"The most important part of that annual festival is to worship the sacred bird..."

"Offer a child. "

The young man's words fluttered gently in the venue.

The audience all froze.

"What... What do you mean?!Offer a child ?!!"

"Didn't I hear me right?!For children?!That's not..."

Hundreds of thousands of spectators all changed color, and the smile that was still on their faces a second ago disappeared in an instant, replaced by stunned and disbelievable.

However, Bai An didn't seem to mean to explain in detail, and just continued to speak:

"Every year of the festival, the people of Heguan will offer the most pious and pure child to the sacred bird to please the gods. "

These chosen children are known as the Chosen Ones, implying the favor of the gods. "

"For the people of Heguan, it is an incomparably glorious and incomparably happy thing for their children to be selected. "

And the children of Heguan are also extremely eager to become the only lucky ones among the countless alternative peers. "

For the children "047", it is their vision and dream to become the chosen son. "

"For adults, offering a child to the gods is the most solemn and holy ritual. "

Bai An's voice slowly drifted in the venue.

In the voice, there is always some suppression of emotions.

"No, what does it mean to be dedicated to the gods?!To make it clear!It's too vague!!"

"Isn't it a way to dress up a child and sing and dance to the gods? or... Serving the gods?"

"What kind of service are you talking about?"

"Just... That's it..."

"You can do that! Aren't they all kids?!"

"That's a bit of a false god, don't you just like to talk to children..."

"That Thunderbird is a bird! Bird! What can it do with a child?!"

"Then what do you mean by that..."

"Have you ever heard of a very old, evil ritual called a living sacrifice?"

"Damn, you're more evil than me!"

The guests in the audience were discussing fiercely, and the scene was suddenly like boiling water.

And most people's eyes are still firmly focused on the teenager on the stage, their eyes are anxious, hoping that the teenager will give an accurate answer.

Bai quietly looked at everyone.

There was not the slightest explanation.

After a few moments, he spoke again:

"In the passage of time..."

"The sacred bird has gradually become accustomed to accepting human sacrifices. "

"It doesn't care about the sacrifice of the Crane people, and it never cares. "

In its view, the humans living beneath its feet are nothing more than a bunch of lowly and weak creatures. "

"It is a demon god who is high above, and naturally it will not lower its arrogant head to overlook the ants on the ground. "

"It always scoffs at the worship and admiration of the people of Heguan. "

"The adoring gaze of the ants is nothing more than a ridiculous and comical joke to the eagle flying high in the sky. "

"The sacred bird feasts on the sacrifices offered by the people year after year. "

"The flesh and blood in the golden cup and silver urn made it happy. "

"But beyond that, it doesn't give more to people. "

"Naturally, it doesn't care about human things. "

Bai An told the story.

The people at the scene have long since returned to quiet.

Although I was always confused in my heart, as if something was pressing on my chest, under the young man's narration, people still chose not to think about it temporarily.

A certain oppressive atmosphere is quietly spreading.

Bai An continued to speak:

"The ignorant crane people are happy that the sacred bird has come year after year. "

They happily thought that this was a sign of the contract between the Divine Bird and the tribe. "

"It's just that what they don't know is..."

"For the sacred bird, this is just a light meal once a year, and you can pat your ass and leave after eating. "

"The worship, fanaticism, and longing for the people of Heguan..."

The Divine Bird never cast a single gaze. "

Listening to the young man's narration, the audience at the scene couldn't help but shake their heads and laugh.

"These Heguan people are really stupid, and they belong to it for nothing~"

"Hehe, it's not, I worked hard to make a memorial, but people didn't take it seriously at all!"

"If you eat this, you will slap your ass and leave, how can you be a bit of a scumbag..."

"Actually, I can't say that..."

"The sacrifice is meant to be a gesture of thought, and you can't say that you have offered a sacrifice, so you have to ask the gods to do something for you, right?

"That's right, if that's the case, then the emperor must not die of exhaustion..."

"Isn't the emperor already..."

"Shut up, you don't open any pot!"

The guests in the audience were full of discussions.

For the behavior of the crane people, as well as the attitude of the sacred bird, everyone expressed their understanding.

Sacrifice is originally a voluntary blessing ceremony, not a request.

The sacred bird has no obligation in the first place, and must do something for the people of Heguan.

"The festival goes on year after year. "

"Countless children who were once unsuccessful are growing up. "

"Countless newborn babies have also become new candidates. "

"And among these alternatives are the protagonists of our story..."

"Ruu. "

Bai An whispered, his voice always seemed a little depressed.

However, the audience was in high spirits.

After listening to it for so long, the protagonist finally appeared!

People couldn't help but get excited again.

"Uh-huh, the name Ah Ru sounds very good~"

"I guess the plot of this story must be that this kid raised the big sword in the stone, made a contract with the divine bird, and then swept away the haze of the earth with the divine bird, and led the people of Heguan to freedom and pastoral songs~"

Eula smiled at the corner of her lips and nodded proudly, thinking that she had guessed the plot behind.....

"I think it might be a love story that happened in a thick fog!"

Yanfei said excitedly.

"Huh??" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Eula's cheeks twitched.

"Hehe, Sister Eula, you think, two young people met by chance in the thick fog, but because of fate, they passed by, and missed the opportunity to get to know each other. "

"After that, in the vast fog, the two kept looking for each other's figures, wanting to see each other again~"

"After going through hardships, the two finally found each other under the guidance of Lei Guang~"

"In the end, with the blessing and witness of the divine bird, the lovers will eventually become married~"

"Sister Eula, don't you realize it, is this very romantic?!"

Yanfei's eyes were extremely bright, and she looked at Eula without blinking.

"I'm convinced..."

Eula's eyes were glazed, and she couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"It's up to you to tell this story. "

Eula didn't know what to say.

"Hehe, I made it up..."

Yanfei's face was slightly red, and she sneered embarrassedly.

"Yanfei, have you wanted to fall in love lately?"

"Why are you talking about some children's love?"

Eula asked with a slight frown.

"Whew... What?!I'm just talking nonsense..."

Yanfei's face turned red with a "poof", and she was so flustered that she couldn't do it.


Bai An spoke slowly again:

As time passed, Ruu grew up. "

"Like other innocent, kind, innocent children..."

"He also aspires to be the one of the best of God.1.4"

"The date of the festival is approaching day by day. "

"Countless children are excited, nervous, and looking forward to it. "

"Every child wants to be the lucky one to be sacrificed to the gods. "

And the tribal shamans and adults are also nervously selecting. "

Bai An spoke slowly.

The feeling of oppression in the voice is becoming more and more obvious.

"One day, there was a sudden thunderstorm on the island, lightning and thunder. "

"The violent thunder was more violent and terrifying than ever. "

The people of the tribe were horrified and speculated that perhaps the gods were angry and were pouring out their wrath. "

People took refuge in their houses and prayed prayers of repentance, asking the gods to appease their anger. "

"And when everyone is terrified of the power of the gods, and they are afraid to avoid it..."

"Only Ruu..."

But he was alone, left in the wilderness. "

Thank you for the monthly pass!!Thank you!。

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