Chapter 738: Silk: Why can’t I see through this traveler? Keli: Brother Traveler?

Clolinde:”(.)Sora, who usually pretends to be dead, why is he suddenly speaking out now? Is it possible that he is trying to deceive people again?”

Ms.:”I can’t say for other people, but this scumbag Traveler must be! Servant:”

Definitely!”” puppet:”(^.^),Definitely is!

Sora:”I’m not, I don’t have it, don’t talk nonsense!””

Paimon:”(O), that’s right! Travelers don’t fool people!”

Kaiya:” Hahaha, I am skeptical about this statement!”

Albedo:”Although I also want to believe in travelers, everyone understands…”



Clolinde:”(.)Sora, do you hear that? Everyone thinks you are deceiving people!

Kong:”I don’t. If you don’t believe it, you can ask Xing Qiuzi and Chong Yunzi. I told them the correct answer at that time. What can I do if they don’t believe it!””

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, use them for the details, not them.”

Xing Qiuzi:”o(╥﹏╥)o Kong, wuwuwu~ You still mentioned it, right? Obviously I almost forgot about it!!! Chong

Yunzi:”﹏, although I said I didn’t believe the answer you gave, which led to the error, but I also believed your answer once after that. What did you say that time?””

Ms.:”How can there be people who have deceived others and still say that they have not deceived them?”

Clorind:”(▼ヘ▼)Empty, just, what else can you say?” null:”(:) What do you say? Just lie down and talk!”

Paimon:”(^.^), Paimon is now lying down like the traveler.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler and Paimon are indeed Nacida’s happy fruits. Every time she sees the two of them posting barrages, Nacida is very happy.”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, are you still lying down talking? Get up quickly, don’t lie down, otherwise you will definitely pretend to be asleep again!”

Yura:”That’s right~!

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, have you noticed all this?” Kaiya

:”Hahaha, the traveler didn’t shy away from saying that he was lying down and said, I really couldn’t hold myself any longer. He was really sleeping!”” null:”(:) I really can’t do anything to you, so I’ll just sit down for now!”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Why did Zaoyou feel that they didn’t mean what they said.”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, sit down here, I want you to stop pretending to be dead!” null:”(:) Come on, when have I ever pretended to be dead?”


Early pomelo:”(⊙⊙)?”


Alice:”Hahahaha, I didn’t expect Keli to be confused too.”

Lisa:”Hahaha, the little cutie is still completely ignorant of herself as always.”

Mona:”This guy is really hopeless.”

Clolinde:”(Dan), I don’t know why, the more I look at the Traveler now, the more I want to beat him up!”

Fonina:”(Dan)?, forget about Paimon! But the Traveler really deserves to be beaten!”

Leosli:”Hahahaha, I won’t mention whether what the traveler said is true, but the traveler is really too cheap to be like this.”

Keqing:”(.)Sora, don’t force me to really go to Dao Wife to deal with you!

Amber:”(Dan) Damn, my fists are so hard, I really want to hit someone now!””

Kavi:”Wait, aren’t we supposed to be discussing the answer now?”

Little Deer:”Watson, you found the blind spot!

Navia:”Hahaha, I wouldn’t have noticed it unless you said it.””

Charlotte:”(^.^), the barrage in the live broadcast room was distorted by travelers again.”

Ning Guang:”You don’t need to pay attention to him, just discuss the answer.”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Yes, don’t pay attention to what my man said, just let Ayaka and I take care of the rest.”

Arataki Yidou:”So what is the answer now?

Bennett:”My accurate intuition is no longer accurate this time!”

Lei Ze:”No, your intuition seems to be inaccurate.””

Paimon:”(^.^), Paimon knows this question, it must be in one of the answers to ABCD.

Arataki Yidou:”Oh, yes!” It seems to be true….What a ghost! Doesn’t everyone know this?”

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Needless to say, the answer is definitely Red Bull!”

Ms.:”In my opinion, it’s Red Bull!

Servant:”+1!”” puppet:”(^.^), I would choose the Seed Sect Saintess, after all, this answer looks good.

Captain:”That sounds good.”…”

Kawi:”If I had to choose, I wouldn’t choose Red Bull or Seed Saint, I would only choose C Zubair Star or Dancer.”


Kelai:”Yeah, yeah , I will also choose one of these two.”

Sai Nuo:”Compared with the above two answers, the following two answers are much more normal, and they are also in line with Nilu herself.”

Shen He:”I understand, then choose C or D!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Barbara:”(▽*)O Kong, Barbara can choose whatever you choose!”

Noelle:”(*^▽^*)Sora and Noelle too!”

Empty:”o(- -﹏╥)o, you two are really making me cry to death!

Clolind:”Song, what do you choose?”

Charlotte:”I also care about what travelers will choose.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ The same goes for Nasida. After all, the traveler is a man who answered successfully three times in a row. His answer still has some reference value.”

Dishiya:”Hahaha, that must be done only if he doesn’t say anything.”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, I also want to know how you choose this time?”

Jiu Jiao Shu Luo:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, come on, your wife, I want to hear it too!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, Ayaka, me too.” null:”(:) Keli, Keli, do you know the answer?”

Kelly:”(??), Keli doesn’t know, but the seed saint girl seems to sound very good, Keli wants to choose this! Kaiya

:”Hahaha, I feel that the traveler is going to choose Keli to choose the saint of the B sect, so I will choose B too!”

Leosley:”Hahaha, it’s the same old routine!””

Paimon:”(^.^), Paimon also guessed it!”[]

Kelly:”(^.^), did Traveler Brother and Keli choose the same answer? That feels great! Sora:”

Okay, then Keli, you choose B. This time I choose C, Zubair Theater Star!””

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), Damn it, Traveler, you didn’t choose the same answer as Keli this time?”

Kelly:”(⊙⊙), Brother Traveler, you? Alice

:”Song, hahaha, you are such a bad guy, and you still play tricks on our family, right?”

Silk:”Damn it, why can’t I see through this Traveler at all?” Is he deceiving us?

Xing Qiuzi:”Definitely!”

Chong Yunzi:”Definitely!””.

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