Genuine Cultivator Chapter 300

In the blink of an eye.

Three days have passed...

All the formalities required for changing departments have been completed, and the students of the martial cultivator department have also known that someone will come today Challenge the so-called chief name!

Only this time, the momentum is extremely huge.

The martial cultivator department is the first of the seven departments. The number of people is almost more than all the other six departments combined. Therefore, it is difficult to switch to the martial cultivator department. Nature is the biggest.

And instead of being surrounded by many students, the Principal and the two Vice Principals, the instructors of the Seven Departments, and even the dean and the others all came to watch the battle in person.

The standard for changing the department was set by the former Principal, but over the years, no one has been able to succeed in this way. If Su Xian can really succeed, then he will make history.

Ren Qingyun and the others naturally came to witness.

"Tianyuan, this time, you have met an opponent."

Sun Gang had a slightly taking pleasure in other people's misfortune on his face, and his eyes looked towards that A young man in his early twenties said with a smile: "You've been the chief for three years, and I can't believe that someone will finally dare to challenge you now."

Li Tianyuan is quite handsome, but the corners of his lips That sarcastic smile on his face made him look like a man with only muscles but no brains.

Basically, it can be seen that this is a youngster in the vulgar age.

To be the first in the martial cultivator department, he is obviously a person with real ability.

Hearing the teasing of his classmates, he smiled sarcastically and said, "It's just a's not that it's been a success, and not to mention that being able to get the signature of the Seventh Department can only prove that his path is indeed true. Guang, the relationship is tough, but if you want to be the chief, you still have to fight with your fists. I have already inquired about it. It’s just not long after the breakthrough Foundation Establishment Early Stage, hum, two realm short, how will he fight?”

"Don't be careless, when the time comes fall in the sewer, losing to the Foundation Establishment Early Stage is even more embarrassing."

"hmph, he thought he was... hum. ..."

Li Tianyuan snorted twice and did not continue, but the contempt in his words was self-evident.

"Come on, Su Xian, get rid of these guys, I support you as chief!"

In the lively crowd, someone suddenly shouted loudly.

Then, as if an introduction was opened...

The shouts of one after another all rang out.

"Come on, Su Xian!"

"Su Xian, continue to use your magical power to get rid of these people."

"Su Xian, I I want to give you monkeys, if you can refine for me to make weapons, I can give you a lot of monkeys..."

"Su Xian, come on! Su Xian, come on!"

"Su Xian, come on! Su Xian, come on!"

Rhythmic cheers rang out.

Su Xian fixed his eyes and saw the familiar faces in the distance.

Xu Qian even instructed two female students to pull up the banner.

Submission: Su Xian, it doesn't matter if the transfer fails, the medical repair will always welcome you!

Ou Xingchen sat on the stage, patted his head angrily, and said, "Aiya, I forgot to get a banner, Su Xian's transfer will definitely fail, and when the time comes, let him join the training. The equipment department also saves wasting talents."

"Yeah, alas, this kind of thing, men are very keen on cheerleading, I even forgot."

Zhao Controversy is also full of chagrin.

Only Murray, shouted loudly: "Come on, Su Xian, as a man, you must successfully join the martial cultivator department!"

He thought that Su Xian would eventually return What about starships?

"Look, this kid is just popular, maybe there are some elders in the family who work in the Academy, otherwise, he won't even be able to sign the Seventh Department. As for the others, he also simply It's nothing special."

Li Tianyuan was even more sarcastic.

In other words, at his age, no matter what he sees, he is accustomed to dislike it.

And Xue Xiren, who was sitting in the stands, had a black line on his face, listening to the regrets of several mentors in his ears, thinking that I am still here, you just grab my people without any scruples. ...really...

Fiercely glared at Su Xian below.

He jumped up and jumped neatly onto the stand in the middle.

loudly said: "The chief competition, starting now, is still the old rule, as long as anyone is interested, anyone can come forward to challenge, after each challenge, the winner will get an Essence Replenishment Pill Reply true essence, so as to avoid a wheel battle, and the person who wins in the end will become the chief this time, enjoying the chief treatment and authority!"

Speaking, she glanced at Su Xian who was standing beside her, low Said: "Su Xian, those tutors are waiting for you to fail the assessment, and then invite you to join their department, these people completely treat me as nothing, you have to cheer me up and not lose face, you know? "

Su Xian said resolutely: "Don't worry, since I dare to participate in the assessment, I naturally have absolute certainty."


Xue Xiren thought about it, mentally said "really so" or give some sweetness to make Su Xian more motivated.

She whispered: "In short, if you can really join the martial cultivator department, you have not promised you before...I...I can go to the hotel with you, of course, you are not allowed to do it. Excessive things, just discuss novels, yes, just discuss novels."

Stammered, obviously very embarrassed.

Su Xian's eyes shined, didn't expect Xue Xiren actually let go.

He said with a smile: "Don't worry, Xue teacher, I will definitely become your student, when the time comes, I will take good care of you for your homework."

Xue He was embarrassed, he he he... he actually called me teacher, hateful, he was just teasing me.

pretty face slightly red, dare not look at Su Xian again, loudly said: "The assessment starts now, anyone can challenge as long as they want!"

Speaking, she jumped down out of the ring.

The so-called chief assessment is not just to defeat the chief to become the chief, but to convince the entire martial cultivator department... Then, of course, it must be played from the beginning to the end, and all those who dare to play The challenger will be defeated. After all, let’s not mention that the martial cultivator system is all about fighting to gain experience, so they naturally want everyone to go up and fight.

It's just that after all, the hands and feet are not serious, and the contestants often end up with serious injuries because of their heavy hands. Even if they can be cured, they will suffer a lot in the middle. Therefore, many people take this into account and dare not play. You don't really need to type it all in.

"I'll come first!!!"

loudly shouted...

A silhouette neatly jumped onto the ring and said, "Lin Feng, Foundation Establishment Middle Stage cultivator, Junior Brother, don't blame Senior for taking advantage of you, since you want to be the chief, you naturally have to meet everyone's challenges."

It was he who saw at a glance, Su Xian is now nothing more than the Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivation base.

There are still a lot of gaps in the cultivation base of the two.

And the Essence Replenishment Pill can not only replenish the true essence of the body, but also have a slight gain, which is a free gift...

He naturally can't wait to play early and wants to Eat a few more Essence Replenishment Pills.

Su Xian smiled and said, "Okay! Then please senior show mercy."

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