Listening to Bai An's words...

The faces of hundreds of thousands of people at the scene turned pale with a "swish".

People only felt that they were surrounded by a chill to the bone.

The autumn breeze is cool, but not so cold.

What really makes people feel cold is what the teenager says.

It's too cold.

People just feel cold to the bone.

I couldn't help but tremble all over.

"The beautiful singing voice delighted the gods. "

"Therefore, the first to be offered to the gods is naturally the jaw-dropping tongue of children. "

The tremors intensified.

Even breathing became extremely difficult, and I only felt that I was about to suffocate and faint.

Blood flowed out of Ruu's mouth. "

"She knew she wasn't losing her voice..."

Instead, he offered his voice to the gods. "

"After the voice, and with it... It's visual. "

"And then there's the sense of smell..."

"And then there's the hearing..."


There are a lot of people who are almost unable to stand.

Absurd, unreal, dizzy...

It was constantly stimulating their nerves, making them almost faint.

The tip of the knife slashed across Ruu's face, but she couldn't feel the cold..."

"I just feel joy. "

"She knew she was dying. "

But that's what she craves. "

857 "For Ruu..."

"It's a sweet death. "

Bai An whispered, his eyes already darkened.


Some viewers with poor psychological quality rolled their eyes and fainted directly.

And the rest of the audience were also trembling violently, and they were as white as paper.

The huge venue was like a ghost domain, and it was as silent as death.

No one cried.

The hearts have long been frozen into ice sculptures, how can they secrete tears...

In the extremely quiet venue, only the voice of the teenager was faintly floating:

"After that, it's a separation. "

Pieces of flesh and blood were peeled off Ruu's body and put into a silver urn. "

And the blood that came out was presented into the golden cup. "

"Over time..."

"Ruu... Gradually, it was divided into vessels. "

Bai An said numbly, his eyes had become empty.

"No!!, don't say any more!!"

A shrill scream suddenly rang out from the scene.

As if he was crazy, he squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

The face has long been blurred.

She is not the only one who has a nervous breakdown.

Countless spectators fell to the ground in response.

Without exception, the expressions are like crazy and demonic, hugging their heads and crying (CDFE).

"Don't say it again!!I'm begging you!!ahhh

"How can you... How can ... Ruu!!ahhh


A cry...

Two cries...

After all, it converged into countless heart-rending cries.

Countless viewers directly broke the defense.

One to ten, ten to hundred...

Joys and sorrows are always contagious.

Originally, some listeners who had not completely collapsed finally collapsed completely under the infection of this crying one after another.

Without exception.

All defenses are broken.

Hundreds of thousands of heart-rending cries...

It's like a sky crashing.

It is countless times more exaggerated than when the emperor died.

The huge venue instantly became a sea of grief.

Ning Guang didn't know when, he had already ducked into the smoke.

Ganyu and Keqing hugged each other, their bodies twitching violently.

Yaoyao and Qiqi grabbed the corner of Baizhu's clothes, a handful of snot and fifteen tears.

Bai Zhu and Zhongli had empty eyes, and the cup in their hands broke at some point.

Xiao's face was sluggish, his fists clenched together, and it seemed that some dust was leaking out of his palm.

Xingqiu lay on the table.

And Xiangling, who was beside him, was already crying like a fool.

The other side.

Childe's chest rose and fell violently.

A pair of eyes had turned blood-red.

His heart was aching.

Sharp pain like being penetrated.

And not far away.

Yanfei hugged Eula's arm tightly.

Tears and snot had already soaked the pale blue sleeves.

Eula pursed her lips, her face as pale as paper, bloodless. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The bloodshot eyes, like rabbits, were frighteningly red.

Broken defenses.

All of them are broken.

Looking at the crying audience in the audience, Bai An knew that he couldn't talk about it for the time being.

If he continues, these people who have broken the big defense will really rush up and eat him alive.

Then, Bai An sighed faintly and stopped making a sound.

Leave time for everyone and soothe your inner emotions.


The castle tower.

Raiden Shogun's face was still indifferent.

But the sound of breathing was heavier than ever.

The rise and fall of the chest is also more intense than ever.

She is a doll created by the gods.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't have emotions.

She doesn't cry.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to grieve.

Since the day she was created, there has been only divinity in her body, not humanity.

And now, now, right now...

She finally experienced the feeling of sadness.

I finally realized that I wanted to cry and vent.

However, it is not so much sadness as grief.

Raiden Shogun wants to cut people.

There had never been a moment when she wanted to cut someone so much.

However, a sense of powerlessness lingered in her heart.

Who to cut?

Those ignorant Heguan people have long been buried by the loess.

And that violent Thunderbird has long been...

Raiden Shogun didn't know who to cut.

Drawing his sword and looking around, his heart was at a loss.

Raiden Shogun stared blankly at the picture on the light curtain, his expression more stunned than ever.

And even more stunned than her were the gods who lived in her body.

Pure land.

Ray Movie was motionless.

His gaze was glazed to the extreme, like a fool.

The Thunderbird was slain by her.

However, she only knew that the Thunderbird was tyrannical and ferocious, and that it would slaughter humans everywhere it went.

As for the rest, she doesn't know anything about the future of Thunderbird.

She always felt that she had done nothing wrong in killing the Thunderbird.

But at this moment, she couldn't help but become a little skeptical.

Listening to the story told by the young man, the ferocious and violent Thunderbird didn't seem to want to be as vicious as he saw.

Among them, there seems to be a hidden secret...

Ray Films couldn't help but fall into deep self-doubt.

"I... I guess I didn't do anything wrong..."

"In this matter,...... I'm supposed to be righteous...?"

Ray's eyes are constantly changing.

Ever since she started listening to teenagers tell stories, she had doubts about many things that she had been steadfast in the past.

It's the same this time.

Ray Movie was a little panicked.

She desperately wanted an answer to prove that she was doing the right thing in this matter.

But who can give her the answer?

The boy hasn't been brought back yet.

Naturally, no one could answer her question.

Ambiguity about justice, self-doubt... Let Shadow fall into extreme anxiety.

She began to spin in the Pure Land of One Heart.

Start drawing a mind map on the ground...

Started scratching his ears and cheeks...

And thousands of miles away in Liyue.

Among the old buildings.

The earth-shattering cries echoed.

The milky voice, the heart-rending cry...

It is really sad for those who hear it, and weep for those who hear it.

There is no doubt that the cry of grief belongs to a child of the same age as the protagonist of the story.

Early grapefruit.

Thank you for the monthly pass given away by "Celestial Thirteen"!!

Thanks to the "Black and White Knight." "A commuter pass that I gave away!!

Thank you very much!。

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