Chapter 732: Alice: Sora, you can kiss my daughter directly! Kelly:(*^▽^*),So happy!

Kelly:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, Keli is angry. Brother Traveler, you would rather kiss Brother Seno than Keli! Alice:”

Kelly?” ? ? Sora:”

Keli?” ? ? Sai Nuo:”

Keli?” ? ?

Kaiya:”Keli, hahaha, your traveler brother only kissed Sano because he didn’t see that the person he was kissing was Sano. If he knew that the person he was kissing was Sano, he would probably vomit all over.” Late!”

Kelly:”(*^▽^*), So that’s it, then Keli is relieved. Sora, brother Traveler, can you also give Keli a kiss? Sora

:”A kiss on the cheek or something is fine, but I still have to ask your mother Alice. If she doesn’t want to, I won’t kiss her.””

Alice:”(*), no need to ask, you can kiss me.”

Kelly:”(*^▽^*)Alice, I love you the most, mom!”

Alice:”(^.^)Keli, mom loves you too.”

05 Silk:”Alice, ah? Did you really let the traveler kiss Keli?”

Su Tang:”Alice? ? ?”

Rosalia:”Alice? ? ?”

Alice:”(*), Don’t worry, he won’t attack children.

Qin:”That’s right.””

Ke Qing:”Indeed.”

Wendy:”Alice, then you can also ask the travelers for me.”

Alice:”()Wendy, please respect yourself, please don’t worry about Kong.”

Wendy:”Alice? ? ?

Alice:”Wendy?” ? ?

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, Master Fengshen will not let me down.”

Zhong Li:” Indeed.”

Mandrill:”It’s difficult to stretch.”…”

Funina:”Song, please satisfy Barbatos!”

Sora:”Funina, come on!”

Wendy:”Song, you understand.”

Sora:”Wendy, I understand you.*……%……%!”

Daine:”Song, you’re so good at scolding! Please curse the Seven Gods more, I like to hear it!”

Skirmisher:”Song, if you know how to scold, just curse more!”

In the screen of the live broadcast room.

After Sora kissed Seno’s hand, he slowly raised his head, but still closed his eyes and spoke affectionate words.

“Nelu, I love you.”

As he said that, he kissed her again.

However, Sainuo, who was being held, was so sick that he could only reach out to block the traveler’s kiss again.

At this time, Nilu was a little uncomfortable after witnessing this scene. In the end, it was really I thought it was so interesting.

And I thought that Sora had never really kissed Seno.

So I stood aside and covered Cherry’s little mouth, suppressing a smile and continued reading.

Nilu was curious about when Sora would find out about the kiss. The person is not her.

At this time, Sora still didn’t realize that he was kissing Seno’s hand.

He was still the same as before, with his eyes closed and speaking love words with great affection.

“You set my love on fire!”

“That’s not a spark”

“That’s a fire!”

“I can really feel it.”

As he said that, he kissed her directly again.

Seno couldn’t hold it any longer, but he couldn’t break free from the traveler’s control quickly, so he could only block it with his hands again.

Nilu saw this scene, Finally I couldn’t help it anymore. Even though my mouth was tightly covered, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter at this time.


After Kong heard that the laughter was not coming from below, but from the side, he was suddenly confused.

He immediately opened his eyes and turned his head to see who was laughing.

But when he saw the person who was supposed to appear Nilu, who was below, was standing aside, covering her mouth and suppressing a smile.

Kong was stunned for a moment. Since Nilu appeared here, who was he hugging now?

He didn’t know, and was shocked when he saw it..

I saw Sainuo who was supposed to be chasing him behind him, but he didn’t know when he suddenly appeared here and was held by him.

After seeing Sainuo’s aggrieved and murderous face, Sora couldn’t help but He swallowed, then resisted the feeling of vomiting, reached out to cover Seno’s eyes.

Then he fell to the ground hard.

Then he ran away quickly without looking back!

But just when he wanted to escape, Sai Nuo suddenly caught him.

I saw Sai Nuo’s eyes were extremely fierce. If eyes could kill, then the current traveler must have been killed by him thousands of times! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sai Nuo Nuo stared at the traveler and squeezed out vicious words from his throat.


“You are dead!!!”

After the picture played here, it stopped abruptly.

No one knows what will happen next.

But most viewers can guess that the fate of the travelers will not be good.

Seno:”Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , Traveler, I’m going to kill you!!!”

Ke Lai:”Pfft~ Hahaha, Brother Sainuo, I’m sorry. Although I know you are miserable, I don’t know why, but I really want to laugh.”

Tinari:”Collet, laugh if you want, it’s okay!

Kawei:”Hahaha, that’s not true. Anyway, Sano can’t be miserable anymore!””


Sora:”The worst thing is me, okay?” I’ve already vomited, vomited~~~”

Seno:”Sora, ahhhhh, you bastard, you think I just want to vomit, vomit~~~”



Navia:”Hahahaha, my stomach hurts from laughing so much. This traveler is so funny. When I saw him talking about love to Seno, I really couldn’t hold it in anymore!”

Clolind:” Pfft~”

Charlotte:”Pfft~ Hahaha, don’t say it. I really didn’t want to laugh at first, but after seeing what you said, I couldn’t help it.”

Xiaolu:”Hahahaha, When I saw the look in Sano’s eyes at the end, I was afraid that I wanted to kill the traveler!”

Funina:”Song, hahahaha, you fool, I let you get involved with women everywhere, now you are overturned, right? Kissing a man or something, this water god would laugh to death!”

Navilight:”Haha, I’m sorry traveler, I can’t help it.”

Xigwen:”Haha, I didn’t expect the water god and the supreme judge Navi Mr. Wright can’t hold back anymore.”

Leosley:”Hahaha, let alone the two of them, I think there are only a few people in the entire Teyvat continent who have seen this scene who can hold back.”

Linnie:”Song, your talent makes me jealous. If you perform on stage, I’m sure you will be able to surpass me, the great magician of Fontaine, immediately!”

Linnet:”()Linny, Brother, is there a possibility that the effect of Travelers in the live broadcast room is even better than that on the stage?”

Femini:”Yes, and I think Travelers has actually surpassed us long ago.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~, indeed, after all, the traveler’s name is already well-known throughout the Tiyvat continent!

Tinari:”Hahaha, Seno is famous now!” Sai

Nuo:”Who would like to be famous like this? If I want to be famous like this, I would rather be unknown!”!!”.

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