Chapter 736: Kuki Shinobu: Suddenly I thought of kissing Sora! Navia: You say it’s a bad memory, but you’re actually showing it off, right?

Captain:”Hahaha, what kind of deadly bet is this?”

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, it’s not bad that the five molas trade the traveler’s life.”

The rich man:”Hahahaha, even I can’t stand this bet. I will cry when I get there.”

Rooster:”Haha, even the rich said this, so it seems that this bet is indeed outrageous.”

Columbia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ That’s how fun it is!”

Xigwen:”(^.^), Traveler Sang inadvertently embarked on the road to death again, wait, why do I say again?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ That’s because Traveler-san is threatened by his wives every day.”

Engraved”837″ clear:”(.), if that’s the case, don’t talk about Colombia, even I want to kill him!”

Xiao Gong:”That’s right, I won’t be able to calm down unless I deal with this bastard!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, don’t worry, Ayaka, I will never do that to you!”

Kamizato Ayato:”- -, although I support Ayaka in solving the travelers, even I have to doubt your words….”

Early pomelo:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Hayaka must believe the other words Ayaka-sama said, but this sentence seems very problematic to Hayato!!! Toma

:”Haoyou, shush, I said it all, but you can’t say it even if it’s true!” oh…The head of Ayato’s family also said so, so it’ll be fine.”

Amber:”(^) Sora, I will never do that to you, but I don’t know about my bow and arrow!”

Yura:”(^) Sora, yes, my sword has long been thirsty.”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, little guy, your situation is very dangerous. Do you want to come and stay in my shrine for a few days? Of course, I will never imprison you.

Leosley:”Hahaha, hell, everyone wants to kill the travelers, right?””

Falushan:”Oh my god, the girlfriends this traveler finds are not easy!

Candice:”Everyone has extraordinary strength, how can it be simple?””

Kamizato Ayato:”Although I don’t know what’s going on, I still hope something happens to the traveler!”

Duraf:”Song, for the sake of my Diona not to fall in love with you, please be sure to do something!”

Fischer’s father:”Song, so that my little Amy won’t fall in love with you, please be okay!”

Fischer:”(*/ *)Father Fischer, what on earth are you talking about? I…I would fall in love with travelers or something, that kind of thing…talent!”

Diona:”(*/ *)Durav, if you keep saying nonsense like this about me liking travelers, I will be really angry! Hum, Diona, I am absolutely…absolute…….”

Durav:”Diona, what are you talking about? Go on!”

Fischer’s father:”Fischer, oooooooooooooooooo~ Little Amy, you Say it in front of everyone that you don’t like travelers, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep today!!!”

Kaia:”Hahahahaha, I’m letting you guys off, is something wrong with you now?”

Diluc :”Although I feel a little distressed, I seem to be gloating for some reason.”

Lisa:”Hahaha, that’s true.”

Arataki Yidou:”Dad Duraf Fischer, it hurts!”

Bennett:”Duraf Fischer’s father, it hurts so much!!!”

Durav:”Ahhhhhh, you two bastards, just wait for me!!!”

Fischer’s father:”Ahhhhhh, I can’t stand it anymore , you two bastards, I will never let you go so easily, don’t let me seize the opportunity, otherwise you two will fall into the abyss of endless pain!!!”

Arataki Yidou:”Haha Haha, you can’t catch that kind of opportunity!!!”

Bennett:”Pfft, pfft, let you come out to laugh at us all the time, now you know it’s wrong, right?”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, these four living treasures , performing revenge dramas in the live broadcast room every day, right?”

At this time.

Just as the audience was laughing.

A message suddenly came from the live broadcast room

【It is detected that the video has finished playing!】

【The interactive Q&A session will begin!】

【Question: What is Nilu’s nickname?】 bull

B、Seed Saint

C、Star of Zubair Theater (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


After seeing this question, the audience also began to discuss the answer0…..

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It is indeed the same problem this time.”

Albedo:” Nilu’s nickname? Although I guessed the form of the question, the answer may only be known to those who know Nelu best.”

Rosalia:”Yes, I feel like I still have to ask the people in Sumeru what they think!”

Su Tang:”Ke Lai, do you know?”

Ke Lai:”What’s Nilu’s nickname? Although I rarely go into the city, I have also heard the name of Nilu from the Grand Bazaar, because she is the most shining dancer in the theater.”

Tinari:”The information I know is almost the same as that of Kelai. After all, we have been working as rangers outside, and we have little knowledge of most things in the capital, so if you ask us, I don’t think it is that accurate. , it is better to ask people in the city, such as Sano!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Yes, Sano was chasing the traveler in Sumeru City just now.”

Seno:”Please, don’t mention the video just now. It reminds me of the traveler who kissed my hand, vomit.”~~~”

Sora:”I’m the one who should be vomiting!!! Ugh!~~~~”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, it’s rare to see a traveler being deflated.” 3.9 Arataki Yidou:”Hahahaha, a traveler is deflated or something, it’s really cool!”

Bennett:”Hehehe, the founder is deflated. What, I’m not happy at all!”[]

Lei Ze:”Don’t you look happy?”

Mika:”Maybe this is how they express their happiness….”

Sano:”But speaking of it, since the live broadcast room has given four options, it means that the answer is in it, but some of these four options seem to be quite unfair, and I suddenly have a bad feeling. A premonition.”

Kuki Shinobi:”Come on, it’s the classic anti-routine part of the live broadcast room again, I think of bad memories! Oh, it can’t be said that it’s not bad, after all, it’s about kissing with Sora or something. of(^.^)!”

Navia:”(.), saying it’s a bad memory is actually just showing off, right?”.

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