Chapter 435

“You should know that there is a business road in the south of Tianheng Mountain, and there are two stone statues of Yasha beside the business road.”

Su Ze didn’t answer. Can he say that he came to Riyue for a trip and didn’t know these so-called things at all?

Su Ze is actually more entangled in that Mandrill is an immortal. If according to the normal comparison, he must get these things much faster than the two mortals, why not go by himself?

It seemed that he was aware of his thoughts, and Mandrill explained: “Hundreds of years ago, I had some unpleasantness with the local people, so I made a promise that I would never step into that place again. You will do this. most.”

Although there is nothing wrong with Mandrill’s reason, Su Ze stared into his eyes and felt that Mandrill had the same inquiry in his heart.

“There is the place where the Liyue ancestors once worshipped Yaksha. Yaksha has almost disappeared in the memory of these people in recent years. I think there should be some sacrificial supplies.”

Su Ze couldn’t help but shook his head, thinking this is a kind of sadness.

Fighting for these people for thousands of years, but in the end the people chose not to protect them, but the King of Rock, who can give them money.

Forget it, Su Ze suddenly didn’t want to care about Mandrill, just as if he was giving this kindness and loneliness for so many years, look for his surroundings.

“After you find these things, when it’s night, you can find me at the Yasha Statue, and I will teach you how to cast spells.”

Why wait for the next night?

Su Ze just wanted to ask, but suddenly realized that the Qin next to him was so sleepy and dangling, he secretly said to himself carelessly, protected the Qin, and gently said goodbye to Mandrill, and then he was ready to return to the inn with the drowsy Qin.

“You don’t seem to belong to this world.”

Just when Su Ze wanted to leave, Mandrill suddenly said such a sentence behind his back.

Su Ze paused, even if he didn’t look back, he could still detect Mandrill’s inquiring gaze.

“Since I appear in this world, it means that I belong to this world. The Great Sage of Demons may be late at night. You are also tired. Rest early.”

Mandrill didn’t expect Su Ze to be such an answer. He stood still staring at his tall figure and closed his eyes.

“Perhaps I am really tired, but I also hope that another strong person will appear to replace me and protect the continent of Liyue.”

Under the moonlight, there was no mandrill surrounded by black air, and it seemed extraordinarily lonely.

“Finally found something!”

Early in the morning, Su Ze was carrying breakfast, and just entering his room with Qin, he heard Qin who was still asleep in a daze say such a dream.

He shook his head helplessly, thinking that Qin was really serious, and what he usually thought was what he thought of, even dreaming.

“Qin is about to get up. We will look for what Mandrill entrusted to us later. If you stay in bed again, it is estimated that you will have to wait for the day after tomorrow to hold the ceremony.”

Although Su Ze was asking her to wake up, her tone was very calm, as if she didn’t want to disturb Qin’s sleep.

But after Qin heard his voice, he opened his eyes in a daze, and finally looked around and shouted in surprise.

“Why are all the things I found just now missing? I remember, those lights are so high, it took me a lot of effort to get here!”

Su Ze shook his head helplessly, knowing that his wife was really asleep, and he couldn’t even distinguish reality from dreams. .

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