The moon shines brightly, sprinkled all over the earth.

This is the most beautiful full moon of the year.

It is also one of the most beautiful festivals of the year.

With a burst of gongs and drums, the long-awaited largest monthly evening meeting in history finally began.

And the first thing that starts, it's not the show or the show.

It's a round of sacrifices.

Under the watchful eye of everyone, "Tianquan Xing" Ningguang slowly paced onto the stage, and then made a short and powerful speech.

The approximate meaning is to remember the emperor, sigh the past, and look forward to the future...

With the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers, a giant cigarette was inserted into the most luxurious and huge furnace~.

Sacrifice to the heavens before the festival.

This is an old tradition in Liyue.

Hundreds of thousands of people at the scene were quiet, with solemn faces, silently praying for blessings.

Then, there was another burst of gongs, drums and firecrackers.

The sacrifice was over.

The monthly evening meeting was also officially announced.

The music began to rise.

The first artist to perform, took the stage.

The audience suddenly erupted in extremely warm applause and applause.

The cheers of hundreds of thousands of people were like a tsunami in the mountains, and the heavens and the earth were shaken.

In the midst of the cries of horror in the sky, the artist took a deep breath, then smiled and began to perform his unique work.


A nondescript building.

Inside the building, the building has long been empty.

The dozens of figures who were busy before had long since disappeared at this time.

In the huge lobby, there were only three figures left.

Yae Miko sat cross-legged on the Taishi's chair, his expression smiling rather than smiling.

Kujou Sara stood on her left side with her sword in her hand, unsmiling.

Sayu stood on her right, yawning from time to time, looking sleepy.

"It's already started."

Kujou Sara suddenly said abruptly.


Yae Miko nodded lazily, not raising her eyelids.

"Miyaji-sama, are we really not going to the scene?"

Kujou Sara looked at Yae Miko, his face calm and serious.

"What are you doing there..."

"There, it's not our stage..."

Yae Miko replied lazily.

Her answer, at first glance, sounded a bit wrong.

But Kujou Sara understood.

It's not their stage.

Their performance will officially begin after the evening is over.

The thought of that extremely simple action made Kujou Sara's heart feel complicated.

"Miyaji-sama, such a simple plan..."

"Does it really work?"

Kujou Sara's eyes were uneasy.

Hearing this, Yae Miko finally raised her eyelids leisurely.

"The more complex and sophisticated the plan... The more likely it is to make mistakes. "

"And often the simplest plan..."

"It's the easiest to work."

Yae Miko squinted slightly, his expression smiling rather than smiling.

"But that's not necessarily... It's too child's play. "

"Even a three-year-old child can see through that kind of plan..."

The uneasiness in Kujou Sara's eyes did not diminish in the slightest, but intensified.

"Alas, General Kujo..."

Yae Miko sighed slightly, then turned his head to look at the other party.

There is a fluorescent flicker in the eye.

Feeling the gaze full of meaning, Kujou Sara's face turned pale, and he finally remembered the identity of the other party.

Inazuma's most resourceful person, the great witch who has no last resort...

Yae Miko.

The plan of such a wise man will not be really child's play.

"I'm sorry, Miyaji-sama, I'm just a little worried."

Kujou Sara's face turned pale.

"General Kujo, do you know that Bai An is not a three-year-old child?"

The corners of Yae Miko's lips were slightly upturned, and the fluorescence in her eyes became brighter.

"This man's wisdom should be the first in the world."

"For such a person, the more elaborate and complex the plan, the more clumsy it is."

"The overall situation composed of dozens of people, as long as one person is recognized, we will lose everything."

"Instead of this, it's better to just put two or three sons, simple and natural."

"For a truly wise man, the simplest routine is often the easiest to take effect."

"Three-year-olds can see through because they are simple-minded and can only see the surface of everything."

"The wise cannot see because they think far and wide, and in all things they have to combine cause and effect."

"And it is precisely because of too much thinking that these people would not think that someone would use such a clumsy and crude scheme against themselves."

"It's not stupidity, it's the inertia of thinking."

"I say that, General Kujo, do you understand?"

Yae Miko smiled charmingly.

