
Ah Qing is fishing.

The lazy autumn sun, the cool autumn breeze...

This kind of afternoon is the best time to fish.

Ah Qing lay lazily on the bamboo chair, staring comfortably.

A small man approached.

"Brother Qing, look, that girl over there is so upright~"

Listening to Xiao Di's suppressed excited whisper, Ah Qing opened her eyes unhurriedly.

"Let me be well~"

Then my eyes lit up.

"Oh, don't say it, it's really upright!"

The men's reaction to the sight of beautiful women is always surprisingly consistent.

The two of them immediately began to discuss with great interest.

"Look at the face, that girl should be a foreigner... Tsk, a foreigner's figure is good..."

"Indeed... But looking like that, it seems to be quite fierce, and it's not easy to get along with..."

"It's supposed to be an adventurer or something... Normal, beautiful women have a big temper..."

"Eh, Brother Qing, she came to us, shouldn't she have come to us for tea?"

"Tsk, drink tea and drink tea, what are you panicking about? Haven't entertained beautiful women? Quick, go and greet someone. "

"Qing... Brother Qing, I don't dare... She seems to be really fierce..."

"Look at your unpromising appearance, it's really embarrassing for our teahouse~"

"Hehe, Brother Qing, why don't you go... You are more experienced, such a big beauty, or you serve it better..."

"I'm glad you can think so, but that's not a reason for you to be lazy, go."

"Brother Qing, I... I still have work to do, I'll go and get busy Brother Qing first..."

"You kid..."

Looking at Xiao Di, who fled in gray, Ah Qing hated that iron could not become steel.

Then he looked at the foreign beauty in the audience, sighed silently, and reluctantly stood up from the bamboo chair and walked towards the other party.

"Hello, how many of you are?"

As usual, Ah Qing greeted warmly.

"I'm the only one."

The voice was cold and haughty.

Such a cold foreign beauty...

It's not Eula, who else can it be.

Ah Qing didn't think much of the woman's cold arrogance, he had seen all kinds of guests, and he had long been surprised.

"Your side, please~"

A-Qing smiled and led Eula to a small table and sat down.

"What would you like to drink?"


"Do you need refreshments?"


"Excuse me..."


Listening to the other party's answer, Ah Qing was helpless for a while, and then gradually understood something.

This cold beauty is obviously not here for tea.

Seeing the expression on A-Qing's face, Eula seemed to realize that she was a little rude.

Immediately, Leng Ao's face softened slightly, and he said a little stiffly:

"Humble bird-like industrious and enthusiastic waiter, may I ask..."

"When did you start telling stories?"

Hearing Eula's question, A-Qing couldn't help but snicker inwardly.

The truth was exactly what he had guessed.

"Guest, let's start talking around 3 p.m."

A-Qing replied with a smile.


Eula then returned to her cold appearance, leaned back with her hands folded, stared straight at the stage, and said no more.

Looking at it, it seems that he is planning to sit back and wait for the story to begin.

"But, guest, you may be disappointed today."

Ah Qing smiled slightly apologetically.


"What do you mean? Didn't tell a story today? "

Eula raised her eyebrows.

The originally beautiful and cold face, because of this subtle change, suddenly became a little aggressive.

Ah Qing's heart trembled, and she involuntarily took half a step back.

The woman's powerful aura made him feel oppressed.

He could feel that the other party was not intentional, but just instinctively asked.

It's just that the aggressive look that is inadvertently revealed makes people feel a lot of pressure after all.

He finally understood that what Xiao Di said was right.

This girl is indeed a little difficult to get along with.

Immediately, the smile on Ah Qing's face became more respectful, and his eyes became more sincere.

"This young lady, if you listen to the book normally, it will start at 3 o'clock..."

"But if you want to hear Xiaobai tell the story..."

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed."

A-Qing said humbly.


Eula's eyes froze.

"You... Isn't it here to listen to Xiaobai's storytelling? "

"Xiaobai, Bai An..."

Ah Qing also asked a little stunned.

Hearing the name of "Bai An", Eula suddenly understood, and her face became serious.

"That's right, I'm here for him."

Hearing this, Ah Qing's expression returned to naturalness, and a smile bloomed on his face again.

"Then you have to be disappointed, it's not Xiaobai who is telling the story today."

Eula's brow furrowed again.

After a bumpy and long journey, I finally arrived in Liyue, and I didn't even look for a place to rest, so I rushed straight to the teahouse.

And you can't see the target person?!

This annoyed Eula.

"And when is he going to tell the story?"

Eula asked with a cold eyebrow.

"It's... It's not good to say, Xiaobai said that he doesn't talk about books, it all depends on the mood..."

Ah Qing's face was full of apologies, and he quietly took half a step back.

When Eula heard this, she was immediately even more annoyed.

"Then if he doesn't come all the time, I don't have to wait here for him all the time?!"

Eula's voice couldn't help but rise a little higher, and the fire in her eyes surged.

"That's... That's not going to be..."

"According to what I know about Xiaobai, he usually talks once a week..."

"Although he hasn't talked for two weeks now, and he doesn't know what he's up to..."

Ah Qing said as he fell into deep thought.

But looking at the increasingly vigorous fire in Eula's eyes, he quickly pulled back his thoughts and added:

"But I have a feeling that he should be over soon!"

Ah Qing said with a determined face.

"Soon? How fast the hell is that?! "

Eula asked, suppressing her anger.

"It should be just a few days." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Guest, don't worry, if Xiaobai wants to tell the story, he will release the news as soon as possible!"

