Chapter 797: Fa Lushan: Oh my god, attacking a wife is so perverted! Sora: I’m not, I didn’t!

Qingqing:”(.)Sora, you just woke up, right? I’m too lazy to complain about you!”

Ningguang:”(.)Sora, what’s going on with Keli’s mother?”

Qin:”(.)Sora, okay, okay, you won’t even let the wife go now, right?”

Yura:”(Sara) Kong, damn, even Keli’s mother will not be spared? Are you really going to piss me off to death? You already have me, but you still want to mess around with someone, even Keli’s mother, right? I even remembered this grudge! Amber

:”(Dan)? Kong, it’s so bad. Even I am really angry this time!””

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o It was obviously Barbara who came first, and how could Barbara be inferior to Kelly’s mother? Noelle

:”﹏Ooooo~ Senior is with Keli’s mother in front of Noelle, don’t do that kind of thing!””

Fa Lushan:”Oh my god, this traveler is so perverted! Keli’s mother didn’t let her go, it was so outrageous!”

Yan Fei:”(Dan)? Kong, it’s so bad. No matter what you say today, you have to go to court. I want to judge you, you bastard!”!!

Funina:”(Dan) doesn’t need to be tried. I suggest the death penalty!” Clolind

:”Villette, I think it’s okay too!”

Xia Volei:”Indeed!”

Servant:”It’s hard not to support it!””

Ms.:”The death penalty will be executed immediately!!!” puppet:”(^.^), just give me the traveler’s body!”

Colombia (blackened):”I will carry out the death penalty!!!”

The rich man:”Hahaha, this one is even more heavyweight!”

Cock:” Columbia, you did a good job, a good job!

Captain:”Now I have to support you!””

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, the traveler finally overturned, oh!

Silk:”I think it’s okay too!”



Navia:”Hahaha, it’s really hard. Keli’s mother doesn’t let her go either!”

Sora:”I’m wronged. I have nothing to do with Keli’s mother. I haven’t even seen her.”!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ +1 for daily injustice!”

Dolly:”I don’t know why, but as long as I see the daily injustices of travelers, Dolly, I feel happy!”

Xinhai:”(^) Sora, oh? Have I wronged you again? Why didn’t I see it?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, day by day, if you don’t say that you will die if you are wronged, right?”

Fa Lushan:”I don’t know if you believe in travelers, but I don’t believe it anyway! Candice

:”Indeed, this guy has so many criminal records that I feel that the Traveler must have taken action if there are some clues!” Arataki Yidou said:” butt How could someone even pick up a married woman? Bennett

:”Uuuuu~ I’m not envious at all, but why can’t I help but shed tears again!”

Lei Ze:”You two are against the will of heaven.”…”

Mika:”It’s hopeless….”

Falga:”It’s hard to stretch…”

Schiavorei:”Usually people who have committed crimes have a very high chance of committing another crime, not to mention travelers. I used to say every day that I would not be a prostitute, but never once did I fail to do so. So everyone thinks so, I understand it very well.”

Navia:”Hahaha, I have too many criminal records and so on, I really can’t stand it anymore!”

Sora:”I’m not, I don’t have it, don’t talk nonsense! I’m still an innocent person until now Where are the little boys, please don’t slander me!”


Early pomelo:”(⊙⊙)?”


Kaiya:”Hahaha, Tie Chunqing is the most outrageous!”

Keqing:”(Sang) Kong, you are really hopeless!” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiaogong :”丨丨Kong, you really don’t have any self-awareness at all, right?”

Lady:”(.)Too lazy to spray!

Servant:”Hahaha, it’s so outrageous that I don’t even know what to say about the traveler.””

Qin:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, I’m too lazy to complain about that innocent little boy of yours. Please tell me what’s going on between Keli’s mother and you?

Kong:”I didn’t create it. I really haven’t seen her before!” If you don’t believe it, you can ask Paimon!”

Paimon:”(^)Yes, the traveler and Paimon have been traveling for so long, and they have never seen Kelly’s mother, so even Paimon dares to conclude that this incident is purely fictional and has nothing to do with the traveler!”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*)It turns out that’s the case, then Barbara is relieved!”

Noelle:”(^.^), Noelle knew that senior would definitely not take action against Keli’s mother!”

Ke Lai:”(*), if this is the case, it’s not that we can’t forgive Sora!

Sora:”Did you hear that? Paimon said that!””

Arataki Yidou:”Shocked me for a whole year! The traveler really didn’t take action?”

Yura:”Alice, what on earth is going on?”

Qin:”Alice, I need an explanation!

Amber:”Alice, where is the person?””

Kelly:”(⊙⊙)Alice’s mother has gone back to room 947 to go to bed. She hasn’t watched the barrage or anything.”



Amber:”Damn it, I have a feeling of déjà vu.”

Barbara:”Barbara too…”

Noelle:”So is Noelle….”

Wendy:”Hey, you don’t have to think so much. When the traveler was in Mondstadt, Ms. Alice never came back, so he definitely had no chance to take action against Ms. Alice!”

Diluc:” Indeed!”


Qin:”Since Master Fengshen said so, then it should be the case.”

Yora:”If this is the case, it is not impossible to forgive Sora.”

Amber:”I almost died of fear. I was shocked, I thought Kong really took action against Keli’s mother.”

Keli:”(^.^)Keli was almost scared to death. After all, Keli still wanted to marry Brother Traveler. If Brother Traveler had a relationship with her mother, it would be too troublesome!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, this one is even more heavyweight!””

Rosalía:” Outrageous…”

Falga:”Shocked me for a whole year!”[]





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