Chapter 726: Sora: Although the hero may be late, he will never be absent! Navia: Haha, it’s really hopeless!

Charlotte:”(*/ *)Ahem, don’t worry about these things at this time!”

Gan Yu:”(??)Charlotte, so what Sora said is true?

Arataki Yidou:”Damn it, how could that be true?” If it were true, I would just stand on my head and wash my hair!

Bennett:”If it were true, I would still be eating noodles while standing upside down!”

Kong:”Okay, you two said it, don’t go back on it then.””

Paimon:”(^.^), although he didn’t know what the situation was, Paimon chose to believe in the traveler!

Kaia:”Hahaha, I remember Paimon didn’t say that before.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Could it be that Paimon said this because he felt that Travelers have a great advantage now?”

“173” Dyne:”I think Paimon said this because the traveler was not banned.”

Albedo:” Indeed!”

El Haisen:”I think that’s it!”

Paimon:”(^.^), not really.”

Captain:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!”

The rich man:”Kong, I suggest that the third generation of Paimeng be investigated strictly!”

Dardali Duck:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!”

Arataki Yidou;”Song, Qie, if you tell the truth, then I will go to the street to wash my hair while standing on my head today!

Bennett:”Me too!”

Sora:”Charlotte, it’s time for you to take action!””

Charlotte:”(*), Sora didn’t lie, in Fontaine there is indeed a way of saying hello by kissing someone’s hand.”

Aradaki fights:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Damn it, is this actually true?”

Bennett:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! I’ve been shocked for a whole year, is this actually true?”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! real or fake? Does Fontaine still have such an outrageous way of saying hello?”

Diona:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Diona was shocked!”

Qiqi:”丨丨Qiqi…don’t know…But I was also shocked!”

Kuki Shinobi:”() Arataki Yidou, just go to the street and wash your hair while standing on your head. Arataki Yidou said:”

No, do you just believe in travelers?” And Ana, do you think the traveler really didn’t lie to you? No matter how you look at it, this is all a lie!”

Jiuki Ren:”No, I already knew that neither Charlotte nor Sora lied.”

Elhaysen:”It’s not that I believe the travelers, but we have known about this for a long time.

Zhong Li:”Yes, there is indeed such a etiquette in Fengdan.””


Navilette:”It’s indeed true, I’m sure of that!””

Aradaki fights:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! ah? Is this actually true?

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuuuuah~ It’s over, I have to stand on my head to eat noodles!””

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), Barbara knew Sora would never lie to me!”

Noelle:”(*), Senior will definitely not let Noel down!”

Ke Lai:”(^.^), I didn’t lie to Kelai, I’m so happy!” null:”(:) Bennett Arataki Yidou, so hurry up and wash your hair while standing on your head and eat noodles! Arataki

Yidou said:”Hahahaha, it’s not a big deal to wash your hair upside down. The important thing is that after we know this, doesn’t it mean that we can go to Fontaine to kiss the hands of beautiful ladies?” Hahaha, that’s so cool!”

Bennett:”(^o^)/~Okay~ I can finally touch the pretty girl’s hand, no! You can kiss directly! I just say hello everywhere!

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, these two guys are so outrageous!”

Lei Ze:”I can see that I really want to kiss the beautiful young lady’s hand.””

Mika:”Their angles are too strange, right?…”

Rosalia:”This damn thing is no longer human.”


Funina:”(▼ヘ▼),What? You want to come over and do this to my people? It’s a beautiful idea, our etiquette has been semi-obsolete for a long time, and now almost no one does it!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Xigwen:”(*), yes, so even if you come here, there won’t be any pretty girls to give you hands on it, but if you still want to, you can ask the dogs on the ground and they will be willing to give you hands on it. Arataki Yidou:”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” Woohoo~ And you can only do it with the dog on the ground. Who would do such a thing, bastard, I don’t want to do that! Bennett:”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I really want to kiss the pretty girl’s hand. 0.”

Razer:”Bennett, can’t dogs? You look down on us canines, right?”

Bennett:”Dogs…It’s not like dogs can’t do it, is it a female?

Arataki fought:”Mother’s?” That seems okay, after all, dogs look quite cute.

Kaiya:”Hahaha, against the sky!”

Lei Ze:”I’m too lazy to complain about you two.””

Mika:”It’s hopeless.”…”

Qingqing:”(.)Empty, so why? Why do you still kiss me when this etiquette is gone?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, little guy, aren’t you very good at explaining it? Explain to me now?”

Yan Fei:”(^) Sora, if you don’t explain, you’re dead!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, even if you don’t explain, I, Ayaka, will never be angry.”

Zaoyou:”(Ω-Ω), just listen and don’t speak.”[]

Kano Nana:”Haayu, it’s great. You have finally grown up. I’m so happy.”

Toma:”I’m so touched that I want to cry!”

Kujo Sora:”(Sora) Sora, I knew you were such a bastard. Be honest!”

Hutao:”(Pan) Kong, it turns out that this is a long-abandoned etiquette, so I thought what you said was true!”

Amber:”(Pan) Kong, come out quickly. Don’t pretend to be dead anymore!”

Ke Lai:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ahhhhhhhh 0.3, you big scumbag, come out and explain to me!”

Xigwen:”(^.^), the traveler is probably sleeping again.

Leosley:”Hahaha, that should be called pretending to be dead.””

Jiuki Ren:”Paimon, forget it, it seems that you are the only one who can take action!”

Paimon:”(^)Complete the mission resolutely!”

Empty:”o(▽)No need for Paimon to come, I can do it myself!”

Ke Qing:”(San) Kong, since you can come by yourself, then you should come out quickly for me!”!!!” null:”(:) The hero may be late, but he will never be absent!”

Yura:”(Dan)? Kong, pretend to be dead, just pretend to be dead, and you’re still short of me!!!

Navia:”Pfft~ Hahaha, this traveler is really hopeless!””.

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