"Thunderous rage. "

Bai An's words, like a thunderbolt, exploded and rumbled at the scene.

Countless tearful viewers at the scene suddenly felt like they were struck by lightning, and their bodies and expressions became extremely stiff.

In those eyes full of sorrow, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared.

Like the thunder that came out of the inky black.

"Earth-shattering thunder descended from the sky. "

"In an instant, it destroys and destroys all that is tangible and considerable. "

Before the people of the tribe could react, they were instantly annihilated into scum in the thunder. "

"Before dying, people only have time to have one thought in their hearts. "

[What the hell is going on?]

Bai An narrated slowly, his eyes swept down the audience.

Before you know it, a lot of people are standing up.

The light in the teary eyes became brighter and brighter.

Bai An nodded silently, and then spoke again:

"The people of the tribe couldn't figure it out. "

"They thought that the gods would be happy and would give blessings. "

"However, I didn't expect that the gods would send down the most violent anger..."

"The most violent death. "

"People can't figure out what the hell is going on. "

23 "Apparently the tribe has always worshipped the gods in this way..."

"The gods didn't show much joy, but they never showed any negativity. "

And this time, the people offered their favorite and favorite children to the gods. "

"But why..."

"The gods suddenly showed their wrath and rained down their rage?"

"People don't understand. "

"But the good thing is that they don't have to figure it out. "

In an instant, thousands of Heguan people were wiped out in that thunderous rage. "

"Turned into scum, naturally don't think about it anymore. "

"The fury of thunder raged on the island for three days and three nights. "

By the time the clouds and rain had subsided, there was no living creature on Heguan Island. "

"In the midst of the terrifying thunder that lasted for three days and three nights, the tribesmen of Heguan..."

"All annihilation. "

Bai An's words slowly fell.

The air at the scene seemed to be stagnant.

A certain emotion is brewing rapidly.

There was a long silence.

Then, there was a burst of cheers from the sky and the earth cracking.

It was like countless thunderbolts, exploding at the same time.


"Well done!!"

"Oh yes!!That's how it should be!!We should slaughter all these bastards!!"

"Woo woo~, although justice will be late, it will never be absent!

"It's cheap to blow these guys to scum, right, let them also taste the punishment of stripping alive!!"

People who have been suppressed for a long time have finally been able to completely vent their inner emotions.

Grief and anger have finally been transformed into the comfort and pleasure of revenge.

Countless audiences, one by one, jumped up and down, unabashedly happy.

They shouted praise for Capacchili's tyrannical behavior.

For the tribesmen who died in the thunderstorm, they were whipped to their heart's content.

The originally extremely depressing venue instantly turned into a sea of cheers.

And the audience who originally fell into syncope was also woken up by people, and after listening to people's narrations, they also fell into an almost crazy joy.

Everyone danced and reveled.

How depressed, desperate, and sad I was, and how happy I am now.

The ignorant and ignorant Heguan people in the story were exterminated, which made the audience feel extremely happy.

Without exception, the people all shouted praises of the "thunderous wrath."

Although the protagonist of the story, Ruu, is also a crane view person.

But in people's eyes, Ruu, as well as the children who were sacrificed before, were all killed by feudal superstition, and they were all killed by those ignorant compatriots.

Such a miserable tribe should have been served in a pot a long time ago.

It's not a pity to die at all.

The huge venue was overjoyed.

There were even many people who wept with joy and cried again so much that they burst into tears.


Ningguang finally came out of the smoke, his smiling eyes crooked, and his expression was extremely satisfied.

Ganyu and Keqing were still teary-eyed, but their expressions were also excited and joyful.

Yaoyao and the Qiqi Gang wiped each other's tears, and they all smirked at each other.

Zhongli and Baizhu exhaled slowly, and the corners of their lips also smiled.

Xingqiu wiped the corners of his eyes, and finally smiled again.

Xiangling still twitched and twitched, but her mood was obviously a lot better, but those eyes... It's swollen and a little more round than a pot.

Xiao thought for a moment, then jumped down from his chair and stood and applauded.

The other side.

"Well done Capachili!!hahahaha~~"

Childe stepped on the table exaggeratedly, laughing loudly, looking extremely happy.

Su Gecheng was terrified, and from time to time he looked at the Millelith Army in the distance, and then at Gongzi, looking like he wanted to pull but didn't dare to pull.

Not far away.

Eula is not much better than Childe.

At this time, Eula didn't know when she had already taken out her big sword.

I saw her holding a big sword in one hand, her waist was straight, her head was held high, and her expression was extremely high-spirited.

"That's how it should be!"

"If you treat these stupid guys, you should have them all slaughtered!!"

Eula shouted with joy on her face, wishing for another pot of wine in her hand to add a little more pleasure to this pleasure.

"Woo woo~, good job~~"

Yanfei next to her was sobbing and choking, and applauded vigorously, and her little hands were almost red. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The huge venue, hundreds of thousands of spectators, all immersed in a sense of pleasure.


The castle tower.

Raiden Shogun, who has always been unsmiling, actually showed a rare smile on his face at this time.

"Fabulous. "

A pair of brown and purple eyes, slightly narrowed, like a crescent moon.

The slightest thunderbolt jumped in the middle, showing the joy in the woman's heart.

Raiden Shogun didn't know much about Thunderbird's deeds.

But when she heard the story, even her heart was like a rock, and she felt great joy.

The wrath of the Thunderbird is the revenge of Ruu.

For this revenge, Raiden Shogun was extremely happy.

Especially in that thunderous way.

Raiden Shogun liked it very much.

All the grievances and grief and indignation before have become joy and joy at this moment.

Raiden Shogun shallow 177 smiled lightly.

The smile on the corner of his lips never fell.

If Kujou Sara had been there at this moment, he would have been shocked.

She must have been shocked that the general would actually laugh...

Unfortunately, she is now in Liyue and cannot see this bizarre scene.

Pure land.

Lei Movie is not as cheerful as the general, but his mood is extremely complicated.

Kapacili was killed by her.

She didn't know much about what had happened to Kapachili.

She didn't expect that the violent Thunderbird she killed would have such a past.

"Ruu... It was killed by the feudal superstitious Heguan people..."

"Kapachili's destruction of Tsurukan is to avenge Ruu..."

"And I... Kill Capachili..."

Lei Yingying's expression was in a trance, and he kept muttering to himself.

The intricate logical relationship made her head two.

She couldn't tell whether she was just or unjust.

After a long time, her eyes gradually returned to clarity, and she nodded a little stiffly, confirming that she should belong to the righteous side.

After all, slashing Kapachiri himself...

It's because it slaughters humans on Kiyorai Island.

In this regard, he is at least acting in a righteous position.

"Well, that's right!"

Lei Yingying's eyes widened and he nodded firmly.

"I am righteous!"

There was a glint of wisdom in his big eyes.

Thanks to "zhong.." Thank you for giving away a commuter pass!!Thank you!。

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