Chapter 712: Sora: Pretending to be dead but not completely means not pretending to be dead completely! Keqing: Who asked you?

Charlotte:”(*^▽^*), if you want to know the follow-up, please be sure to buy today’s Steam Bird Daily. All of Charlotte’s speculations about travelers and live broadcast rooms will be written in it. If you buy it, you will earn money!”

Mona:”Damn it, it’s been going on for so long, it turns out you just want to sell it!

Dolly:”Charlotte, you really know how to sell!””

Funina:” I’m speechless.”

Navillette:”This Charlotte…”

Kong:”Actually, there is nothing to speculate on. Anyway, I will never show my hands to Ni, so you can rest assured!”

Keqing:”(.)Sora, who asked you this question? You can answer it by yourself, right?”

Ning Guang:”It’s hard to cover up.

Yelan:”Kong, I’m too lazy to complain about you.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler-san is still so interesting today.”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) empty, I just smiled and said nothing.”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, Ayaka, I’m watching the 22 video. I can’t see you standing with other women, otherwise Ayaka, I will be a little angry~”

Hayou:”(Ω-Ω), Ayaka-sama said it’s a bit… I don’t think it’s a bit.

Kaiya:”Haoyou, Watson, you found a blind spot.”

Thomas:”Shh, even if it’s true, you can’t say it.””

Xiaolu:”According to the previous situation,” in the live broadcast room,

Sora and Linghua looked at each other and smiled.

Sora took the lead and turned to look at Keqing in front of him.

He stretched out his hand and waved to Keqing. He waved a farewell gesture and smiled slightly.

Although he didn’t speak, the farewell gesture and the appearance of standing next to Kamisato Ayaka had already explained a lot of things.

Although Keqing didn’t know what he was thinking in his heart, he At that time, her expression did not show the slightest sadness. She just smiled silently and waved a farewell gesture to Sora.

Sora did not speak.

Neither did Keqing.

Both of them just smiled at each other and said goodbye.

Yan Fei:” Why does Keqing also appear here?

Leila:”And the positions and angles of the three of them look weird.”

Navia:”Indeed, why is Keqing standing in front of the two of them.”

Ping:”Yes, Linghua and Sora stand together. Why does Keqing stand in front of them?””

Ke Qing:”(San) Kong, what on earth is going on? Why am I not standing next to you? Why is it the woman Ayaka’s turn to stand next to you? Please explain to me quickly!!!”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o, it was obviously Barbara who came first, but why wasn’t the person standing next to Sora not Barbara? Noelle

:”﹏, wuwuwu~ Senior standing with other women in front of Noelle or something like that, don’t do that kind of thing!””

Ms.:”Damn it, I knew that this scumbag Traveler would be up to something, but now that I see it, it’s true!

Servant:”Indeed!”” puppet:”(^.^)That’s it!

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, what kind of wonderful polygonal relationship?””

Diluc:”It’s such a famous scene….”

Jiu Jiao Shuo Luo:”(Pan)? Kong, where are you?”

Gan Yu:”(﹏) Sora, please explain to me what is going on now and why are the three of you together? Where is my person?

Hutao:”(San) Kong, why am I not here?” Yan

Fei:”(Mu) Kong, it’s obviously me who came first, it’s obviously me who came first!”!!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, pretending to be dead again, right? I advise you to come out quickly and explain to me clearly what happened between you and this woman Linghua!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Keqing, what do you mean by this woman? I’m just a legitimate wife. What’s wrong with me standing next to him?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Kamisato Ayaka, oh? So what do you mean, am I not the one?”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! It’s over, the tension between Master Ayaka and Sister Keqing is so strong!”

Baizhu:”Hahaha, I feel like these two people will definitely fight when they meet.

Leosley:”Hahaha, judging from the many fighting scenes I have seen, these two will definitely do it!””

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), ah this…”

Qingqing:”(.)Sora, come out quickly and explain to me and this woman who is your real wife!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, if you don’t come out and explain clearly to Moqing, Ayaka, I will be really angry!”

Kavi:”Damn it, this traveler is still pretending to be dead!

Arataki Yidou:”Damn it, this traveler can still bear it after seeing this scene?” I wish I had come out and admitted my mistake long ago!

Bennett:”That’s right, I’ll just slide and kneel down at the speed of light!”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, so this is the difference between you and the travelers!”


Seno:” Indeed!

Leosley:”Indeed!””(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Arataki Yidou:”What on earth are you talking about? Why can’t I understand it at all!

Bennett:”That’s right, it’s just an explanation. What’s the difference?””

Song:”The difference is that pretending to be dead is not pure, it means not pretending to be dead at all!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)?Traveler you…Is this the time to say this?”

Aradaki fights:”(⊙⊙), hell, I still don’t understand it, but I feel like something is going to happen to the travelers.”


Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ How dare Traveler-san come out? Kaiya

:”Hahaha, I really can’t stand it anymore. I came out to explain that I really didn’t expect it!”

Leosley:”Hahaha, this traveler will not let me down!”

Servant:”Pretending to be dead but not completely is the same as not pretending to be dead completely.”…Is this something that normal people can understand?” puppet:”(^.^), I can only say that it is really hopeless!

Candice:”It’s hard to say not!””

Fa Lushan:”Oh my god, this traveler is really outrageous.

Navia:”Hahaha, help, I almost ran out of oxygen from laughing.”

Charlotte:”Even though I have done so many outrageous reports, this is the first time I have seen such a shameless and outrageous traveler.””

Navilet:” Me too…”

Keqing:”(Sara) Kong, damn, I really want to kill you! I asked you to explain to Linghua, not to explain this bullshit principle of pretending to be dead!”.

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