
Hearing Chen Guang's words, Dadalia couldn't help curling his lips.

He was not worried about himself, but worried about the fools around him.

Although Dadalia is a fighting madman, he can't treat his own people like More like that, one who can be sacrificed at will

"From now on, you are our kidnapping target."

Looking at Chen Guang, Dadalia said rather unhappily.

But he also knew that it was probably too late to kidnap Chen Guang now.

If there was such a big movement in Jueyun, any fool on Liyue's side would definitely send someone Come, and there are definitely a lot of people.

Unless he can take Chen Guang back to Zhidong now, otherwise, he will definitely be besieged by Liyue.

But this is impossible without any surprise, they can now They are still besieged underground.

Therefore, what Dadalia is doing now is mostly to vent his anger.


Hearing Dadalia's words, Chen Guang seemed extremely calm, as if he was not afraid at all.

This made Dadalia curl his lips, and the fools on the side also looked at Dadalia and asked. road:

"Mr. Executive Officer, do you want to tie him up?"

"No need."

Hearing the words of the fools around him, Dadalia said directly.

He knew the reason why Chen Guang was not afraid.

In this case, tying up the other party would not change anything.

"Let's find a way to return to the ground first. The sooner we leave, the better."

Looking at the fools around him, Dadalia said lightly.

"Yes, Dadalia is great."

Then they also planned to set off together.

Chen Guang also followed behind a few people with a smile.

That is to say, on the way they were walking, they happened to meet Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun who was going to find Shen He. and Gan Yu.

Seeing Chen Guang standing among the fools, Gan Yu almost immediately took out his bow and pointed it at Dadalia.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng on the side was also doing the same at this moment, with his eyes pointed at Got Dardalia, ready to take action at any time

"You're really lucky. You guys are doing well. Chen Guang is in my hands. If you don't want him to get hurt, just stand still."

Seeing the two of them, Dadalia also felt a crisis, so he hurriedly said.

However, at this time, Chen Guang smiled and said to him:


The next moment, Chen Guang turned into light, and under the shocked eyes of the fools present, he suddenly came to the side of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

This also made Dadalia look shocked, and then his face A smile flashed across his face:

"This is the power of Devil Fruit! Hahaha, it’s really amazing!"

At the same time, it also made Dardalia understand why Pantalone valued Chen Guang so much. If the other party created this kind of devil fruit for their executive officers, it would definitely greatly increase their combat effectiveness.

This made Dardalia understand. Dalia couldn't help but envy Liyue.

The people here are really lucky!

They actually picked up the other party.

Although Dalia doesn't like investigating, Pantalone is completely different. It's almost like coming to Liyue. On the way to Yue, she had already inquired about everything about Chen Guang.

As the executive officer who was once in charge of Liyue, Dadalia naturally learned a lot of information.

She knew that Chen Guang almost died at the beginning and was killed by Liyue Rebirth Hall. The one named Hu Tao was rescued and taken away.

Damn it, Liyue's luck is so enviable!

"Otherwise, I think we should cooperate, after all, we are all underground now."

After arriving at the side of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiufeng, Chen Guang also looked at Dadalia and suggested.

On the side, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiufeng and Gan Yu were stunned when they heard this.

But neither of them Refutation.

Gan Yu knew that Chen Guang was the second-generation rock god, so he naturally obeyed his orders.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng felt that although it was indeed not good to cooperate with the Fools, This is the only way to get out at the moment.

Of course, it is also because Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun knows that his current condition is not very good.

If he really fights, he will definitely not be able to get better.

Thinking of the rocks that attacked him before, Liuyun Jiefengzhen You couldn't help but sigh.

For Ruo Tuo, an old friend who fought with the emperor for many years, finally lost his mind and had to seal Ruo Tuo.

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun also felt deeply helpless at this moment. Now that Chen Guang is here because of the other party, he will definitely pay great attention to the current Liyue Qixing.

If Ruotuo appears by then, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng really doubts that the other party will be like Osaier before..

Even the end may be a little worse than that of Ocell.

After all, Ocell still has reason and knows how to obey.

But with Ruotuo's sanity being almost eroded, it is estimated that only crazy destruction is left.

In addition, now Liyue did not record Ruo Tuo's situation.

At that time, I am afraid that he will regard him as the emperor's former enemy and kill him as a purely hostile demon.

