Get Rich: Starting from the Game of World of Warcraft

Chapter 277 Killing the Twin Emperors

The twin emperors changed positions for the sixth time.

After 6 times, the Demon King poses a greater threat than the Sword King. Each time the number of blizzards and the number of summoned explosive insects doubles, the battle field is greatly compressed.

Especially explosion bugs, non-tank professions will die if they are bombed.

Fossil Mixture is easy to use and can save lives, but it can only be used once in a battle. It is impossible to always count on Fossil Mixture to save lives. Everyone needs to rely on movement to avoid.

Moving will waste output time.

The Sword King summons twice as many large bugs, and needs to waste output to kill them.

To sum up, as the number of swaps between the twin emperors increases, the difficulty of the battle will continue to increase, and the output of the boss will begin to decrease.

6 times is doubled, 9 times is tripled, and every additional change of position after 9 times doubles the number. This is also an important reason why the previous pure main force team was destroyed at 10 times.

The Twin Emperors must be killed within 9 times.

To this end, Wen Xin swapped out 6 melee ones and brought in 6 long-range ones, with great results: "It's very good. If we keep playing at the current output pace, as long as we don't reduce our numbers, we can change positions and kill the Twin Emperors 8 times."

Without reducing the number of players, with the team's current output capability, 8 position changes are enough to kill the Twin Emperors.

The most difficult thing now is how to ensure that there is a lot of output of the Twin Emperors without reducing the number of troops.

Wen Xin has already done what he needs to do, and he can only trust the team members and their strength.

The team members lived up to Wen Xin's expectations. No one died from the snowstorm or explosive bugs, and the team remained fully staffed.

"Heavy pressure blow, excessive blood increase."

"Big bug, turn the fire and kill it."

"Blizzard, get out of the way."

"There are still 5 seconds to change positions, everyone is ready to cut the target."

Only Wen Xin and I can take action in terms of melee output. The two of them moved away from the Sword Emperor and ran to the Demon Emperor's position 5 seconds in advance. The others did not need to move. This is the advantage of having more long-range output.

After a day of killing, everyone has become very proficient in changing positions of the Twin Emperors without any mistakes. Two tanks on standby catch the Twin Emperors, so everyone can safely deal with the damage.

This is the 7th time the position has been changed. The HP of the Twin Emperors immediately reached the kill line. It is not that they have never entered the kill line before. The changes of the Twin Emperors in the kill stage have long been known.

During the killing phase, the damage received by the Twin Emperors is doubled, their own attack speed is increased by 50%, and the frequency of releasing skills is increased.

The most deadly thing in the killing phase is the tank that pulls the Sword King. When it is hit by heavy pressure, it must use life-saving skills to reduce the damage to avoid being killed by the Sword King with three consecutive swords with an increased attack speed.

Achieving 20% ​​before the 8th position change can allow the tank currently holding the Sword King to activate its skills for a while. When the current tank's life-saving skills are used up, the Twin Emperors just change positions, and the next tank's life-saving skills can be connected to ensure everything is foolproof.

"20% health, entering the killing stage, over-healing to restore the tank's health."

The twin emperors' blood volume reaches 20%, entering the killing stage, and the most exciting battle begins.

Wen Xin requested: "Don't release the warlock tank, and the treatment of the warlock tank must be increased too much."

With the twin emperors' blood contribution, the two emperors entered the killing stage together. The release speed of the Demon Emperor's Shadow Arrow increased accordingly, and the Warlock Tank began to feel pressure.

There is a milk knight, a priest, and a milk druid to farm the warlock tank, which can be a good way to keep the warlock tank in check.

As the number of large insects increases, fallen leaves and flowers in the autumn wind require two treatments, which will reduce the number of treatments.

All other treatments must rely on the Sword King tank, and the team's health can only be increased by bandages.

"If you're caught in a snowstorm, get out and bandage yourself. Don't put any pressure on the treatment."

The damage from the first hit of the blizzard cannot be avoided. The team will only be harmed by the blizzard and the explosive bugs. The explosive bugs can kill people directly, and the only real damage taken is the blizzard.

Wen Xin looked at the total blood volume of the Twin Emperors and calculated in his mind the time for the next change of positions: "Everyone's last burst will be left until after the change of positions. After the change of positions, the tanks will hold back the aggro, and everyone will activate the burst skills immediately. We must do it again." Kill the twin emperors before they change positions."

Autumn Wind and Fallen Leaves shouted: "Everyone, come on, success or failure depends on this."

As the vice-president, Qiufeng Luoye is very competent. She is the close sister of countless people in the guild. She is more qualified than Wen Xin, the hands-off shopkeeper.

"come on! Come on."

"I will definitely pass this time, and I will treat everyone to sweet and sour hot pot."

"I have tried my best to survive this time."

The morale of the whole group is high, and they must kill the Twin Emperors this time.

The HP of the Twin Emperors has reached around 12%, and the eighth change of positions has come.

Wen Xin took his position in advance, and when the twin emperors changed positions, the two tanks grabbed the aggro and immediately began to output: "Explode."

The last round of explosion for the entire group begins. With the last 12% of the HP, the Twin Emperors must be killed. Success or failure depends on this.

The Sword Emperor came up and directly gave Dade Guyan a heavy blow.

Desert Guyan started the Burning Cauldron first, and the treatment quickly raised his blood volume to full.

All treatments did not dare to relax at this moment, and they frantically added blood to convert blue into treatment amount.

"Avoid the blasters and blizzards."

The Demon King continued to rain blizzards and summon explosive insects. Although the battle at the last moment was very tense, you still had to dodge the skills that should be avoided.

"Big bug."

Wen Xin immediately turned all the remote enemies on fire: "Stop the big bug. It's not a brainless rush of the twin emperors. We fought like we did before and we still fight now."

The attacks of the big bugs have armor-piercing and corrosive abilities. If left unchecked, Hehua and Autumn Wind and Fallen Leaves will not be able to hold on. If they knock down the bugs, they will rush into a large group.

Moreover, if the big bugs are not killed, the next wave of big bugs will come again. The more they accumulate, the faster they will destroy the group.


The HP of the Twin Emperors began to count down and dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole group's nerves were tense, and everyone's energy and spirit were raised to a critical point, and everyone exerted 200% of their strength.

The battle lasted until such a tense moment, but no one in the team fell down. Wen Xin was very pleased that everyone in the team has persisted until now, which shows that the team's growth and progress are gratifying.


The Twin Emperors' blood volume reaches 5%, and there are about 30 seconds left to change positions.

Wen Xin was ready to burn the boat: "I will, we don't need to retreat, just fight to the end."

I would wave my one-handed sword wildly: "Understood."

The Twin Emperors felt the threat of death and released their skills faster and faster. Desert Guyan took another heavy blow and turned on the shield wall to reduce damage. He is an MT and will use his shield to protect all teammates.




The twin emperors' health was down to the last bit, and there were only five seconds left before the next change of position.

Fighting hard, Wen Xin put out all his strength and was mentally prepared to die with the Sword Emperor.

After 5 seconds, the HP of the Twin Emperors reached 0.1%, which was considered over.

The twin emperors changed positions again, but Wen Xin did not retreat. When the demon emperor changed positions, he was blown away.

A new round of remote output hits the Demon Emperor, clearing out the last 0.1% of the Twin Emperors.

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