Chapter 765: Madam: Who wants to be the traveler’s girlfriend! Servant: Anyway, it’s not me who died!

Clolinde:”You can see it…What a monster.

Silk:”This talent is indeed terrifying.””

Dadali Duck:”o(╥﹏- -)O Kong, traveler, just wait for me. When I become stronger, I will definitely defeat you!”

Seno:” Terrible strength, terrible talent.


Cock:” Tsk.

Captain:”No wonder I just said that the traveler’s strength is so terrifying. It seems that a large part of it lies in his talent.”


Ms.:”Song, don’t be so arrogant. If you want me to see Wu, it’s just like a knife!”

Servant:”Song, haha, did you hear that? The lady said she wanted to challenge you.”” puppet:”(^.^), the duel is great, I like to watch the duel the most -!

Sora:”Okay, let’s fight one on one!””

Miss:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Wait wait, when did I say that?” servant:”(^) Isn’t that what it means? Did I understand it wrong?”

Ms.:”Ahem, of course I got it wrong! I’m not stupid. Why would I challenge him for no reason? There’s no benefit to me!

Servant:”I understand, it’s a bet, right?” Sora, madam, how about being your girlfriend if I lose?

Lady:”Servant, who wants to agree to such conditions?”!!

Servant:”Madam, oh, do you think you will lose?””

Ms.:” Then…Of course not!

Servant:”Isn’t that right? You won’t lose anyway!””


Arataki Yidou:”Uuuuu~ I really want this kind of duel. As long as I win, I can have a beautiful big sister as my girlfriend or something. That wouldn’t be great. I’m so envious, you bastard. Why? You are all travelers and you encounter this kind of thing ah ah ah ah!!!”

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Be your girlfriend!!!”

Lady:”Shut up, you two Shabis, who will lose, and who wants to be the traveler’s girlfriend!!!”

Lei Ze:” I also very much agree with this method of finding a mate, which is exactly the same as the situation of finding a mate in our wolf tribe!”

Mika:”Ah this…I think the situation between humans and wolves is different.”

Fischer:” No, I won’t allow this! Qi

Liangliang:”Dah ah, absolutely dar ah!”!!”

Colombia (blackened):”Madam, do you want to die? ? ?”

Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, absolutely not, Ayaka won’t allow it!!!” null:”(:) Madam, did you hear that? It’s not that I don’t agree, but I have a girlfriend, so it’s okay to fight alone, but forget about being a girlfriend.”

Ms.:”Damn, even though I haven’t been beaten yet, I don’t know why I’m so angry. It feels like I’m being disliked!

Servant:”Song, I gave you such a good opportunity, but you are useless!”” puppet:”(^.^)Servant, you don’t think about the women behind the traveler at all. If they get serious, the traveler may die tomorrow.” servant:”(*), that’s none of my business, it’s not my death anyway.” puppet:”(^.^), that’s right!”

Ms.:”Okay, okay, you two are playing like this, right? Just wait for me!”!!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)?” null:”(⊙⊙)?”

Early pomelo:”(⊙⊙)?”

Skirmisher:”The most poisonous woman’s heart is…Now I understand.

Doctor:”Hahaha, that’s right, that’s what it tastes like.””

Cock:” You women are still ruthless!

Captain:”Now I have to sympathize with the travelers.””

【Detection penalty ends!】

【Start teleporting Clolinde and the Traveler back to where they came from! ]

Clolind only recovered from the shock after hearing the announcement in the live broadcast room.

She didn’t expect the traveler’s strength to be so terrifying.

I never thought that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

I originally thought that my strength was already very strong in Fontaine.

It is estimated that there are not many people in this world who can beat me.

But now it seems that I still think too much.

Let’s not talk about the traveler’s strength, just his terrifying talent.

It is no longer comparable to him.

For a while.

Clolind was still a little disappointed.

But soon she cheered up.

In the past, there was no powerful goal in her path.

But from now on, she decided to target travelers. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I plan to work harder in order to prevent what happened today from happening again.

Thinking that such a difficult battle for me was solved so easily by the traveler.

She was still extremely frustrated inside!

And the most annoying thing is that the traveler seems to have never expected to defeat these true stingworms from the beginning.

This was what made Clolind most embarrassed and angry.

This is the first time she has been looked down upon like this!

Think about it.

Clolind looked at the traveler who was giggling and posting barrages.

Looking at his extremely handsome silly face, I felt some extremely complicated emotions in my heart.

At the same time, I found his appearance inexplicably funny, and at the same time, I felt that I wanted to hit him inexplicably.

Anyway, I was feeling hairy inside, and there was an indescribable emotion rippling around me.

Kong came to his senses, waved goodbye to Clolind, and said with a smile:

“Oops, is it time to go back?”[]

“Goodbye, Clolind, see you next time! Clolind

‘s expression was a little complicated. She didn’t know if she was happy or some other emotion. Finally, she snorted coldly:


“I will never forgive you for what happened today!”

“Wait for me next time we meet!”

Just after finishing speaking, both of them were teleported back to the original place at the same time.

Clolind, who had just returned home, felt a little irritable, and her mind was filled with the smile of the traveler when she left her.

She didn’t know whether she was How’s it going?

Is it possible that the Traveler is so powerful?

He even remembers his smile so clearly?

At this moment, Sora returned to the shrine.

When he came back, he was immediately stared at fiercely by Xinhai.

She also He didn’t say anything and just kept staring at Sora.

Sora smiled and said:

“a ha ha ha…Wife Xinhai, I’m back. Xinhai snorted coldly:

“Humph, if you are asked to save people, you will save them, and you will also hug Clolind, right?”

“How are you? Are you comfortable?”

Kong’s face was covered with sweat, and he couldn’t think of how to explain it for a while.

At this moment, an announcement suddenly came from the live broadcast room again

【Since Traveler Sora helped Clolind complete her punishment, she will be rewarded with fairy beans!】

【If you take medicine and eat this food, all injuries will be perfectly cured! eight】.

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