Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 106 Encounter with Hantengou

Kanae Kocho, Shinobu Kocho, Kanao Kurika and Mitsuri Kanroji went home to visit their families.

After making an appointment with them to meet in the jungle before, Aoki wandered around the street alone.

Familiar streets, familiar shops, and even familiar people.

Unconsciously, he came to the location of the Night Princess Club.

However, the luxurious building that once existed had disappeared, leaving only an empty lot.

"Has it been demolished?"

Aoki muttered to himself. Mitsuri Kanroji did not mention this, so it should have happened after she left.

An old man passing by interrupted and said, "Young man, are you talking about the Night Princess Club?"

Aoki nodded: "Yes, I remember it was still there when I came here last year!"

The old man looked disgusted: "This Night Princess Club is not a good thing. On the surface, it is an art club, but its true face is actually a den of abuse built by the Fujita family, which has killed countless girls. It is dirtier than my toilet!"

What a good analogy!

Aoki secretly praised in his heart and asked, "What happened next? Why was the Night Princess Society demolished?"

"More than half a year ago, the Night Princess Society was destroyed and the Fujita family was ruined. However, those crimes were not the main reason for the demolition of the Night Princess Society."

The old man said mysteriously: "It is said that the Night Princess Society was destroyed by a person. That person was a messenger sent by God. The Night Princess Society was hated by the gods. No one was willing to take over, and it had to be demolished in the end."

"God's messenger?"

Aoki's expression was subtle.

Looking at the situation of Muzan Kibutsuji, even if there are gods, ghosts are probably the objects of God's disgust.

The old man changed the subject and said with a smile: "By the way, young man, how old are you this year? Are you married?

I have a granddaughter who is only 28 years old. Her beauty is well-known in the whole Iikura. She is currently looking for a suitable marriage.

I think you have a good appearance and temperament. Do you want to meet my granddaughter?"

Aoki: "?"

Good guy.

You are here for a blind date.

However, looking at your appearance, it is hard to believe that you have a granddaughter as beautiful as a fairy.

"Sorry, uncle, I already have a fiancée."

Aoki said perfunctorily and left in a hurry.

When he faced the siege of Muzan Kibutsuji and the upper strings, the pressure was not so great.

"Where to go next? Should we go to the Fujita family?"

Aoki was thinking when a figure appeared in his vision.

It was a hunched old man, walking slowly against the wall. There was a huge tumor on his forehead. His face was old, his posture was cautious, and his body was trembling.

At first glance, this was a weak and inconspicuous ordinary old man.


Aoki almost blurted out.

This image is too familiar.

Moreover, the breath of this hunchbacked old man seemed weak, but in fact it was complex, elusive, and very strange.

He happened to run into one of the only two upper strings left when he went out by chance.

This was definitely the best luck in his ghost hunting career.

Hantengou was keenly aware of two different gazes. He turned his head and shuddered.



Without any hesitation, his body broke apart.

This was not suicide.

Hantengou's broken body quickly regenerated into four younger ghosts who looked very similar but had completely different temperaments.

In their eyes, the words "Upper String" and "Four" were engraved.

In fact, the four words "happiness, anger, sorrow and joy" were engraved on the tongues hidden in their mouths.

"Huh, you want to escape?"

Aoki had already opened the "transparent world" and clearly captured all the changes in Hantengou's body.

His figure flashed and appeared in front of a piece of Hantengou's exploded meat, and suddenly reached out to grab it.

The rotten meat suddenly turned into an old man the size of a mouse, very similar to Hantengou before the split.

Hantengou's blood demon art is complex and powerful.

Including the main body, he has a total of eight bodies.

Usually, he is a timid old man with a tumor on his head and no words in his eyes.

After splitting, he can be transformed into five ghosts, four ghosts of joy, anger, sorrow and happiness, and the real body, a timid ghost with a body like a mouse.

The timid ghost can mimic and transform into a tall and strong hate ghost.

After the angry ghost devours the happy ghost, the sad ghost and the happy ghost, he can transform into the most powerful hateful Botian and hateful ghost.

Hantengu's different clones can also use various types of attacks such as lightning and sound waves.

In terms of the richness of blood demon art functions, Hantengu is definitely one of the best.

However, among the upper strings, his weaknesses are also the most obvious.

His clones are not afraid of beheading, have rich abilities, and can cope with various environments, but the original body, the timid ghost, has no combat ability.

Jifutaro has weak hard power, and there is also the burden of Dakimaki. They practice both Yuhu combat methods, but neither of them is proficient enough. Hantengu has rich abilities, but has a huge weakness of the original body.

Although they are all upper strings, there is still a relatively obvious gap between the lower three and the upper three among the upper strings.


Half-tengou let out a cry of shock and anger as his body was caught in Aoki's hand. His body swelled and turned into a tall ghost of hatred. He clenched his fists and smashed towards Aoki.

Aoki's face was calm and he swept his arms.


The upper body of the ghost of hatred was torn off directly.

Although he was powerful, how could he compare with Aoki at this moment?

The four ghosts of joy, anger, sorrow and happiness also changed their faces.

They didn't understand why the defector locked onto the main body at once.

The last time they fought, they appeared directly in the form of Hateful Amber.

Logically, the secret should not be exposed.

The angry ghost did not hesitate and immediately began to devour the other three ghosts to transform into Hateful Amber.

Only Hateful Amber could possibly fight against the defector.

Qingmu didn't even look at them and pulled his arm back.


The remaining half of the chest of the hateful ghost was torn open directly, and an old man the size of a palm was forcibly pulled out by him.

"I caught you!"

"Let me go! Let me go!"

The cowardly ghost screamed: "Why do you bully me? I am so pitiful, and you still want to hurt me. Do you have a conscience? Don't you feel guilty?"


Qingmu showed a faint mockery on his face.

Bantiangou stole, robbed, and killed people when he was alive. He did all kinds of evil, and he pretended to be a victim. After becoming a ghost, there was still no change.

Everything is someone else's fault.

He will always be a victim.

The personalities of the upper ranks are more twisted than the others, and the most serious ones are Douma, the second upper rank, Gyoku, the fifth upper rank, and Hantengu, the fourth upper rank!

Whether the other three are good or bad is not mentioned, but at least they were normal people before they became demons, and the three of them were mentally twisted perverts when they were alive.

The angry demon finally swallowed the other three demons, and quickly beat the drum behind him. The huge wooden lizard broke out of the ground and bit Aoki.

"Too late!"

Aoki ignored it, tightened his palm, and thought: "Swallow the demon, swallow it for me!"


Hantengu struggled.

However, his body was too weak to break free from the shackles of the "Swallow the Demon", and his body was swallowed bit by bit.

The wooden lizard opened its mouth and bit Aoki.

But the next moment, it instantly turned into black smoke.

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