Road to Heaven, sending players to heaven.

Wen Xin and his party finally encountered a combination of four soul-slayers and killed them three times before killing them.

"The road to heaven, the player's nightmare."

"This is not a road to heaven, it is clearly a journey to hell."

"Haha, I haven't been tortured like this by a monster in a long time. It's really exciting."

It took half a day to walk through the road to heaven and reach the room of Oro, the penultimate boss in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Each group version must have numerical monsters and mechanical monsters, as well as abnormal monsters that combine the two.

Vishidus is a purely mechanical monster.

Oro is a numerical monster.

C'Thun is a monster with mechanical added value.

The numerical monster Oro tests the player's equipment level. If the equipment level is not enough, even if you know how to fight, you will not be able to kill it.

The equipment level of Wen Xin's team is definitely up to standard. As long as they play well, they will have a chance to win Oro.

Oro is a giant sandworm. He usually hides in the sand, but occasionally breaks out of the sand and soars into the sky, revealing his huge body.

Spicy glutinous rice balls saw Oro soaring into the sky and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's so majestic, it can compete with what I have."

Wuer mocked: "Don't flatter yourself, you only have the strength of one Oro's teeth."

Oro opened its huge mouth, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs. If anyone stood on the ground where it broke out, he would be swallowed by it.

Spicy glutinous rice balls are not ashamed but proud: "Oluo is huge. One of his teeth is as big as an eggplant. He is very strong."

Wen Xin, who didn't understand what they were discussing, said: "Auro is the last obstacle for us to challenge the ancient god C'Thun. If we take it down, we will be the first team in the game to see the ancient god. "

The name of the Ancient God is very impressive, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Wen Xin began to arrange Oro's battle.

"Oro will sweep, causing moderate physical damage to all targets within melee range and knocking them back. After 2 seconds, he will release a powerful taunting skill to the nearest player."

"Oro will definitely sweep the main tank away, so we must ask the secondary tank to exit the melee range before sweeping. When the melee tanks are all swept away, let Oro look at you."

Wen Xin made arrangements by name: "The Desert pulls Oro first, Wuyue builds the second hatred. When Oro sweeps the first 3 seconds, you immediately get out of the melee range."

Wuyue said: "No problem."

Wen Xin looked at Damo Guyan: "After the first sweep, Wuyue's hatred will definitely reach the top. After Damo comes back, you must continue to build up hatred, and wait until 3 seconds before the next sweep to stay away from the melee range."

Dade Guyan said: "Okay."

Wen Xin said to the two tanks: "You must be the most tired in this battle. You need to control the sweep rhythm at all times, in and out, and the control of hatred must be silky."

Oro tests the tank's hatred very much. If the tank is not smart, it is easy for the long-range and healers to ot.

With Desert Guyan and Wuyue, Wen Xin can rest assured that there is no better tank combination than them in the game.

Wen Xin continued to explain: "Raolo is unstable with just two tanks. Its sand burst skill will spit sand dust at the target with the highest hatred, causing about 4,000 points of natural damage and causing it to be stunned for 5 seconds. Targets affected by the sand dust will It will significantly reduce hatred.”

Damo Guyan said: "That really requires the third tank to continue to build hatred."

Wen Xin looked at Hehua: "Huahua, you are responsible for establishing the third hatred in the melee position to prevent the desert and foggy moon from insufficient hatred after the sand burst or sweep, and the long-range and healing ot."

Wahanachi: "Okay."

The damage of the sweep is not fatal, but it can reduce the hatred of the melee output, so Wen Xin does not intend to let the melee come in and out, and retreats forward.

Unless the group blood pressure is too great, Wen Xin will require melee combatants to stay away before each sweep, and then move forward after the sweep.

Don't worry about melee hatred. What you need to worry about is ranged and healing hatred.

Wen Xin warned: "Be sure not to OT for long-range and healing. The sand explosion does not depend on the distance. It will spray you as long as OT. I don't want to see someone OT causing Oro to spray a big ball."

The hatred of remote and healers can only be controlled by them. The alliance has the salvation blessing of the Paladin, and the hatred control is much simpler than that of the tribe.

"Oluo will burrow into the ground every once in a while, and small mounds will appear on the ground. These small mounds will chase people, and everyone must avoid the mounds."

"The mounds will usually keep an eye on the target and chase them. The person being watched must move well and not run into a big group or get entangled with several mounds."

"If the person being stared at is caught by the mound, he will be killed instantly, and the others will be affected every second..."

Wen Xin paused. The damage of Oro's mound was divided into before and after the weakening. It was not possible to determine the damage of the mound for the time being. He could only roughly say: "The damage should be about 1,000, everyone must avoid it."

The damage of Oro Mound before the nerf was 1000+ per tick, but after the nerf it was only 500.

From the previous battles, we can roughly judge that Oro should be an unweakened version, and the damage of the mound should be 1000+ one tick.

How to run on the mound and chase people well cannot be done by just talking about it. You must experience it in battle to understand.

It's very simple, if there is too much destruction, then it will run away.

"When Oro is burrowing into the ground, he will summon small beetles. The damage is not high, but it is annoying. The tank will pull it, and the mage will be A."

"Every time Oro emerges from the ground, it will knock up nearby people and cause high damage."

Wen Xin requested: "There will definitely be a warning when Oro emerges from the ground. Don't panic when running away from the mound. Don't be overheated. You must stay calm at all times and hide from the mound and the spot where Oro rises."

Oro actually doesn't have many skills, and the mechanics aren't difficult either. As long as you play more, everyone will definitely know it.

The real trouble for Oro is the violent stage, which has enough HP for 20%. In the violent stage, there are pure numerical monsters that tanks cannot handle and cannot be treated. The output is too slow. If one of them fails to meet the standard, the team will be wiped out at the last moment.

Wen Xin said:

"When Oro's health reaches 20%, it will enter the violent stage, increase its attack speed by 150%, physical damage by 100%, and continuously summon mounds and beetles to randomly attack players. It will no longer release sweeping and sand bursts. .”

"We must hide from the mounds, while the beetles are pulled by the autumn wind. Oro will no longer be able to burrow into the ground when in a violent state. This stage will test the strength of the entire group."

"The tank is under great pressure, and if you activate your life-saving skills, it won't collapse."

"The treatment pressure is high, all tanks should be farmed too much, and others should be left alone."

"The output pressure is high, so you must quickly empty out the last 20% of Oro's serum. Healing mana is limited, and the tank's life-saving skills have limited time. If you attack too slowly, you will definitely destroy the tank and destroy the team."

The whole team is under a lot of pressure, and Oro is a pressure monster.

Oro has taken turns to use Sand Explosion and OT play styles. Wen Xin has not used them for the time being. If the land reclamation is blocked, he will change his tactics and play styles.

"Test the water first."

Wen Xin asked everyone to quickly brush the buffs, and first use normal playing methods to test the waters a few times, so that everyone could get familiar with Oro's skills.

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