman who can be friends with Mr. Aomura!"

Shinobu Kochi guessed, "The poison she designed is very scary. I think she is more likely to be a serious and cold person."

Kanae gently scolded, "Okay, stop guessing. When they come, you will know. "

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a spatial fluctuation in the room, and two figures emerged out of thin air.

The man on the left was so familiar to them.

Kanae Kocho and Shinobu Kocho immediately looked at the woman next to Mr. Aomura.

She looked about 20 years old, wearing a solemn kimono, with her hair tied up, her face was exquisite and flawless, her eyes were calm, and her eyes were slightly vicissitudes. She had an intellectual and elegant temperament that made people unable to take their eyes away.

"What a beautiful woman!"

Both of them couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

She had a good appearance and temperament, and there was a contradictory feeling of youth and vicissitudes.

At the same time, Tamayo was also looking at the two girls opposite.

The two looked similar, and they could be seen as sisters at a glance, but one was tall and beautiful, gentle as water, and the other was petite and cute, serious and serious, with completely different temperaments.

"This is Kocho Kanae, the Demon Slayer Corps pillar. This is Kanae's sister, Kocho Shinobu, who is a master of poison. They were born into a family of medicine, with a long history of family learning and outstanding talents."

"This is Miss Tamayo."

Aoki briefly introduced them to each other.

Kocho Kanae smiled: "Miss Tamayo, I have heard of your name for a long time. The poison you made is amazing."

"Your design is also very delicate."

Tamayo said, secretly surprised in her heart.

She did not feel hostility from these two people. If nothing unexpected happened, this must be the credit of Mr. Aoki.

But she could also feel that her sister seemed to be a little wary of her, but her sister, who was the pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps, was very friendly to her.

That kind of gentle smile made her want to get close to her.

This is a girl who is gentle to the bone.

Kanae said: "Ms. Tamayo, regarding the use of two medicinal materials in the poison you made..."

Tamayo said: "That was the inspiration I got from a medical book from abroad, combined with the reaction of Muzan Kibutsuji's blood..."

The two of them discussed enthusiastically, and Shinobu Kocho soon joined in.

The three of them became more and more excited as they talked, and the topic became more and more professional.

Aoki watched for a while, quietly left the room, looked at the three people's excited appearance, and a smile appeared on his face.

He was worried that the three of them would be unhappy with each other, so he prepared to do a good job of lubricating.

Unexpectedly, the three of them chatted enthusiastically and left him aside.

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