Chapter 707: Ke Qing: Sora, where are the people? Xinhai: (^) It’s here with me!

【Today’s interactive Q&A live room is officially open!】

【Will start to attract viewers! ]

When this voice echoed in Sora’s mind, he was immediately awakened from his sleep, slowly stood up and sat on the bed.

He muttered secretly in his mind.

Why is this live broadcast room broadcasting so early every day?

It makes him unable to sleep even if he wants to

“Sora, good morning.”

Xinhai covered his flawless white body with a quilt, his face was slightly red, and he greeted Kong.

After seeing Xinhai’s beautiful face and frank body, Kong couldn’t help but swallowed again, and his mouth was dry. His tongue became dry.

But thinking that Paimon might have been awakened by the sound in the live broadcast room, he stopped thinking about making any more efforts. He just reached out his hand and slowly caressed Xinhai’s pretty face, kissing her affectionately. forehead

“Good morning, wife”

“Wife or something…Talk more, I like to hear it.”Although Xinhai is very shy, hearing the word”wife” from Kong’s mouth is simply more lethal than any love words. Naturally, Kong will not let go of the opportunity to improve Xinhai’s favor and has said the word”wife” many times. After that, Xinhai 22 finally couldn’t suppress the shame in his heart, and quickly covered his blushing face with a quilt, not daring to be bearish anymore.

“Wife, let me go make breakfast for you first.”

“Also check to see if Paimon wakes up.”

Xinhai’s shy hum came from the quilt.


After receiving the reply,

Sora immediately put on his clothes and went to the Dustsong Pot, intending to bring Paimon out.

Originally, Sora had no intention of putting Paimon into the Dustsong Pot yesterday night.

After all, Paimon had already drank it. It is basically impossible for his sleepy black tea to wake up in the middle of the night and cause trouble for him.

But after thinking about it, he still thought it would be better to put Paimon in the Dust Song Pot.

Because what he was worried about was that a live broadcast room like today would suddenly play, and then A situation where everyone is woken up.

If Paimon is woken up, and then loses sight of himself, searches around, and accidentally finds a scene of himself and Xinhai on the bed.

Then Paimon’s big mouth will probably He talked about this matter everywhere in the live broadcast room.

In order to prevent Xinhai’s reputation from being damaged, Kong had no choice but to put Paimon in the Dust Song Pot first.

Of course, he was definitely not doing this for his reputation as a gentleman. Made.

With a ripple in the space,

Sora entered the Dustsong Pot.

As soon as he entered, he immediately heard Paimon’s confused voice with a hint of doubt.

“traveler…Where did you just run to?”

“Why can’t Paimon see you when he wakes up?”

“Is it possible that you didn’t sleep with Paimon last night?”

Of course Sora will not tell Paimon that he slept with Xinhai last night.

His face was not red and his ears were not red, and he said seriously:

“You slept like a dead pig, and of course you didn’t know that I just ran out to prepare breakfast for you.”

When he heard the word breakfast, Paimon’s big eyes that were originally dazed suddenly lit up and he said excitedly:

“So this is ah!”

“Paimon also happens to be hungry, and Paimon wants breakfast now!”

After Paimon heard that there was something to eat, he even forgot the fact that he was still doubting Sora just now. He quickly accepted that Sora woke up early to make breakfast for himself.

“What’s the rush? I’m still doing it.”After Kong realized that Paimon no longer doubted him, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room certainly didn’t know what happened to the travelers. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

Each of them lamented that today’s live broadcast room appeared on time again.

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Today’s live broadcast room is still so punctual.

Zhong Li:”In terms of universal rationality, this is indeed the case.””

Funina:”o(*^▽^*)┛, Good morning everyone!”

Shadow:”(), I feel like I blinked and closed my eyes, and the live broadcast room started again.

Yae Shenzi:”Kage, it’s not because you stay in one place all the time, so you have no sense of time at all.””

Shadow:”() Is that so? It’s not very clear.”

Wendy:”(^.^)Sora, morning, baby!”

Dolly:”(^.^)Good morning, Traveler Boss!”

Zaoyou:”(^.^)Sora, oh hi yo, treasure!”

Qiqi:”(^.^)Empty, early……Ah treasure!”

Kelly:”(^.^)Good morning, Brother Traveler!”

Xigwen:”(*)Kong, I’m a nurse, please let me know. Did you go to bed early and get up early today?

Falga:”Wendy, Master Fengshen is really begging me, can you be more serious?””


Diluc:”Falga, oooooo~ It seems I have one more ally.”

Bennett:”Hahaha, I’m used to it. Now I don’t feel uncomfortable when I see Mr. Fengshen acting weird..”

Albedo:”I feel uncomfortable all over….”

Sugar:”Ah this…”

Rosalia:”I don’t think Bennett’s words should be taken too seriously now.”



Bennett:”Mika Reese???”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, forget about Mr. Fengshen, it’s really interesting to see the other cuties actually following Him in making mischief.”

Alice:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~460 My Keli is so cute.”

Kelly:”(*^▽^*), I was so happy to be praised by my mother.”

Baizhu:”Haha, since Qiqi watched the traveler’s video, I feel very happy every day.”


Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Dolly is used to being called Traveler Boss.”

Dolly:”(^.^), after all, the traveler boss has taken care of me several times, and I feel that I will cooperate with him in the future. There is no problem in calling the boss first.”

Shikano Nana:”(.)Zaoyou, I don’t usually see you so active. You sleep hard every day. You are so active when you come to the live broadcast room, right?”

Zaoyou:”(▽*)o, because you can watch the live broadcast while lying down.”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Hayao, it turns out that’s the case. It seems that the tasks I gave you are a little short.”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Yae Shenzi, Lord Shenzi, you are wrong. Stop being lazy now. I will go to work now!” walnut:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, I didn’t ban you today, so why don’t you speak?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, where are the people?”

Xinhai:”(^) Carved Qing Hutao, it’s here with me”

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