Ke Qing held the dragon in the box, and pulled out a beautiful sword flower in his hand, his expression was extremely proud.

In her opinion, Bai An's proposal for a sword competition was purely looking for abuse.

The boy didn't know martial arts.

This is already a well-known thing.

Although the boy has terrifying speed and strength, it is not very useful in a real weapon battle.

Those who are really good at using weapons, even if they are old and faint, can seal the throat of a strong man with a sword.

Even if a naïve child learns three tricks and two styles, it can also pose a threat to the man.

It's not a game of power versus speed.

It's a competition of skills.

Whoever is more skilled will be able to stand and speak.

Ke Qing looked at the young man opposite and the quaint "broken knife" in the young man's hand, and his face was simply smiling.

I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I have practiced swordsmanship perfectly.

A young man who doesn't know martial arts wants to compete with himself in swordsmanship?!

I really don't know whether to live or die!

"Bai An, you have thought about it, this is a pure swordsmanship competition!"

"I won't let you just eat a few meals from you~"

Ke Qing's eyes narrowed, and her eyes were full of contemptuous smiles.

"Uh-huh, I've figured it out. "

Bai An nodded.

Hearing this, Keqing's eyebrows and eyes were even more curved, and her heart was extremely happy.

During this period of time, I have suffered a lot in the hands of the young man, and I can't beat it, and I can't say it, I am really aggrieved.

It's okay now, no elemental power, pure swordsmanship competition.

I finally have a chance to take revenge!

You have to teach this guy a hard lesson 507!

It must be tortured!!

A bad breath!!

Keqing carried the dragon in the box, smiling like a flower.

The blood in my body is boiling with pleasure, and I can't wait at all.


Shenhe and Ganyu looked at each other, and they could see the worry in each other's eyes.

The competition between Bai An and Keqing actually didn't use elemental power, and it was a pure swordsmanship competition?

This was completely unexpected by the two of them.

"Mr. Bai, he... Will it work?"

"Keqing's swordsmanship, but it's very powerful..."

"Mr. Bai doesn't know martial arts..."

Ganyu's big eyes were full of worry.


Shenhe also frowned, his face worried.

She is the one who knows teenagers best.

The boy has a treasure and strange powers, but he doesn't know martial arts at all.

She knew that all too well.

The sword has no eyes.

A teenager who doesn't know martial arts, I'm afraid he will suffer a big loss against a girl who has practiced martial arts since childhood.

Shenhe slowly stood up, his face becoming serious.

Later, if Bai An encountered any danger, she would definitely take action as soon as possible.

"Hmm, what's the matter, another samurai duel?"

Yelan wiped her hands and walked out of the house with a smile.

Xiao followed her, obviously just done.

"Mr. Bai, I want to compete with Keqing in swordsmanship..."

Ganyu said weakly, her tone full of sorrow.

"Harm, there's something (ccbd) to worry about, isn't that crushing~"

Yelan chuckled, full of confidence in Bai An.

Xiao also nodded silently.

The battle between Bai An and Keqing, it was not the first time they had met.

I have become accustomed to the results of the competition.

"No elemental power, pure swordsmanship competition..."

Seeing that the two didn't understand, Ganyu added weakly.

Yelan and Xiao's expressions were stunned.

In the next second, Yelan's face changed greatly, and she hurriedly shouted:

"Is he crazy?!He won't..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Bai An's shout:

"Ganyu, help count!"

Ganyu was embarrassed and at a loss, so she could only turn her eyes to Yelan for help.

"Xiaobai, don't make trouble! Keqing's swordsmanship is top-notch in the entire Liyue!"

"The sword has no eyes, you will be hurt!"

Yelan's face was anxious, and she shouted urgently.

When Bai An heard this, he smiled lightly: "It's okay, just play~"

Ke Qing was also full of smiles, and echoed: "That's right, it's just for fun, Yelan, you don't have to be nervous~"

Yelan unconsciously took a step, her eyes were anxious, and she wanted to say something more.

Bai An shouted directly:

"Ganyu, count!"

Ganyu's lips flattened, then he simply closed his eyes and shouted in a weak voice:

"Three, two, one..."

