Chapter 767: Amber: I still haven’t settled the accounts with you for the fact that my best friend was taken away by you! Keqing: Don’t change the topic!

Xiangling:”Chongyunzi, although I already know who that person is, I still want to congratulate him first!”

Yun Jin:”Chongyunzi, congratulations!”

Hutao:”Chongyunzi, congratulations!”

Paimeng:”(⊙⊙), who is that person?

Xiangling:”Hey, that person is Xing Qiuzi.”

Yun Jin:”The two of them are in love.”

Hu Tao:”Hey, I can only say that they are a perfect match!” Xing

Qiuzi:”I’m not, I don’t have it, don’t talk nonsense!”

Kaiya:”Xing Qiuzi, this is immoral of you. You stole the traveler’s line!”


Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~, only travelers can use the three consecutive denials of light speed.”

Kelly:”Yeah, it’s the exclusive line of the traveler brother.

Dyne:”Indeed, others said it didn’t taste like that.”” null:”? ? ? When I asked the question, it wasn’t that I had a problem, it was that I thought you had a problem.”

28 Paimon:”(^.^)Chongyunzi and Qiuzi, no matter what, Paimon agrees to the marriage!”

Chong Yunzi:”(*)Xing Qiuzi, my house is quite big. Do you want to come over and drink black tea today? Xing Qiuzi:”

Chongyunzi, don’t come over here!”!!

Kong:”Chong Yunzi, becoming a girl is a blessing in disguise. This is a good thing!””

Chongyunzi:”o(╥﹏╥)o, that’s not the case, I think it’s better if I’m a boy!”

Era:” Ah this…”

Kaia:”Hahahaha, the travelers are silent.”

Diluc:”It’s difficult…”

Xing Qiuzi:”Chong Yunzi, I really beg you, stop talking!”

Dain:”But after what happened between Xing Qiuzi and Chong Yunzi, now I am a little worried about the answer given by the traveler.”

Kavi:”Hahaha, the answer given by the traveler is indeed very confusing.”

Clolind:”(▼ヘ▼)The traveler is a bad person!”

Tinari:”It’s really bad, okay? He also had a crush on my family’s Kelai, and even my good friend Seno was kissed by him, o(- -﹏- -)o, I’m so sad, why am I the only one who has encountered such a ridiculous thing?”

Seno:”Tinari, shut up, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I finally forgot a little bit, you actually brought it up, right? I think you want to die!!!”

Ke Lai:”(^.^), Kelai, I think it’s pretty good.”

Empty:” Kelai, (3)╭?~”

Kelai:”Empty, (3)╭?~”

Amber:”(Dan)? Kong, you have stolen all my best friends, and I haven’t even settled this matter with you yet!”


Servant:”What a scumbag!”

Lady:”This scumbag really deserves to die. How can someone be so scumbag that he even picks up all his girlfriend’s girlfriends!”

Puppet:”He is indeed a scumbag, I’m a little nervous. I can’t stand it any longer.”

Columbia (blackened):”(^) Sora, it’s fun, isn’t it? Just wait for me! Sora

:”Ah, by the way, it’s better to discuss the answer now. You see, more than half of the thinking time has passed.””

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, change the subject for me, right? Ning Guang:”

Kong, I’m too lazy to complain about you. I’ll deal with you later.””

Albedo:”Since answer D is now confirmed to be wrong, the next correct answer is among the remaining three choices.”

Su Tang:”That’s what I said, but I don’t know what answer to choose.

Navia:”Let’s ask the people in Sumeru. They are the only ones who are most familiar with Miss Nilu.””

Ke Lai:”My words are not very clear. After all, I don’t go to the city very often.

Tinari:”Absolutely.” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sainuo:”I often have other things to do. At most, I can only hear some news about Nilu, so what I know is pretty good.””

Elhaysen:”Don’t ask me.

Kawei:”I know a little bit about what I said.””

Dina Zedei:”Forget it, let me do it. I think I am more familiar with Miss Nilu.

Disiya:”Indeed, Miss Dina Zedai often goes to the Grand Bazaar and patronizes the Zubair Theater. She has seen so many performances and is very familiar with Miss Nilu.””

Dina Zedai:”A、Red Bull or something like that, I’ve never heard other viewers say that to Ms. Nilu. B. Seed Gate Saint or something like that. I’ve never heard of this either. After all, in Xumi Seed Gate or something like Lian Sai Nuo Da Feng Ji Neither the official nor Secretary Elhaysen have heard of it, so I think the possibility of its existence is not high, so it may be false.”

Arataki Yidou:”Wait a minute, I remember that Miss Nilu is a performer. Maybe in the plays she has performed before, she has also performed situations called Red Bull or Seed Saint? Bennett

:”I understand, so what Brother Yidou means is that maybe Miss Nilu got her nickname while performing this kind of role?” Arataki

Yidou said:”Bennett, hahaha, you are indeed my good brother. You guessed what I was thinking right away!” Mamoru

:”Oh my god, boss, you are so smart this time. Following this line of thinking, I think these two answers may be the correct answers!””

Ahuang:”Boss, you are simply my idol! Now I feel like we are very close to the right answer!”

Arataki Yidou:”Hahaha, even if you praise me so much, I won’t be happy at all! But, I got some little money recently. You two, let’s go drinking and eating some delicious food together later! 257″

A Shou:”Great!”

Ahuang:”Boss, you are simply my god!

Thomas:”Hahaha, doesn’t this look very happy?””[]

Dina Zedei:”Although I don’t want to disturb your happiness, I still want to tell you that in fact, I have basically watched all the plays about Nilu performed in Zubair Theater, so whatever ideas you mentioned are basically enough. It’s definitely wrong. As for the Red Bull and the Seed Saint, I really haven’t heard of it at all.”

Arataki Yidou:”Ah this…”

Ahuang:”Huh? That’s wrong. Do we have to go celebrate later?”

Mamoru:”We should go, the boss said so.”

Arataki Yidou:”Ahem, I suddenly thought of money. I’ve spent all my time, let’s talk about it later.”



Sora:”This is just a fight. If it were me, I would definitely let my men eat their fill. Got it!”

Paimon:”(*^▽^*), then Paimon is hungry now, can he let Pamon eat?” null:”(:) Paimon, I’m talking about my subordinates. You are not my subordinate, but my best friend, so there is no such thing~”


Kaia:”Hahahaha, Paimon was fooled by the travelers.”

Keqing:”Sora, hahaha, why are you teasing Paimon!”.

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