Chapter 749: Ying: You really have no self-awareness at all, right? Fa Lushan: Hahaha, the defense is broken!

Lei Ze:”Although I see that you are very envious, I can only tell you a cruel truth, that is, you may not be able to find a girlfriend after traveling to seven countries.”

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Wow ah ah ah~ don’t say it, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it ah ah ah ah!!!”

Arataki Yidou said:”Leize, wuwuwu~ I don’t care, I don’t break defense easily, but I am the only one My friend, he may be a little sweaty.

He is not feeling well.

Of course it’s not me.

I’ve always been good at it.

Look at it from the perspective of a bystander.

It won’t break your defense.

I just want to take care of my friend’s feelings.

He’s a little The defense was broken.

Of course, I had absolutely no feelings.

I just felt aggrieved for my friend.

It was not that easy to break the defense!


Diluc:”Arataki Ito, this friend you are talking about is actually Yourself?

Kaiya:”Hahaha, it’s me!”

Xiaolu:”Haha, it’s me!””

Kavi:” It’s me! Arataki Yidou:”

Ahhhhhh, I’m not, I didn’t break the defense!”!!”

Fal603 Erjia:”Leize, hahaha, what nonsense are you talking about?”

Mika:”This is really a bit explosive….”

Fa Lushan:”Hahaha, this defense breaking is too powerful!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~, I think Lei Ze’s words have touched the souls of Arataki Yito and Bennett.”

Xinhai:”(.)Sora, have you finished your work? Once you’re done with it, hurry up and deal with those real stingworms, so that you can come back quickly and let me deal with you! Ke

Qing:”(Sang) Kong, I really can’t stand it anymore. I advise you to return to Liyue immediately after the punishment is over and let me beat you up. Otherwise, you know the outcome!””

Yun Jin:”(mu) Keqing, I can’t stand it anymore, I want to join too!”

Hu Tao:”+1″

Yan Fei:”+1″

Gan Yu:”+1″

Shen He:”+1″

Ping:”Hahaha, what kind of large-scale domestic violence scene? Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said:”

Travelers deserve such luxurious treatment.””

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun:”Indeed!

True Lord Cutting the Moon and Casting the Yang:”It’s hard to say otherwise.””

Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”(^) Sora, if you didn’t say it, Ayaka almost forgot about it, but that’s okay, since you have taken the initiative to bring it up now, after your punishment is over, Ayaka, I have a treasure that I want you to see!”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Sora, Hayao remembers that Ayaka-sama’s treasure is the sword handle that she got from the live broadcast room. That sword can cut iron like clay, it’s so powerful!

Tinari:”What?” There is such a precious sword? That’s great! I hope travelers are okay!”

Seno:” I hope something happens to the travelers!”

Kamizato Ayato:”I hope the sword is not dull after cutting down the traveler. Thomas:”

Hahaha, Master, you…”

Kelai:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah ah, you big scumbag, I don’t believe you are looking for your sister.”

Dai Yin:”Indeed, I didn’t find many sisters along the way, but I found quite a few beautiful sisters.”

Xigwen:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I understand, the traveler must be reorganizing his life again! Kong

:”I was wronged. I really wasn’t cheating. Everything I said was true!””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~Daily injustice +1″

Dolly:”(^.^), feel comfortable! Kaiya

:”Hahahaha, when on earth have I not laughed when I saw a traveler saying that he was wronged!””

Paimon:”(^), Well, Paimon also saw it, what the traveler said now is true! Sora, Paimon believes in you!”

Empty:”o(- -﹏╥)o, Paimon, you are serious, I cry to death!”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*)Sora, Barbara has always believed in you. Barbara (bbcb) also hopes that you can find your sister soon, and then we can live happily in Mondstadt together!”

Noelle:”(^.^)Sora, Noelle has always believed that the senior embarked on the journey to find his own sister, not to find other beautiful sisters. Of course, Noelle is the senior’s wife, so he will not be included in it.”

Empty:”o(- -﹏╥)o, you two are really making me cry to death!”

Qin:”Barbara Noelle, eh, you two silly girls are so naive. It seems that I have to go back and tell you what Sora has done!”

Amber:”(.)Sora, the two of them said you would be moved to tears, right? We told you that you could only pretend to be dead, right?”

Yura:”(Dan) Kong, ok, ok, ok, you can survive like this, right? Let me catch you when the time comes. If you don’t give me a rehabilitation once a day, then you are dead!”

Ye Lan:”Yola, hahaha, your idea is really good, it is more cruel than my idea of simply imprisoning him!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Do you work hard every day? This is a bit difficult.”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~, I can’t say that for other people, but Sora can definitely do it!

Kujo Sora:”(Pan), he has to do it even if he can’t do it, otherwise I can’t help but want to hit him!””

Ms.:”I feel relieved when everyone knows that this scumbag is lying.

Servant:”Hahaha, me too.”” puppet:”(^.^), familiar travelers, familiar taste!”

Funina:”Hahaha, the travelers and everyone’s reaction really won’t disappoint me.”

Navilet:”It seems that everyone already knows everything about the traveler, so there is no need for me to explain again what the traveler did in the previous videos.”

Leosli:”Hahaha, Lord Villette can’t stand it anymore and wants to reveal what the travelers did in these three countries, right?”

Funina:”Hahaha, this traveler is so outrageous!”

Linette:”() Summary: I took action on many beautiful ladies! What a scumbag!”

Linni:”Hahaha, my sister’s summary is so right! Femini

:”Has the word”scumbag” become a word for travelers now?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qianzhi:”Can we remove it?

Navia:”Pfft~ Hahaha, I’m sorry traveler, I can’t stand it anymore.””

At this time,

Ying, who was in the abyss, was originally worried that his brother would be in danger if he encountered the real stingworms released in the live broadcast room.

But he didn’t expect that he would want to explain to himself so coldly?

When he heard Sora The explanation was so outrageous that Yingya looked so disbelieving that he almost went crazy! He couldn’t understand why this idiot brother could still say such things?

Does he really have no self-awareness at all?

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