"You're in Liyue, play for ten days and eight days, and you'll be able to hear him talk!"

Ah Qing said with a smile.

When Eula heard this, some words almost blurted out.

It took her more than ten days to come to Liyue.

Now we have to wait for another ten days and eight days?!

Eula didn't want to wait any longer.

Her task is to find the boy and investigate the truth of the light curtain, not really to listen to the boy's story.

There's no need to waste time here.

Immediately, Eula stood up in the chair with a "poof" and said in a cold tone:

"Give me his address and I'll go find him myself."

Feeling the other party's lofty posture and commanding tone, Ah Qing couldn't help but complain in his heart, but he still replied with a polite look on his face:

"Sorry, guest, we don't have a white address."

"And even if there were, we wouldn't be able to provide it to you, sorry."

Ah Qing changed his previous humility and said without humility or arrogance.

Seeing the change in A-Qing's expression, Eula was stunned for a moment, and then smiled coldly.

"Hmph, mercenary Liyue people..."

Immediately, her hand shook, and a heavy money bag was carried in front of Ah Qing.

"Jingle Bell~"

Eula shook the money bag in her hand, a sneer on her face.

"Well, these Mora, enough for you to speak, right?"

Looking at the contemptuous smile on the other party's face, Ah Qing's face remained unchanged, but he arched his hand neatly.

"Sorry, no comment."

Immediately, Ah Qing ignored Eula and turned to leave.

"Great, this hatred of me..."

Eula's face was ugly, and she was just about to shout out the motto, when the words that Jean had said to her suddenly flashed in her mind.

Eula's eyes flickered, and then she forcibly held back the second half of the sentence.

"Wait a minute... Industrious and noble Liyue people..."

Eula called out to A-Qing.

The attitude has also changed a little bit better.

"I'm from Mondstadt, and I'm here on behalf of the Knights of Favonius."

"Our acting head of the regiment recently encountered an incident and needed the help of this young man named "Bai An". "

"Please... Please tell me where to find this young man..."

"This is a very important matter to me, and I would like to ask for your advice."

Eula said in a stiff tone.

It can be seen that in order to make herself look educated, she has used what she has learned all her life.

Hearing this, Ah Qing's expression was stunned, and then a smile regained on his face.

"So you're an envoy from Mondstadt, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was offended just now, I thought..."

"Hehe, I thought you were like the other guests, trying to harass Xiaobai..."

Ah Qing sneered, and his expression became humble again.

Foreign businessmen and foreign envoys are completely different concepts.

It is possible not to give a good face to the businessman, but it is impossible not to give respect to the envoy, after all, this involves political issues.

Ah Qing then walked back happily.

Seeing the other party's attitude change, Eula's mood also improved a lot.

"So, can you tell me now where to go to find that Bai An?"

Eula asked in a clear voice.

"I'm sorry, guest, it's not that I don't trust you, can you show me the customs clearance paperwork first?"

A-Qing smiled politely.

Eula's lips moved slightly, and she wanted to say something, but she finally pulled out the customs clearance paperwork from behind her.

"Oops~, it turns out that the envoy clerk is like this... No, it turns out that you are really an envoy, sorry sorry, I was sorry, it was because..."

Ah Qingle smiled, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Eula.

She has no patience to talk nonsense with the other party.

Upbringing was also short-lived.

"Okay, don't say any more, just tell me, where does he live?"

Eula put away the customs clearance paperwork and asked coldly.

Ah Qing scratched her head in embarrassment, and her expression became sarcastic again.

"I'm sorry, guest... I don't know, where Xiaobai lives..."

Eula fried directly.

"You're kidding me?!!"

Ah Qing was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat, and waved his hand again and again to explain:

"No, no, I really don't know where Xiaobai lives!"

Seeing that A-Qing's expression didn't seem to be fake, Eula forcibly suppressed her anger.

"And who knows where he lives?"

"Guest, I'll be honest with you, the staff of our teahouse, basically no one (Qian Zhao's) knows where Xiaobai lives..."

"Don't know any of them?!"

"Uh... Otherwise, you go and ask Xiaobai's master, he may know..."

"Which one is his master?"

"Oh, the one on the stage, yes, it's the one that's buttoning the swallow..."

When Eula heard this, she walked to Tian Tiezui on the stage without saying anything.

The little man from before quietly slipped to Ah Qing's side again.

"Brother Qing, this woman is really powerful, too ~~ fierce..."

"Tsk, it's not good, this girl is not an ordinary murderer, I almost thought she was going to cut me just now..."

"By the way, Brother Qing, why did you send her to find Lao Tian?"

"You don't understand, it's called righteousness."

"I didn't understand brother, you expand and talk about it..."

"In short, even if I'm disgusted, I'm going to invite my brother to eat a bite of."

"So you will send that woman to bring disaster to Lao Tianbei... You're righteous! "

"Then I'm not wrong, Ren Laotian may really know where Xiaobai lives?!"

"Hey, if it were me, I wouldn't tell her if I knew it, this guy looked domineering, as if everyone was her grandson... Fen"

"It's true, the person looks good, I didn't expect it to be a stinky basket... yue~,Just now you actually wanted to bribe me with money.,Disgusting~,yue~"

"Hehe, what Brother Xiaobai gave us, I don't know how much more than what she gave, can we sell it to Brother Xiaobai?"

"It's just... Okay, let's go to work, don't just look for me all day long..."

"Brother, aren't you also fishing?"

"What grade do you dare to compare with me? I'm your leader! "

"I was wrong, brother...".

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