In the midst of a celebratory fireworks.

Artists sent holiday greetings to the audience.

After all, the blessing did not start with Yun Jin.

Like Bai An, Ningguang finally put these big names behind.

After all, as she said, good things should always come at the end.

Immediately, the blessing session began to offer congratulations one by one in accordance with the order of the program.

"In Xia Suwen, shadow puppet artist, I would like to send my blessings to you..."

"In Xia Gu Chang, trick artist, I wish you all..."

"Under Zhu Yuchen, craftsman, on this festive occasion, I wish everyone..."

Liyue's most famous artists are smiling and taking turns to send their best wishes for the holidays.

Infected by this celebratory atmosphere, people finally calmed down their emotions completely, and the smiles on their faces increased.


"Happy Holidays!!"

The people who had been suppressed for a long time were finally able to vent their emotions, and they spared no effort to applaud and scream, sending the warmest cheers to the artists on stage.

As the blessing progressed, the smiles on people's faces grew brighter and brighter.

The festive atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger.

The once oppressive and sad atmosphere seems to have never come.


Brilliant fireworks burst into the night sky, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Finally, the microphone was handed to Hu Tao.

"Hmph, my name is Hu Tao, the seventy-seventh generation hall master of the Afterlife Hall~"

"On the occasion of the month-by-month festival, I wish you all..."

Hu Tao paused slightly, a pair of plum blossom pupils were shining, and his smile became extremely bright.

"I can finally die in bliss! Transcend as soon as possible and reach the other side!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was all there.

Among the 553 crowd, Zhongli held his forehead with his hands, and he was faceless.

Hundreds of thousands of spectators looked stunned one by one, and their hands froze in the air, not knowing what to do.

On the stage, Ningguang also covered his face with his hands, sighing speechlessly.

It's got to be a walnut...

This blessing is really the same as ever.


"Xiaobai must be thinking in his heart now, Hu Tao, it's really not good, let's not bless it~, hahahaha~~"

Yelan was about to laugh, and she laughed so much.

Shenhe also smiled, if the young man was sitting next to them at this time, he would definitely say so.

The expressions of the hundreds of thousands of guests at the scene became extremely strange.

I think it's funny, and I feel like I'm cursing people.

All of them had restrained expressions, and they looked extremely stiff.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely awkward.

Hu Tao didn't seem to know anything about the embarrassment that rushed to his face, and he still held out his ordinary chest and looked at the audience with a smile.

The artists on the stage looked at each other.

I just think this girl is so weird.

Emotional intelligence is also pitifully low.

People whispered and pointed at the girl's back.

And Bai An, who was in the crowd, was faintly touched in his heart.

He didn't think it was as funny as Yelan Shenhe thought.

He felt a little distracted.

Among the hundreds of thousands of spectators at the scene, only Bai An sensed Hu Tao's true meaning.

Hu Tao's words (CDBB) are not spoken to the living.

It was said to the dead.

Or to be precise...

It was said to those souls who were present.

Throughout the ages, singing on stage, the audience is not only the living, but also the deceased.

For other artists, tonight's performance is for the living.

But for Hu Tao...

Not only dedicated to the yang, but also to the yin.

This is the puppet play.

So, Hu Tao's blessing seems to be an offense, but in fact...

What a blessing.

"Bang Bang..."

A lonely applause rang out, and in this awkward atmosphere of the cold field, it seemed extremely abrupt.

"Well said. "

Bai An applauded alone, his eyes sincere and clear.

Hu Tao turned his head to look at Bai An, and his eyes suddenly shook.

Seeing Bai An applauding, the others finally came back to their senses.

Immediately, sparse applause rang out.

Ningguang also hurriedly stepped forward and took the microphone from Hu Tao's hand.

When she walked past Bai An, she didn't forget to quietly praise:

"Little guy, react quickly~, good!"

In this regard, Bai An could only respond with a polite smile.

Immediately, under the warm-up of Ningguang, the scene finally became lively again.

The sparse applause immediately turned into a rumbling applause.

