Get Rich: Starting from the Game of World of Warcraft

Chapter 283 Goblin technology will kill you

Oro will burrow into the ground every 90 seconds.

90 seconds later, Oro escaped underground.

"Everyone, be careful. If anyone is named, you must shout out."

Wen Xin quickly arranged: "The person named in the middle should not lead the mound to the big group. It is best to run to the outer circle of point Y. Don't be caught up. If you catch up, you will be killed instantly."

The mound chases people, and those who are chased will be killed for a second. If other people are affected, they will receive 1000 points of damage per second.

This is similar to Femis' poison. How the named person runs will determine whether others will be harmed, whether it is easy to avoid, and whether the running area will be compressed.

Facing Auro who had gone underground for the first time, everyone immediately became nervous, fearing that they would be singled out and become the team's sinner.

"Little beetle."

Qiufeng Luoye, who was responsible for pulling the mobs, saw a wave of small beetles spawning on the side and immediately went to catch them.

Wen Xin said: "Mage A, little beetle, don't be greedy for damage. The main thing is to run well and hide in the mounds."

As soon as he finished speaking, Oro summoned several mounds of soil and started chasing people.

On one occasion three persons were named and chased from the mound.

Hot and sour tofu pudding: "Ah, I was named."

Ah Dujun: "Why click on me? Don't chase me. I'll give you cough syrup."

Lemon: "Oh, you're chasing me."

The three people who were named were called on the mound for the first time, and they were a little overwhelmed for a while.

This is the most normal behavior of normal people. It is the first time to experience the Oro Mound Roll Call. Everyone is inexperienced, so they will definitely not be able to run smoothly.

Then, the three people panicked and ran towards the same point.

"It needs to be cold."

Wen Xin watched the three people crash and then be instantly killed by the mound: "Look, this is a negative lesson. Everyone must learn from it."

There is no penalty for the first hit. If you want to practice silky smoothness when running on the mound, you can only eliminate multiple players.

The others avoided the mound, and only three people died.

Wen Xin didn't let everyone give up: "Keep fighting. The more you run, the faster you can become proficient."

Oro will definitely have to burrow several times, and everyone must be able to run on the mound to successfully defeat it to the last 20% of its health and enter the final violent stage.

Next, it’s time to run on the mound.

Every time Oro names three people, a surging mound will appear a few meters behind them. If this mound touches the named people, it will kill them instantly.

The named person can run with surging mounds of dirt. If the mound chases someone, it will leave a surging mark on the ground. Anyone who steps on it will lose 1,000 blood per second and must avoid it.

When three people are called at a time, the runners need to be smart and try to run separately and not bring the mound into the big group.

In order to better avoid the mounds and make it easier to avoid the cracking of the earth when Oro gets up later, Wen Xin asked the large group to gather: "The large group gathered at station A where the little beetles were hiding in the mounds. Those named should not take the mounds with them." Go into the pile, come back after the roll call is over.”

Wen Xin leads a group run. The advantage of gathering in a large group makes it easier for the people named to run without having to worry about bumping into the group.

"Auro should be up soon. If we gather together, the ground will definitely crack under our feet. The ground will shake and crack. Everyone, stay away quickly. Don't be harmed by the cracking of the ground."

The large group gathers in position to control the location where Oro rises up. It is best to bring Oro back to the midfield position to facilitate the ground phase of the battle.

During the mound chasing stage, everyone was not skilled enough in running, and 8 people were lying on the ground.

If Oro loses 8 people, the pressure on the team will soar, making it almost impossible to kill it.

The main pressure comes from the last 20% of the violent stage. If there are too few people, it is impossible to hold on. It is best to enter the final violent stage with full strength.

"Everyone stay away."

Wen Xin led the group to the midfield position. The ground in the middle began to surge and crack, and Oro was about to get up.

Wen Xin asked everyone to quickly stay away from the midfield and not to break the ground.

As the mass dispersed, the earth cracked and Oro burst out of the ground.

Earth Rupture has knock-up and increased damage. If it takes damage, the group will be wiped out in an instant.

Command positioning is very important. Just like Femis commanding the position to run away and spray poison, if the command position is wrong, the team will be wiped out in an instant.

"Keep fighting, spread out according to the initial positions, and hold on until the next time Oro burrows."

It will definitely be destroyed this time. The reason why Wen Xin didn't call it destroyed was mainly to let everyone practice more.

With 8 people missing, the pressure on the ground increased sharply. Fortunately, only 2 people died during the treatment, so they would not collapse.

Another 90 seconds passed and Oro dived underground again.

Wen Xin is already prepared to wipe out the group after the end of this dive: "Gather in a large group, leave the group by name and take the mound away. Don't crash. Come back immediately after the mound is over."

The next step home is the enjoyable game of training and running the mound.

It's very joyful. Whenever someone is caught up by a mound and killed instantly, others will laugh happily.

“What a delicious dish.”

"It's a real dish. My 90-year-old grandma next door can cross the road faster than this."

"Here, why am I dead? It turns out that Caibi is myself."

Whoever the heaven spares, there is no recognition to escape the roll-calling skills.

Every time Wen Xin encountered a boss with a famous skill in the past, he would pray that he would not be hit. The most classic one was Talon Bloodfiend in the Dark Temple. He did not know how to hit the soul back then, and he would always pray that he would not be hit.

If you're lucky, you can avoid clicking several CSs in a row.

However, luck will always run out. As long as you play more, you will always be called out.

Therefore, if you want not to be afraid of being called out, you must know how to deal with it, and it is best to be able to deal with it skillfully.

Wen Xin now asked everyone how to deal with the mound chasers skillfully: "Very good, only 4 people died this time. When Oro wakes up later, everyone gives up treatment and waits for death. Let's quickly run away from the corpses and try again."

There are a total of 12 people lying down. The pressure in the ground phase will be very huge. There is no need to continue to persist. It is better to do it again and enter the underground phase again to continue training.

This time, Wen Xin did not let everyone run across the ground, but instead let everyone experience the feeling of flying.

Oro rushed out from the underground rupture, knocking everyone within the range of the earth rupture away.

The entire group's blood volume instantly dropped by two-thirds.

The collision was really flying, and it flew quite high.

Wen Xin was not worried about falling to death. He felt content flying in the air. He was in a good mood and observed the scene of other people flying. It must be very interesting to wait for the scene of a group of people falling to death.

Why is Wen Xin so confident?

Because he has the fashionable effect of a cloak that makes him land absolutely safely.

"Absolutely Safe Landing Cloak: A fashion that can change the shape of the cloak and has an absolutely safe landing effect. When the player falls from a high place, the height of the fall will be automatically determined. If the height will cause the player to fall to death, the parachute will automatically open."

Automatically open the umbrella, intelligent life-saving.


Wen Xin's blood bar was emptied and he fell to death.


Wen Xin was a little confused: "Why is the effect of the absolute safety cloak not triggered? It is said that the umbrella will automatically open and save lives intelligently?"

"The intelligent parachute opening determines that this height is not fatal, so the parachute will not be opened automatically."

Wen Xin was trapped in Bengbu. Daqing had to be able to fall from a height of 100% of his health before the parachute would automatically open. He could only fall from a height of one-third of his health. It was judged to be a non-fatal height, so the parachute did not open automatically.

This is definitely goblin technology, and not only will it shock you, it will kill you.

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