"You mean, the other way around?"

Kujou Sara asked, as if he didn't understand.

"That's pretty much it."

"Perhaps you can also say that you use the most modest bait to catch the most precious fish."

Yae Miko said with a smile.

"Can the fish take the bait?" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Kujou Sara asked, a little nervous.

"He'll take the bait."

"After all, that bait is wrapped in love, friendship... These are the most beautiful emotions. "

Yae Miko's gaze looked over the windowsill in the direction of Liyue Harbor, a smile on his face.

"Miyaji-sama, I'm like... I'm starting to understand the subtlety of your plan..."

"Hmm~, have you finally opened your mind?"

"The plan was simple, but it was to the core, and every piece of information we had was put to good use... Well, the more I think about it, the more powerful I feel..."

"Is it~, then think about it again... Little tanuki, come here, hammer my back~"



Time passes slowly.

As the artists took the stage one after another, the audience's mood became higher and higher, and the atmosphere became more and more hot.

The applause and bursts of applause shook the mountain.

Even the slimes, who were far away in Tianheng Mountain, panicked and got into the mud and trembled with shock.

The shows are played one after another.

The atmosphere is getting hotter and hotter.

The moonlight is also becoming more and more sultry.

Finally, in the midst of earth-shattering applause, people finally ushered in the penultimate program.


A striking metallic sound sounded.

Countless lights suddenly focused on the two girls in black.

Hu Tao and Xin Yan appeared in front of people with an extremely exaggerated posture.

"Boom, kick..."

The marching prelude, low and excited, makes people inexplicably excited.

The audience was already restless and screamed excitedly.

After a short pause, Hu Tao grabbed the wheat rack and finally opened his voice:

"Da Qiuqiu is sick, Erqiu Qiu look~"

"Three hills and hills collect medicine, and four hills boil~"

The weird tunes, coupled with the alternative performances, instantly broke through people's eardrums and tore people's souls.

Despite their introverted personalities, the people of Liyue are not legalists.

They respect tradition, but they also dare to try new things.

So this alternative song, instead of being cold, completely ignited the hot mood of the scene.

The audience at the scene was excited, and they spontaneously started clapping.

Many people even turned red, their muscles burst out, and they sweated like rain while beating hard.

Perhaps, this is the power of rock and roll.

And while the audience clapped in unison...

Backstage, there is also a person who is beating energetically.

"Three hills... Four hills and hills!! "

Bai An was extremely excited.

Not only did he follow the beat, but he also sang along.

"When the sun comes out, I bask in the sun, and when the moon comes out, I bask in the moon~"

Wherever Hu Tao sings, he sings along, completely becoming a little fan brother.

Looking at Bai An, who was extremely excited, Wendy was very incomprehensible.

Is this song that good...?

Is this Liyue's national anthem or what? One by one, they are so excited...

Wendy sighed silently, then looked at the distance below the stage.

Looking at the black, overwhelming crowd, Wendy's heart couldn't help but tremble and become excited.

A lot of people...

In his life, he has never seen so many audiences.

Originally, the last time he was in the teahouse, he thought it was already the limit.

As a result, I didn't expect that the audience this time was dozens of times that of the last time.

One of Wendy's hearts "fluttered" wildly.

Rao is that he has seen countless winds and waves, and he can't help but feel deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

It was undoubtedly the biggest show he had ever seen.

And in the near future, he will perform in front of hundreds of thousands of people with the teenagers around him.

Wendy only felt her blood boiling.

He hadn't boiled for a long time.

But now, he felt like he was about to boil.


It burns until it almost bursts.


On the stage, Hu Tao let out a strange scream.


Backstage, Bai An howled hoarsely.

With this sound, a burst of ancient music sounded.

An elegant figure, moving small steps, slowly passed out between Hu Tao and Xin Yan, and came to the front of the stage.

And with the arrival of this figure, the audience also gave the loudest cheers.

"Mr. Yun!!"

"Mr. Yun!! I love you!! "

"Ahhh It's Mr. Yun!! I'm going to die!! "

Yun Jin smiled softly and opened her lips and teeth lightly.

Good news and clear words, finally like a heavenly sound.

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