Chapter 416

In the middle of transporting goods, you will definitely encounter many monsters such as slimes. And this heavenly monarch, can he protect so many goods and people alone?

The businessman seemed to think of something that shocked him, squinted his eyes and said:

“You guys! Haven’t seen that kind of spectacular scene! Even if the monsters strike, but the immortal is not afraid of danger, he just took out his own charms and chanted a few words at random, and the monsters dispersed! Alas, It’s just that, although the effect is good, the cost is really expensive, because inviting immortals is a big deal, and it is estimated that foreigners like you in ragged clothes cannot afford it!”

Su Ze originally heard it quite interesting, just like listening to other people’s stories, but when he heard the last sentence from the businessman, he looked at his clothes with Qin thoughtfully.

You must know that the material on the Qin and the clothes he wears are all made by him looking for the most precious things from the Seven Kingdoms. If they are all in tatters, then few people in this world wear good clothes. That’s it!

“Oh, even if it is a loss of business, but to be able to arrive safely is to maintain integrity, Tianjun is really amazing!”

The businessman was still muttering to himself, as if he hadn’t come out of the memories just now.

Su Ze is gone, the desire to continue talking to him, after all, an arrogant person should also be deceived!

And the third believer is always very shy, a young woman.

She has been smiling and watching the believers talking to Su Ze and them, making some slight movements on the spot from time to time, and occasionally smiling at Su Ze.

After discovering that they were walking towards them, the woman smiled happily and said: “I always feel that I am full of hope every day now!”

She looked happier and reminded Su Ze of something.

Su Ze silently nodded to the qin and said, “It seems that this heavenly monarch is not only an escort teacher, but a doctor, but also a life mentor!”

Even if Su Ze didn’t take the initiative to ask, the woman still cried out about her past like Xianglin’s wife.

When she was about to get married, her fiance left without saying goodbye. She could only cry every day, and she had no desire to live. Fortunately, this fairy suddenly appeared and taught her a way to make her sweetheart change her mind.

However, this method is a bit special. It is to burn the portrait of the sweetheart, and throw the ashes of the portrait into the sea at specific times such as sunrise or sunset.

This method really surprised Su Ze.

Su Ze thought to himself, if there were no photos or portraits, maybe even Qin was missing for a year and 6 months, he might not remember what Qin looked like.

This woman is really big-hearted.

I didn’t realize that I had destroyed the only thought left by the person in my heart, and I was still full of expectations here and there!

The woman whirled around and said:

“I feel that he is coming back, and he will definitely change his mind. Although my dowry has been given to Tianjun, I feel that my sweetheart will still love me as before and marry me on the initiative!”

Hearing this, Su Ze has already understood. It seems that the fake fairy in front of him is not a good man, he is a family heirloom that deceives others, and extorted all the money from the merchant. In the end, he even refused to let the woman go. I lied to all her dowry!

“Aze is too much, let’s try to teach him a lesson!”.

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