In the warm applause, Ningguang also handed the microphone to Yun Jin again.

Xin Yan looked at Yun Jin and then at Ningguang, as if he had something to say, but he seemed to have nothing to say.

Is there no sense of existence for yourself...?

In the end, Xin Yan still set his resentful eyes on Hu Tao.

After all, if it weren't for this guy, how could he have nothing to say... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hu Tao quietly walked to Bai An's side, and said teasing with his eyes:

"You're smarter than I thought~"

Bai An didn't answer positively, but just smiled lightly:

"That's a good point. "

Listening to the other party's sincere praise, Hu Tao's eyes shook again.

"For the sake of you cheering for me, I will bypass you last time~"

"Hey, then you're weird~"

"Hmph... I heard that Qiqi went to your house for dinner?"

"You want to come too?"

"Of course! I'll go wherever Qiqi is! I'm her best friend!"

"I'm afraid you don't have any misunderstanding about your good friend..."

"Just say don't let me go!"

"Okay... But you have to make sure you don't harass Qiqi. "

"Oops~, I know~, hee-hee~"

When Bai An was talking with Hu Tao, Yun Jin also walked to the front of the stage and sent a congratulatory message to the people.

"Little girl Yun Jin, on the occasion of the full moon, on behalf of Yun Han Society, I wish you all a long life and all your wishes come true..."

As soon as Yun Jin's gentle and moving voice came out, the emotions of the audience suddenly became extremely high.

"Mr. Yun!!We love you!!"

"The dance is so beautiful!!It's so beautiful!!It's so beautiful!!"

The people shouted excitedly, and did not hesitate to applaud and scream.

Seeing the reaction of the audience, Ningguang was also slightly relieved.

After Hu Tao made such a fuss, if he didn't move out some heavyweights to warm up, the field would really cool down.

As soon as Yun Jin appeared, the paragraph just now was a turning page.

Ningguang's mind relaxed, and at the same time, he also cast an apologetic look at Xin Yan behind him.

Xin Yan was originally a rectum, and when she felt the other party's apology and good intentions, the pimple in her heart naturally disappeared, and a hearty smile appeared on her face again.

The gentle voice gradually fell.

Yun Jin Shi Ran turned around and cast her soft gaze on the young man.

The audience was also instantly quiet, holding their breath one by one, their faces flushed, their eyes full of anticipation and nervousness.

After Yun Jin, there were only those two left.

Seeing the microphone handed over by Yun Jin, Wendy waved her hand shyly:

"I'm not going to talk about it, hehe..."

Looking at Wendy's shy face, Bai An couldn't help but chuckle.

"Wendy, are you afraid that you will disguise yourself as a man, so let's talk and goof~"

Bai An looked playful.

"Ahh Nope!"

"Just... You said it well, you said it well..."

Wendy's face turned red instantly, and her posture was too cowardly.

Dressed in women's clothes, but speaking with a male voice...

Wendy had no doubt that the biggest moon-to-month party in Liyue's history would be the biggest social death scene of her life.

No matter how thick-skinned he is, he can't withstand such a social death scene.

Therefore, for the blessing speech, he resisted from the body to the heart.

"Oops~, what a pity~"

"This could have been a scene of the underworld~"

Bai An said with a smile, and then stopped teasing the other party, took the microphone from Yun Jin's hand, and walked to the front of the stage.

Seeing Bai An walk out of the crowd, the audience's eyes widened instantly, and they stretched their necks one by one, like a flock of geese waiting to be fed, their faces full of anticipation and hunger.

People want to know what kind of holiday blessings this unparalleled teenager will send.

Yun Jin, Ningguang and the others were also shining, and their eyes followed the young man's back tightly.

The audience was extremely quiet.

All of them were waiting for the teenager to speak.

These are the last words of blessing for this evening.

It is also the heaviest blessing of this evening.


Countless people swallowed nervously, and couldn't help but hold their breath.

Thank you for the big 100-point reward and reminder ticket!

Thank you for the big commuter pass of "Engraving Poetry Tunnel Monument"!

Thank you, thank you!!!。

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