Chapter 720: Funina: The most important thing is to deal with the travelers first! Dolly: Hell, this can all be reconciled?

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)Oh Kong, it was obviously Barbara who came first, but why were only Nilu Keqing and Ayaka in the video? Why not me? Noelle

:”﹏Sora, woohoo~ Senior left with other women in front of Noelle or something, don’t do that kind of thing!”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, this ~ word is used very well again!””

Columbia (blackened):”Song, three women, none of them is me? Absolutely unforgivable!!-!”

Paimon:”Hey, is that what you care about?”

Servant:”This is how the love brain works.”

Puppet:”(^.^), it’s hard to say otherwise!”

Xiaolu:”Haha, not to mention that Miss Keqing and Master Linghua are hostile, but now there is also Miss Nilu and the scumbag traveler. What kind of strange relationship is this?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Yes, Miss Keqing and Miss Ayaka are still hostile.

Thomas:”Yes, in that case, wouldn’t it be a total war?” While dealing with Nelu, Master Ayaka also needs to be careful about Miss Keqing’s back stab?”

Zaoyou:”(Ω-Ω), Zaoyou can’t understand it!”

Shadow:”丨丨Although I can’t understand it, I was shocked!”

Navia:”Hahaha, but I think it is better to resolve the problem between Miss Nilu and the traveler than the two of them fighting. Otherwise, even if one of them wins, it will be meaningless.

Clolind:”Yes, the most important thing is to deal with the travelers first!””

Funina:” That’s right, we should deal with the travelers first!”


Servant:”Indeed!”” puppet:”(^.^), it’s hard to say otherwise!

Paimon:”Hey, isn’t that what Miss Navia means? Why is she just trying to kill the traveler?”

Leosley:”Hahaha, Watson, you found a blind spot.”

Keqing:”Kamizato Ayaka, so what do you mean?””

Kamizato Ayaka:”Keqing, of course it’s a temporary truce, good sister!”

Ke Qing:”Okay!

Dolly:”Hell, can this be reconciled immediately?” Arataki Yidou said:”

Against the heavens, can this be reconciled?”


Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Things are developing very quickly!”

Qin:” Ke Qinggami Ayaka, weren’t you two quarreling just now? Why are you united now?”

Charlotte:””Shocked!” What kind of existence can make Miss Keqing and Miss Ayaka, who were still hostile just now, share the same hatred? Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality behind this? If you want to know the truth, please watch today’s Steam Bird Daily!”

Navia:”Haha, Miss Charlotte is still performing as usual.”

Jiu Jiao Shuuluo:”(Dan) is empty, where are the people? Come out and explain to me what is the relationship between you and this Nilu!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, where are you, don’t force me to be violent!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, as long as you explain obediently, Ayaka will promise to be gentle when the time comes.”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Will we still have to take action in the end?”

Paimon:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Paimon could already imagine the pain the traveler would be in!”

Ke Lai:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah ah, you big scumbag, come out and speak!”

Gan Yu:”(﹏) Sora, really, I’m really angry!”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Paimon, it seems I can only let you take action! Ningguang

:”Paimon, you know!””

Paimon:”(^), resolutely complete the mission!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, this Paimon is still the same mole as always.””

Captain:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!”

The rich man:”Kong, I suggest that the third generation of Paimeng be investigated strictly!”

Dardali Duck:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!”…+N (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Eightfold God Son:”(^), you are all investigating the third generation of Paimon. Who asked Paimon to tip us off in the future?

Ning Guang:”Indeed!””

Qin:”Without Paimon, it will be difficult for us to find this guy Kong.”


Yan Fei:”+1″


Kaiya:”Hahaha, damn, there are too many people protecting Paimon!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…The traveler fell asleep and didn’t watch the video at all.”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, I was still posting barrages just now, but God is asleep again now.”

Ke Qing (blackened):”Kong, okay, okay, okay, why don’t you still play this trick? The resurrection of the Rock King Emperor can’t help you now, I’m telling you!!!”

Zhong Li:”6!



Kamisato Ayaka (blackened):”Paimon, wake him up!”


Sora:”I just woke up, what happened?”

Kujo Sura:”(.)Sora, stop talking nonsense, what’s going on with Nilu? Didn’t you say you would never take action against her? Why did you stand together and leave talking and laughing at the end of the video?

Ms.:”Do you even need to ask? I think this scumbag must have exposed his hands to Ni!”


Puppet:”Indeed, otherwise why would the two of them be flirting with each other? There must be something wrong!”

Sora:”I was wronged!” Leaving chatting and laughing doesn’t mean there is a relationship! And where is the quarrel between us? This is just an exchange between friends! And you see, apart from making eye contact, the two of us did nothing at all, not even holding hands, so how on earth did you see that there was something wrong with us?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ +1 for daily injustice!”

Dolly:”Don’t talk about comfort!”

Kelly:”(^.^), the details are wrong +1″

Alice:”o(▽)Hahaha, now my Keli has noticed this, it’s awesome!”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), if this is the case, then it’s not like Barbara can’t forgive Sora!”

Noelle:”(^o^)/~Okay, let’s bury the hatchet!”

Qin:”Hey, you two silly girls. Ning Guang:”

Song, haha, are we still friends after being so close?” You really don’t take my wife to heart, do you?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, haha, friends? You better be! Arataki Yidou said:”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuah, why don’t I have such a friend who can flirt with me?” This is not something a friend would do, wow, wow, I don’t believe there are such friends!!!”


Ke Lai:”Kong, even these two heaven-defying people say it’s impossible, how do you explain it now!!!

Kawei:”Hahaha, you’re going to refute something that goes against heaven’s will, right?””.

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