Hearing Bai An's words, everyone in the audience was in an uproar.

"How... What's wrong with this?!"

"Resurrection of the dead?!"

"Corpse... Can't you, aren't all those guys being blown to slag? Where are there corpses?"

"Then it's a resurrection!"

"Although you say it very vividly... But the word resurgence is not used like this, too grandma..."

The audience was noisy, their faces were surprised, and their hearts were full of confusion and incomprehension.

In the background, Hu Tao is holding his hands, and his eyes are shining.

"Back from the dead?"

"This kind of thing is not allowed!"

A quirky smile spread across Hu Tao's face.

As the seventy-seventh generation hall master of the Afterlife Hall, as a defender of the boundary between life and death...

There are seven or seven strange species in this world, and one more is enough, and she can't accept any more.

Therefore, when he heard that the deceased Heguan people in the story were resurrected again, Hu Tao's occupational disease immediately attacked.

"The crane view, which was already extinct, has undergone strange changes because of the earth's leylines. "

Bai An spoke slowly again.

In that extremely thick haze, a figure actually appeared again. "

"But it's different from what you think..."

"Those figures are not living or dead. "


"Phantoms. "

When the audience heard this, they couldn't help but breathe, their eyes couldn't help but widen, and their faces were full of incredulity.


The crowd was amazed.

"Phantoms, ghosts, ghosts, Piao... There are countless words that can describe that kind of existence. "

"In short..."

"The figure that reappeared in the haze..."

"It is the soul of the Heguan people. "

Bai Anwei 683 told the story.

When everyone in the audience heard this, their faces changed in unison.

Everyone has heard of ghosts, but no one has ever seen them.

This fantasy story has been full of ups and downs all the way, and now, it has become a ghost story again?!

The ingredients are not uncomplicated.


Hu Tao's eyes had narrowed slightly.

"Can't you die..."

The girl had a smile on her face.

As a frequent ghost-seeker, she is more familiar with ghosts than anyone else.

After death, people do not want to die because they still have obsessions in their hearts.

And the job of a person like himself is to help each other but obsessed.

Hu Tao couldn't help but feel itchy and ready to move.

At this time, she has completely returned to the role of the master of the Hall of the Dead.


Yun Jin woke up faintly, and her face was paler than paper.

On Xin Yan's support, she sat up tremblingly, and then asked weakly, "Where did you go?"

"The people of Heguan have been resurrected. "

Xin Yan replied hurriedly.


Yun Jin's eyes widened, and his face was dull.

"Oh no, it's the people of Tsurukan who have turned into ghosts and come back to life!"

Xin Yan corrected the error in her words.

Yun Jin heard it in a fog.

She vaguely remembered that what she heard before she fell unconscious was the shaman's tongue offering to the gods...

After this awakening, how did the people of Heguan come back to life??

And when did they die?!

Looking at Yun Jin's stunned expression, Xin Yan immediately said the plot behind it roughly.

Yun Jin's face changed for a while, and she was silent for a while before complaining, "Why don't you call me..."

"I've called you!"

"As soon as you got up, you saw Hu Tao squeezing his eyebrows and sticking out his tongue..."

"As a result, I fainted again..."

Xin Yan scratched her head and cast a complaining look at Hu Tao.


As soon as she heard the word "tongue", Yun Jin's face turned pale.

"Yun Jin, why don't you listen to it..."

"This has already talked about ghost stories, and the next paragraphs are probably even more terrifying than just now..."

"Why don't you go in and rest, or you'll get dizzy later..."

Xin Yan opened his mouth to persuade.

"I don't, I want to listen. "

Yun Jin leaned weakly on the door frame and said weakly.


Xin Yan was helpless for a while, and then turned his eyes to Hu Tao again.

"This guy, when he hears the ghost story, he is more energetic than just now..."

Looking at Hu Tao's excited and sharpened face, Xin Yan was speechless for a while.


The audience was noisy and was discussing fiercely.

And in the crowd, Childe and Su Ge were also talking quietly.

"My lord, the story Bai An told is very consistent with our intelligence!"

"How did he know there were ghosts on that island?!"

Su Ge said suspiciously.

"Don't call him by name, call him Mr. Bai!"

Childe said coldly.

Su Ge was stunned when he heard this.

The other party's respect for the boy made him feel confused.

