Chapter 729: Sora: In order to see you alive, I have no choice but to kiss Nilu! Lady: It’s really hopeless! your Highness:”(.)Sora, keep making it up. If you can’t make it up, I’ll beat you to death!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you kissed other pretty girls just for us, right? Why didn’t I see that you kissed just for us, and would normal people do this?”

Amber:”(.)Sora, you can really say it out loud when you kiss other girls for us!”

Yura:”(Sara) Kong, you can say such outrageous things, you are really hopeless!”

Xiaogong:”(Dan)? Kong, are you fooling us again? You are dead!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Yes, no matter how you look at it, it’s all a lie!”

Ms.:”This damn scumbag is really hopeless!

Servant:”Hahaha, this traveler can always refresh my lower limit, it’s really amazing!”” puppet:”(^.^), in my opinion, he has to be given the title of No. 1 in Teyvat!”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, you little guy can always make my sister and I shine, but this time your excuse is so outrageous that I can’t stand it anymore.”503

Mona:”That’s right, no matter how you look at it, it’s all a lie!

Sora:”I was wronged. I really didn’t lie. I really did this for you!””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~Daily injustice +1″

Dolly:”(^.^), feel comfortable!”

Kelly:”(*^▽^*), the details are wrong +1!”

Jiu Jiao Shu Luo:”(.)Sora, why didn’t I see that you were doing this for us?”

Jiuki Ren:”(Mara), damn, I want to hit someone! Yan Fei:”

(Dan)? Me too!” Sora:”

Wait, let me explain first!””

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Damn it, this is a dead end, how can I explain it? Arataki Yidou said:”

Hahaha, no matter what, I will be happy if the traveler overturns!”

Bennett:”Hehe, I’m not happy at all when Grandmaster overturned his car or something!”

Lei Ze:”Don’t you look very happy?”

Ningguang:”Kong, OK, I want to see how you explain it again.”

Yelan:”Kong, you kissed other ladies just for us, right?” I also want to see how else you can explain it? Sora

:”That’s because if I don’t do this, I won’t be able to see my wives. Thinking of you, I know that I must live, no matter what!” In order to see you alive, I can only use Fontaine’s method of greeting to kiss Nello!”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o, it turns out that Sora did this just to see Barbara. Barbara was really moved.

Noelle:”﹏Sora, wuwuwu~ I’m sorry, it was Noel who wrongly blamed you, senior.””

Ke Lai:”Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…”

Qin:”You three, eh…”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, I can’t stand it anymore. This traveler is really outrageous!”

Kavi:”Hahahaha, kissing the hands of other beautiful ladies is actually to live to see his wife or something. This What the hell is it?”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, although I have been shocked by travelers’ strange diseases for a long time, now when I hear it, I still feel it is outrageous. Even when I heard about kissing the hands of other beautiful ladies, Being able to cure diseases makes me feel even more outrageous!”

Elhaysen:”I really don’t know what to say other than outrageous.”

Doctor:”Song, haha, I’m very interested in helping travelers with this disease. You treat me, I wonder what your wishes are?”

Bai Zhu:”Hahaha, I really want to help travelers cure this disease, even if it’s not Huamora. Without him, I just want to cure this strange disease. Disease, so that travelers no longer have to kiss other beautiful ladies in order to survive.”

Qiqi:”Qiqi…Come help! Falga:”

Hahaha, the word”forced” is too (abfc) essential!”

Xigwen:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I can actually help treat Traveler, but Traveler, you need to come to me in Fontaine’s prison first.”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), do you want the traveler to go to jail, or do you want to help him treat his illness?”

Leosli:”Hahaha, of course you also went to jail when you came for treatment. Killing three birds with one stone, right?” null:”???”

Paimon:”(O), killing three birds with one stone is not used in this kind of place!

Diona:”But it seems that travelers really have that strange disease that requires a kiss from a pretty girl to survive.” Shen He:”

Yes!””(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said:”Indeed, I kissed the traveler several times before to save him.”

Gan Yu:”(*/ *)Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, master, don’t talk about it, it’s so embarrassing. Liuyun

Jiefeng Zhenjun said:”There is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s all just to save people!” Kong:”

That’s right, as the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Your master had no choice but to save me!””

Gan Yu:”(﹏) Although I know it’s to save you, I don’t know why you said this. It really made my fist harden!”

Yun Jin:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, you are really hopeless!

Ping:”Haha, but I didn’t expect that Traveler’s Disease has evolved to the point where it can be cured by kissing the hands of other ladies.””

Baizhu:”Yes, I don’t know whether it has evolved or degenerated.”

Tinari:”Although I really wanted to complain about whether this disease was real, after seeing the condition of travelers in the live broadcast room before, I refrained from asking.

Dolly:”It’s true. After all, Traveler has shown us how sick he was in the live broadcast room before.”

Sai Nuo:”Although this is true, we have never seen this ghost disease at all. It is simply weirder than the magic scale disease. It is normal to be skeptical.””

Baizhu:”In any case, the traveler’s disease can indeed be cured.”

Amber:”(*~~)Indeed, if he doesn’t cure this damn disease that requires kisses from pretty girls to survive, he will always kiss other women.

Alice:”Hahaha, it’s hard to say otherwise!”” walnut:”(▼ヘ▼)Atractylodes, please be sure to treat my husband well!”[]

Ningguang:”Baizhu, you can spend as much mola as you like. In short, it can cure or suppress it temporarily. If it doesn’t work, just ask him to come to my Qunyu Pavilion to see me for treatment.”

Yelan:”Kong, don’t bother Master Ningguang. , when you get sick, just come to me directly.”

Ke Qing:”Kong, you are not allowed to go to other women, you know?”

Gan Yu:”(*/ *)Kong, if you are sick, just come to me, Ganyu, and I will help you treat it, so don’t trouble other sisters, just let me take the responsibility alone!”

Ning Guang:”The night orchid is clear and the rain is sweet? ? ?”

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