Chapter 791: Ayaka: Brother, Thomas, you two…Ayato: Sister, please don’t look at it!!

【The punishment begins! 】

As the announcement of the live broadcast room appeared.

No matter how unwilling they were, Toma and Kamisato Ayato could only slowly approach each other under the forced control of the live broadcast room.

Thomas felt extremely uncomfortable and miserable at this time.

He had no idea that the punishment in the live broadcast room would be to kiss the first person he laid eyes on for ten minutes.

And he didn’t expect that when the punishment in the live broadcast room was first announced, he would actually meet his master Ayato’s eyes.

As a result, he actually wants to kiss his family leader for ten minutes or something. This is too outrageous!

The most outrageous thing is that both of them are men!!!!!!

Two men kissed passionately for ten minutes, and it was broadcast live in front of an audience with”103″ watts. This is simply too social!!!

Thomas wants to cry now. Although he respects his master, that’s all!

He doesn’t have that kind of hobby at all, and he doesn’t like men!!!

At this time, Thomas was not the only one who thought so.

Even Kamisato Ayato, who wants to help accept the punishment, is like this.

He didn’t expect that after half his life he had been so graceful and graceful, such a ridiculous thing would happen to him at this time.

You said that if your Toma encounters punishment, forget it.

If you encounter the punishment of killing monsters or something, he will definitely be able to help.

But why are you punished by having to kiss the first person you meet?

And the timing of receiving this punishment was too bad, right? It happened at the moment when the two of them met their eyes?

Who can avoid this?

Kamisato Ayato just felt that she was suffering so much.

Why can a scumbag like Traveler be able to kiss so many beautiful ladies?

He actually wanted to kiss Thomas passionately for ten minutes?

Even the most outrageous thing is that the answer the traveler said at the beginning is correct!

And among the people who successfully answered the question in the entire live broadcast room, no one was willing to believe the traveler, which led to the result that he had to kiss Thomas for ten minutes or something.

But Ayato himself is not stupid, and he immediately guessed that this must be the conspiracy of the travelers!

No, it should be said to be a conspiracy!

The traveler must have guessed his answer as no one would believe it!

Then he said it directly, letting other viewers skip the answer he said.

In this case, even if the audience succeeds in answering, they will instinctively filter out the answers given by the travelers because they see the situation of Xing Qiuzi and Chong Yunzi.

And it was precisely because of this thought that everyone gave the wrong answer!

Because of the traveler’s conspiracy, he had to bear the consequences of his ten-minute kiss with Thomas.

Just thinking about it, Ayato Kamisato felt like he was going crazy!!!

Traveler, you have committed a heinous crime!!!

Although Kamisato Ayato was very angry, there was nothing he could do.

Rather than the traveler’s matter, he decided to see if he could solve his own matter first.

Kamisato Ayato was a little lucky and immediately pleaded to the live broadcast room:

“In the live broadcast room, what happened between Thomas and I just now was a misunderstanding, so can we change the situation?”


After hearing this, Thomas immediately understood and begged to the live broadcast room:

“Yeah yeah!”

“I really have no intention of choosing the head of the family to accept the punishment together!”

“Live broadcast room, please help me, please let me choose another person!!!”

Although the two people begged in every possible way, the live broadcast room still ruthlessly forced the two to solve the problem slowly, and did not accept their suggestions at all.

After feeling this situation. (Read the cool novel, go to Fei Lu Novel Network!)

Toma and Kamisato Ayato were completely in despair.

They could only watch each other’s lips getting closer and closer to themselves.

Kamisato Ayato gritted his teeth, and a line of tears could not help falling from the corners of his eyes. , after closing his eyes for a moment, he took a deep breath and said painfully:

“Thomas, it seems this is our fate….”

“After all, there is no escape…”

Thomas’s eyes were already filled with tears, and he choked with sobs:

“Lord of the house…I’m sorry for you…”

“I’m sorry for you…”

Just finished.

Toma and Kamisato Ayato kissed each other painfully because of the forced control in the live broadcast room.

The soft feeling coming from the other’s lips made both of them unable to help but feel their stomachs churning, wanting to spit out this disgusting feeling immediately.

Under the forced control of the live broadcast room, the two could not move at all. They could only resist the feeling of vomiting, hugging each other and kissing passionately in pain and tears. At this time 0………

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also horrified by this powerful picture.

Kamisato Ayaka:”(⊙⊙)Kamisato Ayato Toma, although I know you two didn’t do it on purpose….But Linghua still felt a little complicated when she saw this scene. She didn’t know what to say…..”[]

Thomas:”o(╥﹏- -)oKamizato Ayaka, princess, please don’t look at it…Don’t look at it…….”

Kamisato Ayato:”﹏ Kamisato Ayaka, sister, please, don’t look, brother, I don’t want you to see this side of me!!!”

Kamisato Ayaka:”丨丨Brother , Thoma…Don’t worry, Ayaka, I will try my best to forget this scene!”

Thomas:”o(╥﹏- -)owuwuwu~”

Kamisato Ayato:”﹏wuwuwu~”

Zhong Li:”But even I didn’t expect that this punishment would be so impactful……..”

Xiaolu:”Hahahaha, I can feel the feeling of despair even if I put the screen down!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida felt it too.

Leosley:”Hahahaha, although you two are in pain, I don’t know why I want to laugh.”

Falga:”Hahaha, in this scene, I can somehow feel the pain of the two of them, but I don’t know why. I really want to laugh.”…”

Kaia:”Hahahaha, I can’t help laughing anymore, okay?”

Falushan:”Oh my god, two men are kissing together, why does it look so awkward?”

Candy Si:”Indeed…Now I think the scene of the traveler kissing other beautiful ladies is much more eye-catching.”

Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan:”I can’t stand it any longer. From the looks of it, it would be much better for Liu Yun to kiss the traveler or something….”

Stay in the cloud:”(*/ *)”

True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Casting the Yang:”Two men kissing passionately, it’s so eye-catching.”…”

Clolind:”丨丨Fortunately, I am not a man, and I did not receive this kind of punishment….”

Leyla:”There is no comparison….There is no harm……”

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