Ke Qing's face was extremely excited.


You can beat this stinky boy up!!

As soon as the word "one" fell, Ke Qing instantly raised his sword and rushed out.


Yelan's face was anxious.

Shenhe and Xiao frowned, their knees slightly bent, ready to strike at any moment.

As for Bai An...

Bai An's actions made everyone stunned.

I saw Bai An slowly close his eyes.

The feet are staggered back and forth, and the whole person is in a posture to draw the knife.

The hand slowly reached for the hilt of the knife at his waist.

Looking at Bai An's posture, Shenhe and Yelan were all stunned. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Keqing is angry and funny.

"You kid, you dare to close your eyes, do you?!"

"You really don't know whether to live or die!!"

Keqing's tone was gloomy, the light in her eyes surged, and the speed under her feet did not decrease at all, and she went straight to the young man.

The dragon's groans in the air became clearer and more piercing.

However, Bai An ignored it.

The hand always kept a steady speed and slowly touched the handle of the knife.

The distance of more than a dozen steps is only a moment for Keqing.

Ke Qing rushed to the young man in a blink of an eye, and the blade in his hand immediately slashed down.

"Eat me with a sword!!"

Keqing shouted excitedly, her tone mixed with a hint of anger.

What she can't get used to the most is the pretending appearance of the young man.

She wants to teach the boy a good lesson!

Let this guy know that if you don't have the strength, don't pretend like this!!


The sword wind was fierce, bringing bursts of dragon groans.

Shenhe and Xiao had gloomy faces, and they suddenly stepped forward, and they were about to make a move.

Right now.

The boy moved.

A pair of dark eyes slowly opened.

With the invincible sword intent in the world.

The knife is unsheathed.

The cold glow blooms, dazzling.


The head of the sword was pressed against the blade of the sword.

Keqing's pupils suddenly shrank.

The onlookers were also shocked.

The knife is out of its sheath, and it is unstoppable.

The blade that came with the violent sword wind was suddenly like a toy, and it was easily removed.

The cold blade of the blade, layer by layer, pierced the air.

It stopped at the girl's neck.

The boy draws his sword.

Knife Head Block.

The blade is progressive.

The girl was defeated.

The whole process is smooth and smooth.

And all this from happening to completion, it is only a blink of an eye.

Just in the blink of an eye, Keqing was defeated.

Keqing's pupils completely shrunk to the size of a grain of rice, and her heartbeat seemed to have stagnated.

Before she even could react, she was defeated.

The defeat is deservedly and inexplicable.

The crowd watching the battle was also stunned.

It's not like they didn't see what was going on.

They all saw it clearly.

That's why I was shocked to the extreme.

They had all imagined how teenagers would have coped.

However, the teenager's response finally broke the limit of their imagination.

Use the small place at the head of the sword to block the swift and violent blade?

This is something that people on the scene could not have imagined!

What a delicate skill, what a precise eyesight, and what a response to that kind of response... What a powerful heart...

In that way, you can block that amazing sword?!

The people at the scene even forgot to breathe.

looked at the boy with blank eyes, and was shocked to the extreme.

"You lost. "

The boy's voice came from the night wind.

Aloof and tranquil.

The bodies of everyone at the scene were shocked, and they immediately felt a chill all over their bodies.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, the boy seemed to have completely become a different person.

It seems to have become a person isolated from the top of a mountain, overlooking the world...

Sword Immortal.

However, the crowd felt that such a description was somewhat inappropriate.

Because in that arrogance and indifference, there is still a very heavy murderous atmosphere.

Everyone doesn't know that the kind of temperament on the young man's body is actually more appropriate to call it a "sword ghost".

People just looked at Bai An blankly, their eyes were as wide as Niu Ling, and they couldn't say a word.

Ke Qing also looked at the young man in front of him blankly.

She couldn't figure out how she had lost.

In her heart, there are too many questions.

These questions kept swirling in the girl's little head, making her thoughts extremely confused.

A thousand words, after all, converged into one sentence:

"You... You took your medicine?!"

Keqing's eyes were glazed, and her expression was extremely stunned.

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