Mitsuri Kanroji reluctantly said goodbye to her family, and her mood rarely fell into depression.

She liked the life of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Using her own strength to help others made her find the meaning of her own existence.

However, she was still very sad when she parted with her family.

Kocho Kanae and Kocho Shinobu also had some ups and downs in their hearts.

Mitsuri Kanroji's happy family reminded them of their own families.

Their family was once so happy.

Everything was destroyed because of the demons.

At the same time, they admired this girl who looked soft and weak even more.

There are many people who join the Demon Slayer Corps because of pain and hatred, but there are very few people who have happy and complete families and still choose to risk their lives to fight demons.

Each one is particularly admirable.

Kurihana Raku Kanae was silent as always, following the three like a little tail.

For a while, none of the four spoke.

Until a strange message came to their ears.

Shattered bodies, strange wooden lizards... from a few words, they realized the problem.

After careful questioning, unfortunately, most people heard it from hearsay, and no one could explain what happened specifically.

But they were basically sure that this matter was related to ghosts.

"This time, a ghost really appeared." Kanroji Mitsuri's expression was a little serious.

Her parents, relatives, and friends all live here.

Kocho Shinobu asked: "Sister, what should we do now?"

Kocho Kanae thought for a while: "Could the wooden lizard be the Upper String Four?"

She remembered that Mr. Aomura said that one of the Upper String Four's clones had the ability to control the wooden lizard.

The blood demon arts of ghosts are almost the same.

However, she was not very sure without seeing it with her own eyes.

"The Upper String Four?"

Kanroji Mitsuri puffed up her face.

Upper String ghosts are much more harmful than ordinary ghosts.

Such a terrible ghost actually appeared in the place where she lives?

Shinobu Kocho thought: "I remember that the one who can control the wooden lizard is Apokazu Ten, who is the most powerful clone of the Upper Four. Who is he fighting?"

The three looked at each other, and a name came to their minds.

"Let's go and meet Mr. Aomura first!" Kocho Kanae made the decision.

The other three had no objection.

The four quickened their pace and left quickly, and soon arrived at the agreed place.

They saw from a distance that a person was practicing boxing under the shade of the tree in front.

"Mr. Aomura is here."

Kanae was about to go over, but suddenly froze and her steps became slower and slower.

Shinobu Kocho and Mitsuri Kanroji had similar reactions.

Tall trees pierced the sky, and the huge treetops formed a shadow that separated them.

Aoki was in the shadow, and Kocho Kanae and the other four stood in the sun, with doubts, confusion, and confusion on their faces.

Aoki had heard the movement and stopped what he was doing.

"You are back."

The few people still did not react.

Aoki was surprised and asked, "What's wrong?"

Kanae Kocho thought for a moment and said, "It seems that something has changed in Mr. Aomura, and he is very different from before."

Mitsuri Kanroji nodded repeatedly and added in her heart, "He seems to be more handsome than before!"

Shinobu Kocho recalled, "It seems that similar changes have occurred before, but not as strong as now."

"Maybe it's because of this!"

Aoki understood, walked forward a few steps, let the sun cover him, and looked at them with a smile.

The few people were a little confused at first, but soon they widened their eyes one after another.

Kanae's beautiful face was full of shock: "Mr. Aomura, have you overcome the sun?"


Aoki sighed, "After being a ghost for so long, I can finally stand in the sun again."

Kanae Kocho, Shinobu Kocho and Mitsuri Kanroji were all dizzy.

A ghost who is not afraid of the sun has finally been born in the world.

Fortunately, this ghost is not an enemy.

If it was Muzan Kibutsuji, then the world would be forever in pain and darkness.

Aoki asked, "You are in such a hurry. What happened?"

Several people came back to their senses and finally remembered their purpose.

Kanae said, "Mr. Aomura, we found traces of Hantengu, the Upper 4th, in our city. Moreover, he seemed to have fought with someone last night."

Aoki did not hide it: "You got the news so quickly. Don't worry. I was fighting Hantengu last night."

"That Hantengu?" Shinobu Kocho showed an expectant expression.

Aoki said, "Of course he is dead!"

Although she had guessed the answer, Shinobu Kocho still couldn't help but feel excited.

"In this way, there is only one Upper 4th left!"

Mitsuri Kanroji was a little curious: "Mr. Aomura, how did you find Hantengu?"

Aoki shook his head: "I didn't look for him. I just ran into him on the road."


Mitsuri Kanroji was confused and amused: "The Upper 4th is too unlucky."

In the whole world, there is only one person who can easily kill him, and he just happened to run into him.

"Maybe this is his fate!" Aoki said.

Kanae Kocho took a deep breath, looked at Aoki with burning eyes, and said word by word: "Mr. Aomura, how is your strength now compared to Muzan Kibutsuji?"

Shinobu Kocho was refreshed and stared at Aoki.

She was also very curious about this question.

Overcoming the sunlight was something that Muzan Kibutsuji had not done.

Does this mean that Mr. Aomura has surpassed Muzan Kibutsuji?

In their expectant eyes, Aoki pondered for a while and said: "At least he will not be weaker than Muzan Kibutsuji!"

Kanae and Shinobu Kocho's eyes suddenly became very bright.

Mitsuri Kanroji's face was flushed and she was also very excited.

Shinobu Kocho's voice trembled a little: "Mr. Aomura, can we..."

Aoki raised his hand: "It's not that simple."

Shinobu Kocho was stunned, took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down.


Muzan Kibutsuji is so easy to kill?

The Demon Slayer Corps and Muzan Kibutsuji have been entangled for thousands of years, and they have the most profound feelings about this.

Let alone other things.

How to find Muzan Kibutsuji is a huge problem.

For so many years, let alone grasping Muzan Kibutsuji's whereabouts, they know almost nothing about Muzan Kibutsuji, including his appearance, abilities, etc.

Maybe there was once.

But the Demon Slayer Corps almost collapsed several times, and a lot of information was lost.

Now their understanding of Muzan Kibutsuji basically comes from Mr. Aomura.

Aoki said: "But don't be discouraged. I have a plan. When I go back, I plan to discuss it with the head of the Ubuyashiki family."

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