Chapter 397

It’s quite embarrassing to eat so fat and fly so high.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter what the big goose is fat or thin, as long as there are no monsters in my fairy house!”

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan looked at his broken legs with some worry, and he didn’t know if he could capture the hearts of one or two cranes while sitting in an emergency wheelchair.

“True Monarch Lishui Dieshan, what are you talking about here alone?”

With this familiar voice and familiar tone, True Monarch Lishui Dieshan turned his head in disbelief, and saw Su Ze coming over with a big bag in his hand!

Help! ! !

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan wanted to escape but couldn’t escape. His wheelchair got stuck in a crack in the stone and couldn’t move.

I know I can only face it, and I have a bitter face.

“Ah, Su Ze, what are you doing here? Did you forget something? I’ll go in and find it for you, okay?”

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan said that he was going to drill into his fairy mansion. If he could, he didn’t want to be alone with Su Ze for a moment.

“Hey, why did you meet me, as if you saw a ghost?”

Su Ze saw that Lishui Dieshan was hiding from him, and he was a little unhappy. Although he did not have a good reputation at some time, at least he was a good citizen in Tivat.

He is already so low-key and kind, isn’t it good to make such a show?

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan looked at Su Ze with a little despair, this is a wicked person, he is extremely evil but he doesn’t know it!

“Well, don’t look at me with that kind of eyes, knowing that I broke your leg, isn’t this coming back to help you?”

Su Ze really didn’t have any bad thoughts. Thinking about the simple treatment of the real monarch Lishui Dieshan, those two legs might not be able to recover after the death of the real monarch Lishui Dieshan, so he might as well help out. Take it as a thank you for the hospitality.

But he thought well, but True Monarch Lishui Dieshan was even more panicked.

As soon as Su Ze stretched his hand over, he remembered the sentence Su Ze said before, and made it a joke.

Real Monarch Lishui Dieshan heard Xiao Ganyu said before that there was a very powerful cook named Xiangling in Liyue City, and he studied a dish called Huaji with lotus leaves.

The method is extremely cruel, put a poor and innocent chicken in the lotus leaf, and then wrap it in the soil and burn it to death!

At that time, I was still feeling the fate of that chicken, but I didn’t expect it would be his turn now!

“Don’t come here, I don’t want to be called a chicken, tell you, I am an immortal, if something happens, the entire Liyue people will avenge me!”

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan was emotional and was still yelling, but Su Ze ignored him at all and stretched out his hand to apply the freshly ground ointment to his leg. 0 ……

It just so happens that the ingredients used in Su Ze’s ointment are very complicated, and many of them are edible ingredients, mixed together, it really looks like some secret sauce.

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan thought that he would not escape to death, so he was so scared that he fainted!

“I’m still an immortal, why are you so unpromising? Simply cooking ingredients like yours is enough. Calligraphy is a waste of lotus leaves!”

Su Ze murmured in his mouth without paying any attention. A horn-like thing appeared behind a bush next to it!

After helping True Monarch Lishui Dieshan deal with the injury on his leg, Su Ze hurriedly flew back to Mochizuki Inn.

Although Jin said that he wanted to rest, he went out to chat with Soraya. .

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