Chapter 773: Puppet: Sora, I have known for a long time that you have a crush on me! Sora: I was almost scared to death by you!

Schiavore:”Traveller?”…I heard he is still single? Neither…”

Kamisato Ayaka:”(^) Xia Volei, Sora is my husband now, please don’t think anything wrong about him!!!”

Ke Qing:”(^) Xia Volei, I have been dating Sora for life, and I will not allow a third party to join in!”

Ningguang:”(^) Schiavole, my traveler’s child bride, was decided at a very young age, so if anyone else wants to come in, I won’t allow it!

Clolinde:”Xiavorei, stop it, no!”!!

Xia Volei:”Clorind, let them forget it, why do you say that?””

Clorind:”(*/ *)Ahem, I just don’t want to see my friends fall into the clutches of travelers. Navia

:”Xiavore, you are a police officer, you must not have any thoughts about such criminals!” Charlotte

:”Xiavorei, you can have thoughts, but you can only put him in jail!”

Xia Volei:”Don’t worry, I just teased you. How could I fall in love with a traveler?”” null:”(:) Phew, that’s it, I was almost scared to death by you girl!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, I was almost scared to death or something. I guess it’s just because I’m afraid I have to explain to my girlfriends later, right?”

Lei Ze:”No matter how you look at it.””

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, it’s hard to say for others, but I feel like the traveler is really relieved!

Thomas:”Haha, what nonsense are you talking about?”

Sora:”I’m not, I don’t have it, don’t talk nonsense!””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ The three consecutive denials at the speed of light are here again!”

Kelly:”(^.^)He’s the familiar traveler brother.”

Qin:”Now in Keli’s eyes, I can’t even imagine what Sora looks like….”

Alice:”Hahaha, I understand, I understand!”

Sora:”Needless to say, it must be a very majestic, handsome, and powerful image integrated into one!”


Qin:”Song, you really have no self-awareness at all!”

Yola:”It’s really hopeless.”

Alice:”Hahaha, he is like this, just get used to it!”

Kelly:”(^.^)Sora, yes, this is the image of Big Brother Traveler in Keli’s mind!” null:”(*)Keli, you are great. Brother Traveler will go back to play with you later!”


Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Damn it, is it really true?”

Alice:”(⊙⊙)Ah this…”

Amber:”Even my own mother can’t believe it, so you can imagine how outrageous Keli’s words are.”

Rosaria:”Crazy, this world is crazy!”

Kamisato Ayaka:”(^) Compared to that, can you first explain to Ayaka why you still know Xia Volei’s identity information when you are in Inazuma? Is it possible that you have already set your sights on beautiful ladies from other countries? Do you even know the information about other young ladies?”

Jiuki Ren:”(Sara) Kong, explain to me quickly!”

Ms.:”What a nonsense to explain, he must have been targeting me a long time ago!

Servant:”Maybe the travelers have already set their sights on me!”” puppet:”(^.^), I also discovered early on that travelers like me!

Captain:”Puppet?” ? ?

Rich man:”Puppet?” ? ?”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ The travelers have indeed been targeting me for a long time!

Hutao:”(Dan)? Kong, so that’s what they said, right?” Candice:”


Fa Lushan:”Definitely!””…+N (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Ningguang:”Song, where is the person?”

Xiao Gong:”Are you pretending to be dead again?”

Kujo Sanra:”(Song) Kong, if the situation goes wrong, just pretend to be dead, right? Okay Okay, you want to play like this, right? Wait for me!”

Yan Fei:”Paimon, where are the Travelers?”

Yae Shenzi:”(^) Paimon, you know!”

Paimon:”(^)The mission must be achieved!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, I can’t stand it anymore, this traitor Paimon.”

Keqing:”Paimon, what did the traveler say?””

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…The traveler has fallen asleep, but he didn’t watch any of the live broadcast room’s barrage or anything. Thomas

:”Hahaha, you were sending barrages just now, and now you’re asleep again, right?””

Zaoyou:”Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I am so envious of you! Zaoyou also wants to fall asleep instantly while working.”

Luye Nana:”This is not something you should envy, right? And do you want to listen to what you’re saying?

Ning Guang:”Hey, forget it, I’m too lazy to complain about this guy. We still have to meet and deal with it.””

Xiaogong:”(﹏) That’s it! Ke

Qing:”Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, compared with that guy, have you decided who to choose as the target of punishment now?””[]

Leosley:”Ah, by the way, while I was busy watching the traveler’s work, I forgot that the punishment of ten minutes of kissing is coming again!”

Arataki Yidou:”Ten minutes of kissing…This kind of punishment is too terrible! Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, please come to me and let me, a handsome and charming person, help you solve this punishment! Bennett

:”Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun, woo woo woo~ Please choose me. I have lived so long and have never had a first kiss or anything like that. Please have mercy on me!””

Kamizato Ayato:”Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun, helping women solve their problems and so on (yes), that’s what I should do, so please be sure to choose it! Thomas

:”Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, I actually have some blood from Liyue, so the two of us are actually fellow villagers!”

Timmy:”Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, the beautiful big sister chooses me, my little kid can withstand it!” Grace:”

Timmy, why don’t you let me squat on you?” A kid can handle it, right? Okay, your skin is itchy, right? Let me see if you can withstand the iron bar in my hand!

Timmy:”Ah ah ah ah, mom, stop fighting, I know it was wrong!”

Grace:”A child can handle it, right?” Can you stand it now? Timmy:”


Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Ah this…”

Lei Ze:”It’s hard to stretch…”


Kaiya:”Hahaha, the above ones are more outrageous than the last ones.””

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