Chapter 786: Keli: Keli believes in Brother Traveler! Sora: Keli, it’s true, I cried to death!

Keli:”Why doesn’t everyone believe in Brother Traveler? Obviously Keli also thinks that the answer given by Brother Traveler is right!”

Alice:”(^.^), my Keli is so cute! Sora

:”Keli, you are serious. I cried to death. When Brother Traveler I return to Mondstadt, I will definitely give you a big hug!””


Ke Lai:”Song, why are you crying?

Qin:”I’m speechless.”…”

Yula:”This guy really has no self-awareness at all.”

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, it’s not because Traveler has tricked him several times that everyone doesn’t really believe his answer.”

The rich man:”Indeed!”

The captain:”If the traveler doesn’t deceive others, it would be pretty good.”830″

Xiangling:”Hahaha, yes.”

Yaoyao:”Brother Traveler, no. It is indeed possible to deceive people.”

Tinari:”Now���Now that everyone has the answer they want to choose, we don’t need to explain anything anymore.”

Seno:”Yes, if everyone chooses A. Red Bull, there should be no problem.”

Clorind:”(▼ヘ▼)I really didn’t expect that the last answer would come in this situation.”

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun:”Of course, this is also thanks to the travelers, otherwise everyone would not know that Red Bull is the most correct answer!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Thinking backwards, right?

Ning Guang:”Haha, who told him to always deceive people?””

Linette:”() This person is really bad, scumbag, bad and likes to deceive people.

Kong:”I was wronged. How could I be that kind of person?””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~Daily injustice +1″

Dolly:”(^.^)Seeing the injustice done by the traveler boss every day, Dolly felt that she could sleep well tonight again.”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, I’m too lazy to complain about you!

Yan Fei:” That’s right!””

Wendy:”(*)Sora, they don’t believe you, I believe you, so you know!”


Diluc:”Sora, please satisfy Master Fengshen!”


Sora:”Wendy, I understand you*%*……%…………%!”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, as expected, only Ni Tian can subdue Ni Tian!”

Dain:”Kong, you are easy to scold, scold the Seven Gods more, I also believe you are a gentleman!”

Skirmisher:”Kong, I only get a perfect score of ten. I can give it nine points, but the attack power of the Seven Gods still needs to be improved.”

【Thinking time is over!】

【The Q&A session begins! 】

After seeing this message in the live broadcast room.

The audience also became more and more excited.

After all, there are only two answers left, which means that as long as the answer is successful, there is a 1/2 chance of being able to answer successfully.

And this is without any other accurate answer.

But now with the traveler’s screening, everyone else already knows that the answer given by the traveler is wrong.

So now as long as you choose A. Red Bull, you can basically guarantee that the answer is successful.

How could the audience in the live broadcast room not be excited when thinking about the incredible rewards after successfully answering?

There are rewards for making dead people alive, and there are also rewards for obtaining the Eye of God, and even powerful props and knowledge from other worlds, etc.

Any reward alone is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, most of the audience began to press the answer button frantically, praying that they could answer successfully. soon.

The live broadcast room began to announce the audience who successfully answered the question

【Congratulations to Thomas for successfully answering!】

【Please answer the following questions Thomas! 】

The society adheres to it.

In Kamisato Ayato’s room.

He and Thomas were both pressing the answer button.

After the audience who successfully answered the questions were announced.

Kamisato Ayato was also extremely surprised, and immediately congratulated Toma beside him:

“Thomas, you answered successfully!”

“It seems that you are very lucky today!”

Thomas, who was working as a housekeeper at the community leader’s house, was ecstatic when he saw that he had successfully answered the question!

He did not expect that he had successfully answered the question in the hands of so many viewers in Teyvat.

After all, there are many people in Teyvat. Damn it, you can succeed in answering these questions.

You must be very lucky! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thomas smiled and said modestly:

“Thank you for the compliment, Master. I am just lucky this time.”

“However, even if the answer is successful, the answer still needs to be correct.”

Kamizato Ayato nodded and said:


“Although I also have some thoughts on the answer in 0………”

“But this is your own answer, so I won’t say anything to interfere with your choice.”

“During the next period of time, you should temporarily stop what you are doing and think about the answer. Thomas said gratefully:

“Thank you, Mr. Patriarch!”

Toma immediately began to think about the answer.

He knew that the questions had now been screened by Clolinde and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

A. Red Bull and C. Zubair Star were left.

Add After excluding the C answer mentioned by the traveler, it means that the current answer must be A. Red Bull!

Although the answer chosen by the traveler seems to be the most suitable for Nilu[]

But that traveler…He really likes to trick people in the live broadcast room, and everyone knows this.

If you choose the answer he said.

Even if he is about to become the third Xing Qiuzi and Chong Yunzi.

I thought that if I really failed to answer what the traveler said and got punished, I might turn into a girl or something.

Thomas couldn’t help but feel horrified.

After all, how could I, a good man, want to become a woman?

Although there is a time limit for becoming a woman, no matter how you say it, you have been a man for so many years.

I don’t have any special hobbies, so becoming a woman or something like that would be harmful but useless.

But those are the only ones who get punished if they answer wrongly.

Thomas now holds the correct answer, and he doesn’t think he will fail!

Now that you have thought about the answer.

Thomas began to think about his wishes at 4.5.

He knows that after a successful answer, the live broadcast room can realize people’s wishes to a certain extent!

As for wishes, he doesn’t have any lofty wishes.

After all, he basically has everything he wants now.

And I also did my favorite housekeeping job.

If I had to find one wish, then Toma’s wish would only be that Inazuma’s Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order are now completely over!

Because after the lock-down order and the eye-hunting order, Ina’s wife’s situation became worse and worse.

Whether it is the economic situation or the people’s livelihood situation, it is really difficult to describe it in one word.

If it is not resolved as soon as possible, the people of Inazuma may still be in silence in the war between the shogunate army and the resistance army.

If Inazuma allows it to continue like this, it will definitely usher in an extremely extreme ending!

Thomas doesn’t want to see this happen!

So his wish is that Ina Wife can get better!.

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