Chapter 704: Wulang: Traveler, I will introduce my cousin to you as a concubine! Paimon: What happened to promising him?


Kong looked neither sad nor happy, and didn’t say anything. He just listened silently to what Zheping said.

“Cough cough…cough cough cough……”, Zheping covered his mouth and started coughing crazily. After coughing for a while, he finally stopped.

But after Zheping saw his hands covered with blood, his pale face couldn’t help showing a bitter expression.

Paimon’s face was already covered with tears, and he was choked with sobs, unable to say a word.

But Kong was still neither sad nor happy, and said not a word.

Zheping saw the two people’s expressions and said bitterly:

“You don’t have to feel sad for me”

“Let me rest for a while…let me rest for a while…maybe it will be fine……”

Finally, he looked up at Sora and said feebly:

“Traveler, can I ask you a favor?”

“When our team uniforms are ready, help me get my share back… and we’ll put them on together.……”

Kong shook his head and refused:

“No. Paimon cried and said:

“Zheping is like this now. He just wants to get a team uniform. Just promise him.”

Zheping was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect the traveler to reject his last words.

“That’s it……”

His face became increasingly bitter, and his eyes couldn’t help but begin to shed tears of regret.

Paimon was also crying crazily.

The crying of the two of them also attracted Xinhai and Wulang.

The two originally planned to search here for any rebels who were aging and injured due to the evil eye.

But I didn’t expect to witness this scene as soon as I arrived.

Both of them realized that Zheping’s condition was not long gone.

Even if a military doctor comes over, I’m afraid they won’t be able to backfill it.

Thinking of this, the two of them felt very complicated. At the same time, they also hated those fools who gave evil eyes to Zheping and others. at this time.

The cries of Paimon and Zheppi made Sora couldn’t help but laugh and cry, and complained:

“Forget it about Paimon, why are you crying like a man?”

“And you should get your team uniform yourself.”

“I don’t have much time to help you sort this out.”

After saying that, Sora slowly put his hand in front of Zheping with a look of helplessness, muttering something in his mouth.

“Hey, as expected, I still prefer a happy and happy ending than a tragic ending.”


The power of the Herrscher of Death suddenly exploded.

The extremely bright light continued to shroud Zheping.

Zheping’s body, which was about to enter the door of death, actually began to emit a life-like green light at this moment.

Originally decayed, The extremely thin body slowly began to improve.

Zheping witnessed this scene with a look of astonishment. Although he did not know what the traveler’s power was, he could clearly feel how powerful and shocking this power was.

You must know that his body was almost in a hopeless state just now, and even the best doctors in the world would never be able to treat it.

But in such a desperate state, the traveler actually saved himself. Come back?

Zheping now only feels that although his body is not as healthy as before, it is still much better than after using the evil eye.

After Xinhai saw it, his beautiful eyes were filled with shock and It’s unbelievable.

After all, Zheping’s situation just now meant that he was basically on the verge of death.

But Sora actually saved a dying person from death so easily?

You know, there were many people in the medical room before. The situation of the people was exactly the same as Zheping’s.

But even the top old doctors in the army, who were known as the masters of rejuvenation, could only do nothing and had no choice but to sentence those people to death.

But Sora was actually better than those old doctors who had the skills of rejuvenation?

Even what kind of medical treatment No equipment or medicine is needed?

Can Zheping be treated with just a wave of his hand?

This… this is simply outrageous!

Not only was Xinhai shocked, but even Goro was also shocked.

He didn’t expect it at all. Not to mention that the Traveler’s combat prowess is so terrifying. He actually knows how to heal, and even brought Zheping back from the brink of death!

This medical skill is simply better than any doctor he has ever seen!

And Paimon was also shocked to see this. Curtain, exclaimed:

“Traveler, what have you done?”

“Why was Zheping in a state of near-death just now, but now he was getting better so quickly?”

After Kong Yan saw that Zheping’s condition had improved a lot, he slowly stopped using his power. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, it doesn’t make much difference if he uses it again now.

Now Although Zheping has been cured by him, the damage to his body is difficult to be completely cured.

Sora estimates that Zheping can only live for a few more years at most.

Sora then informed Zheping of this situation.

Zheping’s expression was stagnant, but he was not distressed at all. Instead, he looked grateful:

“Traveler, thank you for your kindness.”

“After all, you gave me a few more years to live”

“Just these few years have been enough for me to do a lot of things”

“No matter what, I, Zheping, will never forget this life-saving grace.”

“So I swear here, even if I, Zheping, fall into reincarnation, I will definitely repay you for saving my life!”

“If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me”

“As long as I can do it, I will never say anything!”

Kong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this.

At this time[]

Xinhai and Wulang also immediately stepped forward because they witnessed the traveler’s powerful healing ability.

Xinhai worriedly said:

“Sora, doesn’t your power require your own life to be used?”

“If so, are you okay now? Kong gently held Xinhai’s delicate little hand and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, how could I do something like that to harm myself?”

Xinhai breathed a sigh of relief:

“That’s good…”

After Wulang heard this, his eyes were a little complicated, and he quickly pleaded:

“Traveler, I beg you”

“Can you help me treat the rebels in the army who are injured by the evil eye?”

“As long as you are willing to help, I, Goro, also swear that if you have any needs in the future, I will definitely help.”

When Wulang saw that the traveler was still unmoved, he suddenly became a little troubled.

But soon, he thought that the traveler liked pretty girls very much.

If he introduced his cousins to the traveler.

The travelers might be willing to do so.

Although that is a bit sorry for the heart of the sea, Goro felt that even if his cousins could be used as concubines for the travelers, it would actually be quite good. Anyway, there are so many men who have three wives and four concubines. , Master Xinhai can make the biggest one, and his cousins can make the smaller ones.

Wulang tried:

“If that doesn’t work, then I…Then I will introduce my cousins to you”

“They are all very good-looking. Traveler, you will definitely like them.”

“So…what do you think?”.

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