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun believes that Chen Guang has this ability.

Thinking of this, She was also extremely worried in her heart.

If it really came to that point, what should she do?

For Ruo Tuo, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun naturally did not want to kill each other.

Otherwise, the emperor would not have just sealed it The other party.

No one thinks that the emperor can't kill the other party, right?


Hearing Chen Guang's proposal, Dadalia, who had just been tricked by him, originally didn't want to agree.

But when he looked at the tired expressions of his men around him, he knew he had to agree.

After all, although they were said to be among the fools They are elites, but after so many struggles, it is normal to feel tired.

And if they continue to stay here underground, maybe everyone will have to finish the game.

No, it should be only them, the Fools, who will finish the game after all. Judging from the importance Yue attaches to Chen Guang

People have definitely been sent to search and rescue him, but if he continues to stay underground, they will be the unlucky ones in the future.

Therefore, Dadalia believes that returning to the underground first without any surprise is the most important thing.

"Chen Guang, go find my disciple first. According to the restrictions I placed on him, she...There is danger."

Seeing Dardalia agreeing, Chen Guang showed a smile on his face. At this time, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun on the side spoke.

And this did not make Chen Guang stunned.

Something happened to Shen He?

Just now he Didn't he feel good when he left, and he couldn't wait to drive him away.

At the same time, Chen Guang also thought of a problem, that is, the person who could pose a threat to Shen He.

In addition to causing this big earthquake, that is, the previous attack on Liu Apart from the person who threw the stone from Zhenjun Yun Jiefeng,

I'm afraid there is only that guy from Pantalone.

It just so happens that among the fools present, there is no trace of him.

Thinking of this, Chen Guang's face also confirmed the candidate..

It’s definitely that guy from Pantalone!

If it were another person, he would definitely make a big fuss.

"Okay, let's go quickly."

After thinking of this, Chen Guang immediately made up his mind and said to the people present.

This also made Dadalia stunned, and then he looked at the fools present and nodded.

Then a few people Based on Liuyun Jifengzhenjun's induction, he walked in the direction of Pantalone and Shenhe.

"Interesting, really interesting, Tiansha Lone Star, is this the original meaning?"

Pantarone looked at Shen He who had untied the red rope in front of him and the powerful aura on his body, with an expression of interest on his face.

As a former Liyue person, he also had the most complicated feelings for Liyue. Officer.

This time Pantalone came to Liyue, she not only investigated Chen Guang, but also many other people.

Among them was Shen He, a disciple of the Xian family.

Although it may be possible for ordinary people I don’t know at all.

But with the eyesight of the fools,

Shen He can naturally find Shen He. After all, Shen He is not always practicing in the mountains, and he will still go out to eliminate demons and defend the way on weekdays.

In addition, Shen He has no intention of hiding his traces.

This Under such circumstances, it is normal to find the other party.

"Go to hell."

Shen He's eyes were cold, full of terrifying murderous intent, and he was heading straight towards Pantalone.

However, facing this cold aura, Pantalone not only did not act cowardly, but still smiled and spoke road:

"Oh, are you sure you want to continue? If you continue like this, you may no longer be yourself." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Huh, as long as I kill you here, it doesn't matter!"

Knowing that what Pantalone said was true, Shen He still snorted coldly, and the aura on his body became obviously stronger.

At the same time, there was also a clearer call in her mind. She wanted to erode (cifg) Lose her mind and turn her into an irrational monster!

But the current Shen He doesn't care about this at all. She is just here to solve Pantalone

"It's terrible."

Looking at Shen He, whose aura became more powerful, Pantalone kept the smile on his face even though he was saying terrible words.

At the same time, with his words, the surrounding areas controlled by his power had not collapsed. The rocks burst out suddenly at this moment.


With a loud noise, the rock above Shen He's head collapsed, burying Qi alive in an instant.

Pantalone shook his head and He turned around and planned to leave.

He knew that this would not kill the other party, but if Shen He's current situation continued, he would not need to kill him.

Let the Liyue people solve this problem by themselves.

Thinking of this, Pan Taronie had a wicked smile on her face

"Damn it, what have you and I done?"[]

Just when Pantalone was about to leave, he heard a voice.

It was Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng who felt that Shen He's situation was becoming more and more dangerous.

