The grand evening finally came to an end.

And the carnival of the festival has just begun.

Although the time was approaching after a long meeting, the faces of the people did not show any tiredness, but looked extremely excited.

For the people of Liyue, this annual month-by-month festival has just begun to get down to business.


In the sound of countless fireworks...

In the midst of the festive music...

People are getting moving.

Call friends, in groups.

The flower street should be walked, the lantern riddle should be guessed, the moon cake should be eaten...

The person who should enjoy the moon is looking for a place to enjoy the moon.

The audience gradually dispersed, and their expressions poured out of the arena with excited expressions.

And a large part of the audience chose to stay in the venue, continue to drink and have fun, and chant poetry.

Of course, most of these audiences are dignitaries who have a place to sit.

And the poem they chanted was naturally the poem "When Will the Bright Moon Exist".

As the audience left, the artists also got off the clock and returned to the backstage.

"Mr. Bai, the poem you just wrote is really well written. "

Yun Jin's cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were full of starlight when she looked at Bai An.

"Haha, Mr. Yun praised it falsely~"

"A small essay, not worth mentioning~"

Bai An's face was not red, and his heart was not beating.

I can't help but think in my heart, if Lao Su hears his words, he will probably be so angry that he will come back to life...

"Sir is so humble, it's such a beautiful poem..."

Yun Jin looked at Bai An directly, and there seemed to be a mist in her eyes.

Feeling Yun Jin's "affectionate" gaze, Rao is an old driver like Bai An couldn't help blushing slightly, and there was a rare look of crampedness on his face.

The heart is also silently emotional:

Blame 23 for the girls of ancient times, who admired the literati and ink writers so much...

Poetry, for a girl, is really not ordinarily lethal...

"Hey, hey, liking, liking..."

Bai An scratched his head a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Yun Jin immediately realized that she was a little out of shape, and her face turned red.

Then she quietly lost her look, and a bright smile appeared on her face again.

"Sir, when Yun Jin just listened to Mr.'s poetry, she had some inspiration..."

"Sir's poems, rhyme and plainness, are already excellent..."

"If it's supplemented with some rhyme, it's the icing on the cake. "

"If you don't mind, sir, can Yun Jin..."

"Borrow and try one or two..."

As she spoke, Yun Jin's face turned red again, her expression became extremely ashamed, and she buried her head.

Hearing this, Bai An's eyes lit up.

It's worthy of Yun Jin!

is worthy of being the reincarnation of Wang Fei... Oh no, the most outstanding opera artist alive!

In the previous life, "When Will There Be a Bright Moon", isn't it precisely because of the tune that it was covered by the singer, and it became popular all over the country? !

And Yun Jin just listened to it once, and immediately thought of this.

His professionalism is high, which makes Bai An deeply impressed.

"That couldn't be better!"

A bright smile appeared on Bai An's face.

Hearing this, Yun Jin was suddenly overjoyed, and her face was also excited and red.

"Thank you, sir! Yun Jin will definitely work hard!"

"I will definitely live up to such beautiful poetry!!"

Yun Jin's face was flushed, and her eyes were full of stars.

"It's okay, Yun Jin, don't be stressed~"

"No matter what you deserve, I love to hear it~"

Bai An said with a smile.

Not to mention that this is okay, as soon as Yun Jin's face became more ruddy, and she blushed directly to the base of her neck.

"Yo Yo Yo, what about the pickle girl~"

Hu Tao's strange yin and yang teasing sound came from behind the two of them.

At this time, Yun Jin was completely ashamed, and buried her head deep in her chest.

"Eh~, how do you speak~?"

"We are communicating art~"

Bai An smiled casually.

"Then communicate with me~"

Hu Tao smiled when he heard this, and reached out to put his hand on Bai An's shoulder.

"Forget it, your tone is too underworld, our tone is not suitable~"

Bai An laughed.

"Huh~, I don't know how to appreciate..."

Hu Tao pursed his lips dissatisfiedly, and then showed a strange smile again.

"When are you going to eat~, I'm hungry~"

The meaning of the words could not be more obvious.

"In the middle of the night, who is still cooking? I'll call you when the dinner starts tomorrow and night. "

Bai An said speechlessly.

"What are your activities later?" will Qiqi come with you?"

Hu Tao does not give up.

"Later, let's go shopping in the flower street or something... As for whether Qiqi will come or not, I don't know. "

"I said, if you want to find Qiqi, go now, she is probably still outside. "

Bai An said speechlessly.

"Yo ho ho~, I'll go find her, you don't care about me?"

Hu Tao raised his eyebrows.

"Baizhu is there. "

"Besides, it's not at my house, I don't care what you do~"

Hearing this, Hu Tao suddenly became excited, and immediately pulled up his legs and ran.

"Qiqi~, I'll come~"

"Bai An, remember to call me tomorrow!!"

The voice of words drifted through the passage, and Hu Tao was gone.

Looking at the girl's disappearing figure, Bai An was speechless for a while.

"First... Sir..."

"Yun Jin... Can Yun Jin... I also went shopping with my husband in the flower street...?"

Yun Jin's face was crimson, and she asked timidly, her voice like a thin mosquito.

