Chapter 433

Its daybreak.

Mandrill’s battle came to an end, and the sky was no longer gloomy, and the long-lost sunlight shone into this lifeless land.

Compared with this, what surprised Su Ze and the others was that there were no Qiuqiu people or slime remains on the ground, empty, as if they had never existed before.

And after Mandrill had passed this test that could be called a great battle in the eyes of others, there was no trace of disorder in its aura, as if it had just done a trivial thing.

Seeing the look in Su Zeqin’s eyes, he sighed: “There are so many things that are contaminated with evil 06. If I don’t come early, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, this is not something you should consider, let’s change the topic, what is the matter with the Star Tianjun you mentioned just now”

The topic was back on track. Su Ze briefly told Mandrill about the Star Heavenly Monarch. Mandrill looked very serious after hearing this.

“Using the Liyue people’s trust in the immortals to do this deceitful thing!”

Su Ze saw his serious and stereotyped appearance, and suddenly lost interest in the genuine fight against piracy, and he was even more curious about this.

“Jump up and down, no, yes, Master Mandrill, I would like to ask, as an immortal, do you have the ability to realize your wishes?”

Mandrill raised his head and looked at Su Ze’s expression seriously, saw a smile between his eyebrows, and then calmly answered:

“The previous Riyue would not make such a request for nothing for us.”

“Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of Liyue needed the power to protect their place.”

The more rigid Mandrill looks, the more Su Ze hopes to break his calm mask.

So I continued to ask: “But for the people of this era, it is true that immortals who realize their wishes are more attractive.”

Su Ze wanted to fight back with the wishes of the people, and Mandrill would definitely be speechless.

But after careful consideration, Mandrill lowered his head and said in a very firm tone:

“I don’t think this is the right idea. On the contrary, it seems that this era is very weak, but even if these people want to realize their wishes now, it has nothing to do with me. I was only honoring Emperor Yan’s orders at the beginning, so Will come to Liyue.”

Su Ze saw that he couldn’t deal with this facial paralysis. The piano next to him pulled his sleeves from time to time and said that he should stop embarrassing him, and just think about it.

“Speaking lightly, don’t just pay attention to the current people, but do you know that the star Tianjun has this thing with a hundred and forbidden blessings, but it is the thing of your fairy family, don’t you need to worry about it?”

Mandrill fell into deep thought, and recording this thing without taboos could not clean up the demons at all.

He suddenly realized that he finally figured out why there are so many creatures contaminated by karma in this place.

It turns out that people who pretend to be themselves are too stupid. They only know how to expel monsters, but don’t know how to punish them, causing these evildoers to gather here.

“Thank you for providing important clues. I am afraid that with my strength, I will not be able to control the follow-up development of the matter, and I must withdraw the Hundred No Taboo Record from the hands of that Star Heavenly Monarch.”

Su Ze thought to himself that when the Star Tianjun was using Hundred Wu Taboo Records, he could no longer remove the Qiuqiu people in front of him, that is to say, the effectiveness of that charm was also disappearing. .

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