Behind her were Chen Guang and others who came quickly together.

"Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, don’t think about dealing with me. Before that, you should think about how to deal with your disciples."

Seeing the arrival of Chen Guang and others, Pantalone also showed a little surprise on her face, and then the smile on her face was very unrestrained.

With Pantalone's words, a cold feeling was instantly submerged. The feeling of everyone present.

I saw that the rocks that originally trapped Shen He turned into ice cubes one by one, and then suddenly cracked open.

At the same time, I saw Shen He, who had no sense in his eyes, walked away He came out, pointing the spear in his hand at everyone present, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Haha, Zhenjun, how are you? Have you figured out how to kill her? If she is left here, it will be a big hidden danger for Liyue, and you can tell by looking at her, right? There is no way to save her, and her sanity has been completely eroded. Now let’s choose. Should I choose my apprentice, or should I kill Liyue for her?"

Seeing Shen He who looked like this, Pantalone couldn't help laughing wildly, and said to Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng with an arrogant attitude.

And his appearance made everyone present laugh. He couldn't help but frown.

Especially Dadalia, he looked at Pantalone's colleague with disgust and said:

"I'm talking about you...His feelings for Liyue are really twisted."

Although he didn't know the specific entanglement between Pantalone and Liyue, it was also the other party's complicated feelings for Liyue.

That's why he said this now.

When Pantalone heard Dadalia's words, he was actually He seemed unconcerned.

He was now staring at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, his eyes full of amusement.

He wanted to see what the other party planned to choose!

And the fools on the side saw Pan at this moment. Taronie couldn't help but show a trace of cold sweat on her face.


Hearing Pantalone's words and seeing the irrational look in Shen He's eyes in front of her,

Liuyun Jiefengjun immediately understood what was going on.

This damn guy actually plotted against her disciple like this.!

And Gan Yu on the side also stared at Pantalone with a rare murderous intent.

This also made Pantalone feel the pressure all of a sudden.

So he also said with a smile:

"Oops, are you sure you don’t want to solve her problem first?"

Pantarone who said this also pointed at Shen He.


The next moment, they saw that Shen He had already taken action.

The surrounding cave entrances were all sealed by ice.

At the same time, Chen Guang and others clearly felt a strange sound coming from all around.

They couldn't bear it. live to be tempted


Looking at everyone present, the unconscious Shen He said lightly.

In an instant, everyone was entangled in ice at this moment.

Seeing this, everyone took action together.

Others were fine, but some fools The elites are now frozen, unable to resist at all

"Pantalone, screw them! You caused the trouble yourself."

Seeing those frozen soldiers, Dadalia couldn't help but turn his attention to Pantalone who was standing aside.

However, when faced with Dadalia's words, Pantalone just said calmly:

"Zhidong doesn't believe in tears. Their death can only mean that they are useless."

After saying this, he turned his expectant eyes to Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and Shen He, with his signature smile on his lips.

But after hearing this, Dadalia was eager to Slap Pantalone to death.

But he knew that now was definitely not the time to do such a thing.

So he had no choice but to turn around and save other fools.

However, he was not good at saving people at all. Although he tried his best, three people were still frozen to death in the ice.

After all, Shen He's move was not just about freezing people.

It was also about freezing people's souls!

"Pantalone, I will report to the Queen later!"

Looking at the three dead people, Dadalia looked at Pantalone angrily and said in a very dissatisfied tone.

However, facing Dadalia's words, Pantalone sneered casually:

"I'll look forward to it."

Want to take care of him? Let's focus on Dotore first!

That guy has never stopped experimenting with the Winter Solstice people. But I have never seen the Queen take care of him.

In the end, he is not strong enough and will die. If you die, you will die

"Shen He, wake up quickly!"

At this moment, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun was also holding back the injuries he had suffered before, looking at Shen He who was attacking her and yelling.

However, Shen He, who had already released the restrictions, could not listen to Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun at all. Jun's words

"Let it all dissipate."

Then Shen He swung his spear again, and saw an extremely strange scene happening.

In the underground cave, it actually started to snow.

When Chen Guang saw this scene, he hurriedly came to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun And beside Gan Yu.

At this time, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun's eyes flashed with a trace of sadness and said to Chen Guang beside him:

"You should take Gan Yu away first. I can't let this child Shen He stay here like this.

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