But I didn't dare to think much in my heart, so I could only respond respectfully:


Immediately, he asked with a glittering gaze:

"White... Sir, how did he know that?"

"My lord, shall we send someone to investigate?"

Hearing this, Childe's expression became even more cold.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Su Ge's heart froze, and his head instantly lowered.

"The subordinates don't dare..."

Seeing the other party's humble posture, Childe's face softened slightly, and then said lightly:

"I've been investigating his affairs, and it's not your turn to bother. "

"You just mind your own business. "

"About Chi... Mr. Bai's matter, you have to inquire about it again in the future!"

Childe warned in a serious tone.

"Yes, subordinates remember!"

Su Ge sincerely promised in fear.

After teaching Su Ge a lesson, Childe then moved his gaze back to the young man, with admiration and yearning in his eyes.

"Oh yes, the wisdom (cdej) is really powerful~" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

"Not only do I know that there are ghosts in Tsuruguan, but I also know the origin and past and present lives of those ghosts..."

"Tsk, this intelligence work is really amazing..."

"Ah~, I really want to be a wise man~~"

Childe looked at Bai An on the stage, and his heart gave birth to infinite yearning and longing.

In the midst of everyone's discussions, Bai An also took the opportunity to quietly take a sip of water.

This is the first time he's hydrated while telling a story.

Originally, he thought that this time the storytelling was the same as before.

As a result, I found out that the story of the Sea of Fog was extremely huge.

This was unexpected.

Bai An couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After replenishing water, Bai An walked back to the front of the stage again, then adjusted his state, and slowly spoke again:

"Actually, in my opinion, the ghosts of those crane people who reappear in the haze..."

"I prefer to call it ... Phantom. "

As the boy spoke, the room fell silent again.

"Those ghosts, although they exist like ordinary people, are no different from ordinary people when they talk..."

But that's not true. "

"The countless figures that reappear in the haze are actually just phantoms cast by the distortion of the earth's leylines. "

"It's a re-enactment of the past. "

"So, in fact, I prefer to call it an apparition rather than a ghost. "

Hearing this, the faces of the audience showed a look of clarity.

I probably understood what Bai An meant.

"If you still don't understand it, you can refer to Mirage. "

Bai An then added.

The audience nodded their heads and expressed their understanding.

"Among the many visions, there is only one person..."

"Became a real ghost. "

Bai An continued.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

"Countless tribesmen were wiped out in the thunderstorm, and their figures were all turned into phantoms in the mist. "

"However, one person, who did not experience a thunderstorm, also reappeared in the haze. "

"She's the only one who's become a ghost. "

"She's... Ruu. "

As soon as they heard the name of "Ruu", the hearts of everyone in the audience instantly tightened, and their eyes suddenly widened.

The poor protagonist of the story has finally reappeared.

One of people's hearts was instantly lifted again.

"On the day of the sacrifice, the gods sent down their wrath. "

"The leylines are distorted, and the tribesmen have reappeared as the illusions of yesterday. "

Ruu, on the other hand, was also affected by this aberration, and reappeared in the world in the form of a soul. "

"Hazy Ruu, she doesn't know what's going on. "

"She just felt like she was having a dream. "

"When I woke up, the people around me became a little strange. "

"People can't seem to see her, they can't hear her. "

"And the environment of the crane view has become worse than before. "

Ruu was confused. "

She naively thought that there must have been something wrong with the ritual that had made the gods angry, which was why everyone had become so strange. "

Ruu, who was naïve, immediately made a decision in her heart. "

"She's going to do the ritual again. "

The young man's words made the audience in an uproar again.

Countless audiences, their faces changed drastically.

"If you say that the destruction of humanity is Kapachili's obsession..."

Then, having a complete ritual again became Ruu's obsession. "

"The sacrifice is complete only when a sacrifice is completed that satisfies the gods. "

"Only in this way can the people return to normal. "

Unbeknownst to Ruu, the people she was worried about had already become a mirage and a mirage in the fog. "

"She just stood firm and went into her own way. "

"It's a pity that fate is impermanent..."

"At that time, in the haze and thunder, the agreed one person and one god..."

At this time, they are running for their own obsessions. "

"And coincidentally, their obsessions all come from each other..."

"It's really embarrassing..."

Bai An sighed faintly, and his eyes were inexplicable.

Thank you for the monthly pass!!Thank you!。

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