"Far away, there is an island called Tsurukan. "

"This island is shrouded in smog all day long, and it is isolated from the rest of the world all year round. "

"And our story this time takes place on this island called Tsuruguan. "

Bai An told the story.

The clean sound makes people feel refreshed and like a spring breeze.

In the midst of the crowd.

Zhuzi looked extremely excited, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ha~!!, I want to talk about the crane view!!"

Looking at the girl with an excited face, the people around her looked at each other, and then came over.

"Eh, girl, have you heard of this place? Where is this place?"

"yes, let's talk about it, I don't seem to have any impression, this place doesn't seem to be our Liyue..."

"Yes, yes, girl, tell me..."

The people around asked in a whisper.

Hearing this, Zhuzi became more excited, and his face was full of pride.

"Tsurukan is an island in Inazuma, and it's a very famous island!"

Listening to the girl's answer, people were stunned.

Tsurukan, it turned out to be in Inazuma...

The boy told the story of Inazuma this time.

"Why is Tsuruguan famous? What is the story there?"

"Eh, if you ask like this, won't it be a spoiler directly?!

Crowd 247 produced a different sound.

A few people can't hold back their curiosity and are itching.

Most are adamantly resistant to spoilers.

"Uh... I'm sorry, but I don't know what's going on on the crane view..."

Zhu Zi scratched his head in disdain, and then explained:

"The crane view is famous because no one has ever been able to enter that island. "

"There, it's always foggy, and whoever goes in will get lost. "

"Many adventurers have tried to enter the Crane Temple, but no matter how sophisticated the equipment they have, as soon as they enter the dense fog, all of them will fail. "

"All the people who tried to enter the crane view ended up losing their way and going around and back to the beginning. "

"So that island, no one has ever been in it. "

Because of this, the crane view has also become very famous and mysterious. "

"These are all things I heard from my family when I was a child, and I haven't actually been there..."

Zhu Zi said with a smile.

"Hey, it's so mysterious..."

"This kind of place where gods and gods chatter, when I hear it, there is a special story, I love to hear this!"

"Yes, yes, I love to hear this, I especially like this kind of mysterious story..."

Passers-by were suddenly excited, and their eyes were extremely bright.

"I didn't expect that Mr. was going to tell the story of Heguan this time..."

"But how does the gentleman know about the Crane Temple?"

Zhuzi was both excited and confused.

"Hey, you don't understand this, our little white brother, that's astronomy and geography! There's nothing in this world that he doesn't know!

"Yes, yes, our little white brother, but he is the world's first-class storyteller, what others don't know, he must know!"

"Girl, you can tell at a glance that you are from Inazuma, smuggling or... Forget that, you just need to know that Brother Bai An is the best storyteller in Liyue!

"You foreigners don't know about Little Brother, and I don't blame you, but you must remember that Little Brother Bai An is our great artist who is a national treasure in Liyue!"

The surrounding passers-by boasted and had honor.

Zhuzi was embarrassed and wanted to laugh at the same time.

She wanted to tell these people that she not only knew Bai An, but was also Bai An's employees.

However, looking at the pride and pride on the faces of passers-by, Zhuzi still did not break through after all.

At the time of the Zhuzi explaining to the people.

Many people of insight and adventurers at the scene also spread the origin of the crane view to people.

Looking at the crowd in the audience, they gradually showed a look of enlightenment, and Bai An also smiled shallowly.

This kind of behavior of mutual popularization between the audience is quite like the "barrage" in the previous life.

And this undoubtedly saved him a lot of things.


"Crane view, what a mysterious place..."

Childe held his chin thoughtfully.

"My lord, our people have explored it before, but in the end..."

The bank clerk shrouded in a cloak with a slightly hesitant face (cdaj).

"Well, I know. "

Childe nodded solemnly.

"The leylines there are very strange, the fog does not disperse all year round, and you can't get out if you go deeper. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And according to the soldiers who escaped, there were many ghost-like people living in it, which was very strange. "

Childe said with a frown.

"Yes, sir. "

"It's a weird place. "

The clerk humbly agreed, then his expression changed slightly, and he said with some confusion:

"Such a strange and mysterious place, the world knows almost nothing about it..."

"This Bai An... How did he know what was going on there, and what was he going to say?"

The clerk looked at the young man on the stage, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Suge, that's not something you should think about. "

Childe's tone was full of warnings.

The bank clerk named Su Ge was stunned, and then quickly lowered his head, lowered his eyebrows and said:

"Yes, sir. "

Although I don't know why Childe didn't allow him to mention this, it obviously touched some taboos.

Su Ge didn't dare to think about it anymore, and hurriedly erased all kinds of thoughts in his heart.

The chatter gradually fell.

Most of the people at the scene had a preliminary understanding of the crane view and had a general impression.

Countless eyes returned to the stage again.

The scene gradually fell silent again.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Bai An didn't wait any longer, and then slowly spoke:

"This island, called Tsurukan, is often referred to as a forbidden island. "

"The haze is so thick that you can't see your fingers. "

"For countless years, countless adventurers have searched for secrets and tried to uncover the mystery of the crane view, but in the end, they took advantage of the excitement and returned home. "

However, what the world does not know, under that veil of mystery, there is actually a touching and profound story. "

"It was a time of the past, something that happened thousands of years ago. "

Bai An told the story.

The scene was quiet and quiet, and the needle drop could be heard.

Hundreds of thousands of people looked at each other, their eyes shining, waiting for the teenager to tell.

"Thousands of years ago, in that haze-shrouded crane temple, there was a human tribe. "

"Living in such a haze and isolated from the world, although the days are peaceful, they are always full of unease. "

At that time, there was often thunder roaring and thunder. "

"The tribal people who live under the fog are terrified of the thunder, but at the same time, they are also full of admiration for it. "

In their eyes, the violent thunder was the only light in the thick fog. "

It is also the only guide in the haze that you can't see your fingers. "

In the eyes of these tribal people, the thunder is a metaphor for the gods, who are showing them the way. "

"Through the purple thunder, people can see the things around them clearly, and they can see the way forward. "

"Over time, the people of the tribe gradually worshipped the Lord of Thunder as the only true god. "

"Build up idols, put sacrifices, and worship them. "。

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