Chapter 777: Dolly: Buy one get one free on the Traveler doll, and get exposed photos! Columbia: Give me a hundred copies!

Ningguang:”Song, you are really hopeless!”

Leosli:”Hahaha, this traveler is really awesome!”

Navilette:”It’s hard, this is the first time I’ve encountered this kind of thing. Man, it’s really hard to describe…”

Clolinde:”(▼ヘ▼), and it happens to cure diseases and so on, it’s really too bad!

Xia Wo Lei:”Indeed, no matter how you look at that strange disease, it looks like a lie!” How could such a weird disease exist in the real world? Lady

:”That’s right, a strange disease that requires a kiss from a pretty girl every day to survive. No matter how you look at it, it’s all deceptive!”

Servant:”It’s hard to say otherwise!”” puppet:”(^.^), that’s right!”

Colombia:”o(▽)O Kong, you still need a kiss from the pretty girl, right? Come here quickly and see if I don’t kiss you to death! Rich man:”

Columbia?” ? ?

Rooster:”Columbia?” ? ?

Captain:”Columbia?” ? ?”

Dadali Duck:”Columbia, hey, should your attention be focused on this matter?”

Empty:”o(- -﹏╥09)o, I’m not lying, I’m really sick! Clolind

:”You are indeed sick, but it’s not a disease that needs to be treated by a pretty young lady. It’s a problem with the brain circuit. Would a normal person be like you?” Navia

:”Hahahaha, what nonsense are you talking about?””

Charlotte:””Shocked!” The traveler is seriously ill. Is the reason behind this the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? Is it a strange disease or a simple brain circuit problem? If you want to know the truth, please watch today’s Steam Bird Daily!””

Dolly:”o(╥﹏- -)o, woo woo~ You have finished gathering all the traveler’s wool, so what should I gather? Everyone, listen to me! Dolly, I have a new batch of traveler dolls here, and I have purchased the traveler’s appearance copyright from Miss Ningguang of Liyue. Now the new products have just been released, and there are big discounts! As long as you purchase a traveler doll, you can also get exposed photos of the traveler as a gift!”

Paimon:”(O), Hey, you’re not kind either, okay?

Thomas:”Hahaha, these two people just caught the traveler’s wool, right?””

Ningguang:”(*)Dolly, now is indeed a good time to advertise!

Xiang Ling:”Damn it, why didn’t I know about this?” Damn it, if I had known I would have done it too!”

Ningguang:”(*), if everyone knew about making money, it would not make money at all.

Sora:”Dolly, forget it Charlotte, can you be more outrageous?” And why don’t I know when my revealing photos were exposed to you?”


Columbia:”Dolly, bring me a hundred dolls and send them to Solstice Kingdom. Also, remember to send a hundred different ones with photos! If the rich man gives you money, you can just ask him to get it!””

Dolly:”(^.^), good boss! Rich man:”

Columbia?” ? ?”

Collet:” Dolly, I want one too!

Xinhai:”Dolly, me too!”

Qin:”Dolly, I should have a copy of my husband’s!””

【Please select the destination for transmission! 】

Liu Yun also suddenly realized after seeing this announcement. right.

You can also choose the location of the punishment in the live broadcast room.

Although it is not impossible to carry out punishment in Jueyunjian now.

But this girl Shen He is here.

And she’s Sora’s lover and stuff.

Although I don’t know if Shen He, a silly girl, would mind if he kissed the traveler in front of Shen He for ten minutes.

But Liuyun himself was very concerned about it!

Because he chose his apprentice’s husband as the target of punishment.

If she still kissed her man in front of Shen He, let alone Shen He, she would definitely be able to squeeze out of the three rooms and one living room with her toes in embarrassment and shyness!

I feel very sorry for my apprentice.

It would be too naive to do that in front of Shen He!

Liu Yun blushed and became hot just thinking about it, even though he felt a strange sense of betrayal.

But this kind of thing cannot be done under any circumstances, so let’s forget it here in Jueyunjian.

Let’s go to a place where there aren’t many people around.

Liuyun remembered that Pingke had given a Chensong pot to the traveler before.

I don’t think anyone lives there now.

If you go there, there should be no problem.

Read this.

Liu Yun shook his slightly red face, coughed twice, and said to the live broadcast room:

“Live broadcast room, the location I chose is the empty Chensong Pot for travelers!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a response came immediately from the live broadcast room

【Location confirmed!】

【The two of them will begin to be teleported into the Dust Song Pot! 】

With the announcement. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shen He noticed that little bits of light slowly appeared on his master’s body.

And her figure also disappeared as the light dissipated.

When it disappears completely.

Shen He noticed that his master’s figure had appeared in the punishment live broadcast room.

In the picture, Master Liuyun turned into a human form at some point and appeared in the eyes of all the viewers.

Many people are surprised that Liyue’s Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is actually such a beautiful woman.

Liu Yun’s long hair was as light and elegant as clouds, flowing on her shoulders. The color of her hair was like a black hole in the night sky, deep and mysterious.

Her face is clear and beautiful, and her facial features are exquisite, as if they were the work of a sculptor.

There is a cold temperament in his eyes, as if he can see through all illusions.

Liuyun’s figure is slender and well-proportioned, with graceful curves.

The figure is tall and straight, like a straight pine tree, standing proudly in the wind and rain.

Her clothes are simple yet elegant, and she often wears a long cyan skirt. The hem of the skirt flutters gently with her steps, which is poetic and picturesque.

And at this time.

Standing in front of Liu Yun is the person most familiar to the audience.

It is also the frequent traveler Kong who comes to punish the live broadcast room most often! []

Other people would definitely be extremely excited if they encountered this kind of thing.

But Kong is completely different.

His handsome and handsome face revealed a sad look that seemed like he was crying or laughing, and he muttered:

“I really don’t want to kiss my girlfriend’s master…”

After Liu Yun heard this, his face suddenly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although she wanted to complain about the travelers.

But because now I really borrowed my apprentice’s boyfriend for a temporary use or something.

This is really nothing to say and difficult to defend….

Although Liuyun himself finds it hard to complain.

But the same cannot be said for the audience in the live broadcast room.

After they heard what the traveler said, they couldn’t hold back immediately!.

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