Chapter 762: Navia: Why don’t you get off the traveler yet! Clolinde: I forgot, sorry.

Lady:”(Dan) Kong, everyone saw it and still said you didn’t? I think you are really hopeless.”

Servant:”This guy is really thick-skinned.”


Columbia (blackened):”Song, are you still teasing us with this?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, okay, I went back to you again, right?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, you little guy, you are saying in disguise that you are not talking about Clolinde, are you?

Sora:”If you don’t believe it, just ask Clolind. She knows best.”

Clolinde:” Psycho…”

Kaia:”Hahahaha, this traveler is so outrageous that I don’t even know what to say.”

Paimon:”Clorind, do you feel that the traveler is flirting with you?”

Nasita:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida is also very curious.”

Ms.:”Does it need to be said? There must be!

Servant:”Definitely!”” puppet:”(^.^), there must be, if I were saved like that, I would definitely be moved.”25

Navia:”(*/ *)Maybe I will too.”

Charlotte:”(*/ *), please, how can you not be moved by this scene? Clolind:”

Ahem, and…No, don’t get me wrong, how could I be attracted to this scumbag Traveler!”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), So that’s it, that’s great!”

Noelle:”(^.^), as long as you don’t like your senior, then everything is easy to talk about.

Sora:”Ms. (Dan), do you hear me? Apologize!””

Paimon:”(^^)—Madam, do you hear me? Apologize!

Kawei:”Hahaha, I can’t stand it any longer, these two guys.”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, it’s really funny.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Lightspeed wants someone to apologize.”

Ke Qing:”(.), this guy is really hopeless.

Ningguang:”Hahaha, I really can’t stand it.””

Eightfold God Son:”(^), it seems that this little guy still hasn’t taken care of himself enough.”

Ms.:”(Dan)? Huh, who would apologize to a scumbag like you? Do you think you are no longer flirting? Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Servant:”Indeed!”” puppet:”(^.^), that is, we will never apologize to the scumbag!

Rooster:”Okay, okay, this is how we should deal with travelers.”


Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, even I can see that the traveler is a scumbag!

Skirmisher:”Hmph, it’s simply impossible to get these guys to apologize.””

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ That’s right! Sora

:”Okay, okay, all three of you wait for me. If I catch you, none of you will have any good juice to eat!”

Lady:”Humph, come as soon as you come. Are you afraid of me?”” puppet:”(^.^)The little traveler is so ridiculous.

Servant:”Haha, I haven’t heard threats in a long time.””

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Do you have me? Sora:”


Colombia:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, why not? You don’t love me anymore?”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)?” null:”(⊙⊙)???”

Kelai:”O(Mouth) O Kong, stop chatting here, let go of Miss Clolind, and quickly get rid of those real stingworms coming out of the battle space!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ayaka Kamisato (blackened):”(^) Sora, if Linghua doesn’t say anything, are you going to hold this Miss Clolinde in your arms until the end of the world?

Sora:”I’m wronged. Didn’t I forget to release it because I wasn’t in a hurry to confront the ladies?””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ The details are wrong +1″

Dolly:”(^.^), feel comfortable, feel comfortable!

Kaiya:”Hahahahaha, Bengbu has lost its family. It is the most outrageous thing to forget to release in a hurry to line up.””

Xiaolu:”Hahahaha, this traveler’s excuses are always so novel.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler-san, Nasida’s favorite pistachio is.”

Funina:”(⊙⊙)most…like the most? Hutao

:”(Dan)? Kong, why don’t you let go of this chat? I think you just want to hug me.” Charlotte

:”丨丨Clorind, the traveler is hugging you, why don’t you say anything or resist?””

Qianzhi:”Clorind, yes, I’m also curious.”

Clorind:”(*/ *)Ahem, I was in a trance just now because of the aftermath of the explosion. I couldn’t break free until I recovered, otherwise I would have left long ago.”

Navia:”(*), So that’s it, I thought you liked being held by travelers.”

Charlotte:”(^.^), that’s fine.”

Qianzhi:”() is injured, I understand.”[]

Clolind:”Ahem, but you guys, why are you all so concerned about this matter? You are not the traveler’s girlfriend.”

Navia:”(*/ *)Ahem, I’m not here to protect you, and look at that scumbag Traveler, letting him hug you is like sending a sheep into the tiger’s mouth.”

Charlotte:”(*/ *)That’s it!”

Qianzhi:”() Indeed, I just don’t want Traveler, a scumbag, to scumbag other girls.

Kong:”I’m wronged. How can 720 become such a scumbag after just a hug?””

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, I’m too lazy to complain about you, let go of Clolind, and then get rid of those real stingworms and come back.”

Xinhai:”(^) Kong, hurry up, otherwise I can’t guarantee what will happen after you come back. Sora:”


Punishment live broadcast room.

After seeing the barrage of complaints, Clolind also quickly got off the traveler.

After coming down, although her expression was still as cold as ever, if you look closely, you can still see a faint blush on her neck.

Dong Dong Dong~

She didn’t notice it until she came down at this time.

The travelers raised a pale golden barrier within a radius of five meters to protect themselves.

Outside the barrier, the true insect swarms began to attack the barrier densely.

Clolind noticed at a glance that the densely packed real stingworms began to increase in value again at some point.

The quantity has almost doubled from just now.

But even with such a large number, they still couldn’t break the barrier no matter how they attacked.

Seeing this scene, Clolind couldn’t help but be a little surprised that the barrier released by the traveler could even withstand such a strong attack.

You must know that just now, you had no choice but to flee under such an attack!.

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