Bai An smiled when he heard this.

Can this be refused?

How is this possible to refuse?!

Bai An smiled all over his face, and immediately prepared to agree.

However, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw two figures, walking towards him.

One of them had short and medium blue hair, a light blue tights, and black over-the-knee leather boots.


Bai An's face immediately changed greatly.

He didn't know what Yanfei and Eula were doing when they came to him.

But he knew it wasn't going to happen.

Bai An immediately roared at Yun Jin and said:

"Quick! help me stop those two!!"

Before the words fell, Bai Ansa ran on his legs.

A fresh breeze blew.

The boy ran away and disappeared as soon as he smoked.

Only the people in the passage were left staring at each other, their eyes glazed.

"Sir... What's going on?"

Yun Jin's face was full of confusion.

"This guy... What are you running?!" (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Yanfei was also glazed over, with an inexplicable face.

Eula winks and winks.

There was a great confusion in his big eyes.

"What is he panicking about?"


Eula only felt that it was inexplicable.

Regarding her friend's question, Yanfei also scratched her head sneeringly, not knowing how to answer.

Immediately, Eula clasped her hands, and a look of contempt appeared in her eyes.

"Heh, no manhood at all. "

"I didn't say that I would refuse him, as for running away in such a panic?!"

In Eula's heart, she suddenly felt extremely disappointed in the boy

It turns out that the glamour and amazement on the stage...

The audience was so timid.

"Hmph, sure enough... It's just a boy, not even a man. "

Eula's face was full of contempt, and her slightly cold tone revealed full of disappointment and disdain.

"Eula, let's go after him, don't you have something to ask him?"

Yanfei's voice was anxious.

After Yanfei's reminder, Eula suddenly had a spirit, and instantly recalled her mission.

I couldn't help but feel a little ashamed in my heart.

I almost delayed my business because of this little episode...

Immediately, Eula's expression narrowed, and her eyes became serious again.

"Hmm. "

Immediately, Eula took a step forward, ready to chase in the direction of the boy's escape.

Just took two steps, and a figure blocked in front of the two.

"You two, are you going to find Mr. Bai?"

Yun Jin said with a smile.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way. "

Eula snorted coldly, and then planned to bypass Yun Jin.

However, Yun Jin made a mistake and still stood in front of her with a smile and a groan.

Eula's face turned cold in an instant.

"Mr. Yun, we really have something urgent to find Bai An!"

Yanfei hurriedly explained.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bai has something very important to do later, so it's inconvenient to meet the two of you. "

Yun Jin was slightly blessed and looked extremely polite.

"However, we do have something very important to do, and this matter has to do with Liyue's diplomatic relations with Mondstadt..."

Yanfei's face became even more anxious.

Eula's face also turned colder.

But no matter how impatient they were, Yun Jin always stood firmly in front of them, not giving an inch.

In this regard, the two have nothing to do.

This is Liyue, after all.

It is absolutely impossible to tear the skin of a famous artist, or even to be rude.

Not to mention whether the Millelith Army will bring them to justice, but to say that the countless audiences outside the arena can tear them apart.

So, you can only talk well.

"Mr. Yun, can you let me go~, I'm Yanfei, you should recognize me..."

Yanfei persuaded with good words.

"Two, if there is something urgent in the real 660, please go to Mr. Bai tomorrow. "

"Tonight... After all, it is a holiday, and my husband is tired all night, and he also needs to rest and reunite with his family. "

"Please understand that. "

Yun Jin said gently.

In love and reason.

Speaking of which, if Eula and Yanfei still insist, it will be really unreasonable.

"Sister Eula, look..."

Yanfei weakly cast a look at Eula for help.

Eula's eyes changed.

Eventually, his face softened.

"Then I'll go back to him tomorrow. "

Eula said stiffly.

Hearing this, Yun Jin suddenly showed the softest smile.

"Thank you for your understanding, please come back. "

Eula glanced at the end of the aisle again, pursed her lips, and simply turned away.

"Sister Eula, where are we going now?"

"Go for a drink. "

"Eh, didn't you say you'd better go shopping first?"

"I'm in a bad mood. "

"What's wrong, Sister Eula?"

"Hmph, I hate rats the most, that guy looks normal, I didn't expect to be so timid!"

"Haha, Sister Eula turned out to be angry because of this~"

"Hmph, little brat, coward! I don't have any guts at all, how can I catch a woman like this!"

"Eh~?Sister Eula, did you want to be chased?"

"I don't want to. "

"Hee-hee, Sister Eula must be very popular in Mondstadt, there must be a lot of people chasing her!"

"Nope. "

"How is it possible~"

"Not a single one..."



"So... Does Sister Eula feel angry?"

"I'm not angry..."

"I finally came to Liyue and met someone who liked me and liked my eyes, but the other party was too cowardly, causing the two to pass by, so I got angry, is that right?"

"Yanfei! don't make me hate you!!"

"Hehe~, don't say it, don't say it, otherwise Sister Eula should hold a grudge against me~"

"If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't return. "

"Okay~, hee-hee~"

In the night, the two girls were playing and making trouble, and gradually went away.

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