Chapter 734: Kamisato Ayaka: Even if it’s Sora’s head, I won’t give it to you! Keqing: I am the heroine!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, I can feel that the traveler is a little panicked!”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, don’t talk about the traveler. If I were the protagonist and saw this script, I would also panic.”

Thomas:”Hahaha, indeed.”

Arataki Yidou:”What the hell, what kind of script is this! Why does the ending have people’s heads in their hands?”

Bennett:”Scared! But if the founder is the starring role, I would like to Look.”

Columbia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~, then I will be the woman holding the traveler’s head in the end!”

Ke Qing:”(▼ヘ▼), No, I have to play the final heroine!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(*), Haha, the person who will be with Sora in the end must be Ayaka and I. Even my head will not be given to you!

Servant:”Hahaha, everyone is acting in their true colors, right?””

Song:” Please. Stop talking about such terrible topics!”

Ms.:”Humph, you are such a scumbag, this is your fate!”

Candice:”You know you’re afraid, right?” 473″

Amber:”(.)Sora, since we won’t talk about that, let’s talk about what happened just now, so you like this Nilu, right?”

Xigwen:”(⊙⊙), ah this…Isn’t it too direct? If you ask this question, I don’t think the traveler will answer.”

Paimon:”(^.^)Hey, you guessed it right!”


Kaia:”Hahahaha, Paimon really understands travelers very well.”

Diluc:”If you are not a family, you will not enter the same house.”

Falushan:”Oh my god, I was posting barrages just now. The traveler is really not coming out now!”

Kujo Sora:”(Sora) Sora, Tetsume, let’s change the topic and stop talking, right?”

Kuki Shinobu:”(Sara)? Sora, damn, I almost forgot to ask you just now, please explain to me!”

Gan Yu:”(﹏) Sora, really, please explain to me what you just did!”

Barbara:”﹏, Barbara’s heart ached when she thought that the love words Kong just said were to Miss Nelu.”

Noelle: (afei)o(╥﹏- -)o, woo woo~ Senior, you don’t want to say love words to other girls in front of Noelle!

Yan Fei:”(Mu) Kong, you’re still pretending to be dead, you’re still pretending to be dead, right?”” walnut:”O(Mouth) O Kong, you are really hopeless!”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) That’s all, now it seems we still have a surprise army, which one of you will come?

Yun Jin:”I’ll do it!” Paimon, it’s your turn!”

Paimon:”(^), resolutely complete the mission!”

Little Deer:”Hahahahaha, when will I stop laughing when I see this traitor Paimon?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It’s Paimon’s turn to attack again!

Cole:”Paimon, where is the Traveler?””

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…The traveler has fallen asleep and hasn’t watched the video at all. Arataki Yidou:”

Damn it, weren’t you still posting barrages just now? How could you fall asleep again so quickly?”

Bennett:”That’s right, I can’t even do sit-ups that fast.””

Paimon:”(O), it’s true, Paimon didn’t lie to you!”

Heart sea;”(^), what Paimon said is true, Sora really fell asleep just now, but it doesn’t matter, I have already woken him up.

Arataki Yidou:”Damn it, is he really asleep?”

Bennett:”Shocked me for a whole year!”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, it’s the most outrageous thing to actually fall asleep!”

Kong:”I just woke up, what happened?””

Ke Lai:”Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I really can’t stand it. Why do I have such a stupid boyfriend? Silk


Dudali Duck:”Sirk, you smiled, you really smiled this time, I saw it!””

Sikkik:”Dadali Duck, I didn’t laugh, you saw it wrong! Also, have you finished practicing and are you still letting this barrage go? Why don’t you go back and continue practicing?”

Dadali Duck:”Oh…”

Qingqing:”(.)Sora, I’m asking you a question. You’ve just woken up, right? I’m too lazy to complain about you pretending to be asleep. Please explain it to me! Yan

Fei:”That’s right, if you don’t explain clearly, you’ll be finished!””

Amber:”(▼ヘ▼), serve directly at home!!! Sora:”

Explanation?” What’s the explanation?”

Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, if you still pretend to be confused, even Ayaka will make me really angry!”

Columbia (blackened):”Song, what else could it be? These are the love words you and Nilu said!

Sora:”When did I talk to Nilu about love?””

Tinari:”Hahaha, this man is really hopeless, and he is still telling lies. Kawei

:”Hahaha, that’s right, everyone obviously saw the traveler’s love words in the live broadcast room video.”

Sora:”Yes, I said love words, what’s wrong?””

Qin:”(Mu) Kong, what else happened? You’ve already spoken love to other women, what’s wrong with you? Yelan

:”Kong, I think you are really hopeless!””

Xiao Gong:”(Pan)? Kong, you don’t want to eat anything, right? What else happened?”

Yura:”(Dan), damn, my fist is hard again, I want to hit someone!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)Oh Kong, it was Barbara who came first, but you said love words to Nelu first. You don’t want that kind of thing! Noelle

:”﹏, even Noelle has never heard these words of love from you, but you said it to other girls first. Noelle is really sad.””

Falushan:”Oh my god, looking at it this way, the traveler is really a scumbag!”

Candice:”When has he not been a scumbag?”

Fa Lushan:”Oh, that’s right!”

Kong:”He’s a ghost too. I’m just a gentleman. How can I be such a scumbag?””

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you are living day by day, you have to worry about that bullshit gentleman, right?”

Arataki fought:”Hehehe, if the traveler is a gentleman, I am still the King of Rocks!

Bennett:”Hehehe, I’m still the God of Fire!”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, these two are also incredible.”

Zhong Li:”Wonderful.””


Shen He:”() Kong, but didn’t you say love words to Nilu? I was really angry when I saw this!

Sora:”Where did I say it to Nilu? I said it to Seno!””



Shen He:”(⊙⊙)?”

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