Chapter 795: Sora: If you don’t say I’m a scumbag from now on, I’ll tell you! Paimon: This is too high a request.

Just as the audience was laughing and laughing, another announcement came from the live broadcast room!

【The punishment is over! 】

After seeing this message, Toma and Kamisato Ayato suddenly felt their bodies loosen, and the forced control suddenly disappeared without a trace.

After the restraints completely disappeared, the two immediately jumped away and no longer hugged each other and kissed passionately.

Instead, they all ran to the side and started retching.

Just thinking back to the fact that these two grown men kissed passionately for ten minutes in the eyes of so many viewers in the live broadcast room.

They couldn’t help but want to vomit and feel sad and angry.

But also because I thought about what happened just now.

Kamisato Ayato and Toma couldn’t help but started retching again.



【It was detected that not one of the viewers who successfully answered the question in this interactive Q&A session answered successfully.】

【Therefore, this interactive Q&A session will end here and will reopen tomorrow! 】

After the audience saw this announcement, they couldn’t hold back.

Arataki fought:”o(╥﹏- -)o Heck, the incredible reward in the live broadcast room is gone again this time.

Bennett:”﹏It would be great if I succeeded in answering, then I would definitely answer correctly.”

Lei Ze:”What an afterthought?”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, you can have sex with me, right?”

Falga:”Hahaha, after knowing the answer, I can do it.”

Diluc:”That depends on you being able to answer the question successfully.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Yes, if you fail to answer the question, it’s useless even if you know the answer.”

Clorind:”(▼ヘ▼)Just like a scumbag who understands women’s hearts best!”

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun:”Indeed, through this incident, I have also confirmed that travelers can really guess the answer to a certain extent.”

Thomas:”o(╥﹏- -)O Kong, I hate you!”

Kamizato Ayato:”﹏Sora, wait for me, I will never let my sister marry you so easily!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Kamisato Ayato, brother, what are you talking about? If you have the ability, you can say it again!”

Kamizato Ayato:”﹏Sora, wuwuwu~ You bastard, what kind of delusion did you fill my sister with? Why does she like you so much!!!

Durav:”It hurts!””

Fischer’s father:”It hurts too much!””

Kamizato Ayato:”Ah ah ah ah, I can’t stand it anymore!!!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, these two father-like figures talk about how painful it is to be in front of others every day.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It’s a classic to base your own happiness on the pain of others.”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Who made them become like this?”

Fischer:”(*/ *)Sora, this person.

Diona:”() Kong, who else is there besides him?”

Arataki Yidou:”It must be a traveler!”

Bennett:”It must have been a traveler!”

Lady:”It’s him again, why is it him every time!”

Servant:”Haha, what a sinful man.”” puppet:”(^.^), indeed.”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Yes, he also did bad things to me.

Rooster:”Columbia?” ? ? Rich man:”

Columbia?” ? ?

Harlequin:”Columbia?” ? ?”

【The video will start playing below: Star of Zubair!】

【Start loading the video! 】

Tinari:”Although I knew from the beginning that the C. Zubair star was very suitable for Miss Nilu, I didn’t expect that the final answer was really this.”


Kelai:”But speaking of it, this nickname really suits Miss Nilu.”

Desiya:”After all, Nilu is also the most famous dancer in Zubair, so it is normal for her to be called that.”

Dina Zedai:”If there was no Nilu in Zubair, it might have gone bankrupt long ago….”

Nasida:”Indeed, Miss Nilu is very popular in Inazuma. Zubair without Miss Nilu would still be a bit disappointed.”

Elhaysen:”Compared to this, I am more I’m curious, even though no traveler has seen this Miss Nelu, why can he guess that this answer is correct?”

Laila:”Yeah, Laila, I’m also curious.”

Desiya:”That’s true. It’s a bit intriguing, and I’d also like to know how the traveler guessed that this is the correct answer?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida is also very curious.”

Kelly:”(▽*)O Kong, Brother Traveler, Keli also wants to know how you guessed it.”

Diona:”o(▽)O Kong, Diona also wants to know.”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qiqi:”(*^▽^*)Empty, Qiqi…Want to know too!”

Tinari:”Empty, +1!”


Fa Lushan:”+1″

Empty:”(*), want to know? If you want to know, don’t call me a scumbag in the future, call me the most affectionate word in Teyvat, then I can’t tell you!”

Nasida:”(⊙⊙)? This request was so against Nacida’s principles. Nacida didn’t know whether to say it or not….” null:”(O)Hey, just one sentence or something, how does this violate the principle?”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)?Sora, traveler, your request is too high….” null:”(O)Hey, just saying a word is too much to ask for?

Kaiya:”Hahaha, I can’t stand it anymore, these two living treasures!””

Xiao Lu:”Hahaha, the most outrageous thing is that the request is too high!

Zhong Li:”Hahaha, it’s a little hard for me to hold my nerves.””

Funina:”Hahaha, Paimon’s words are the most outrageous!”[]

Qiqi:”(⊙⊙)?Qiqi…I can’t react a little bit…I don’t know how to answer you.” null:”- -Forget it, Qiqi, your situation is special, I can forgive you.”

Baizhu:”Pfft~ Hahaha, the traveler is so considerate of Qiqi.”

Diona:”(⊙⊙)?Sora, I’m sorry. Although Diona wants to know how you know, Diona was told by her mother not to lie since she was a child, so Diona really can’t tell.” null:”- -you…6!

Candice:”Hahaha, 6!””

Fa Lushan:”Haha 6!

Qin:”Pfft~ Hahaha, I really can’t stand it.””

Kelly:”(*^▽^*)Kong, Brother Traveler is the most affectionate, but I have long been separated from Brother Traveler and Sister Qin, Sister Barbara, Sister Amber, Sister Youla, Sister Keqing, Sister Ningguang, and Sister Yanfei….You’ll know it when you watch the videos of Kamisato Ayaka-sister and Cole-sister!”

Empty:”o(- -﹏╥)o Keli, forget it, I beg you, please stop reading it. Alice

:”Kelly, hahahaha, my Keli said it so well!”! evening!”.

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