Chapter 699: Skirmishers: When I become a god, I will kill you with one hand! Thunder kills instantly!

The skirmisher’s eyes were cloudy and uncertain, and his heart was also frantically tangled.

But after thinking about it again and again, he had a vague instinct.

If we attack this traveler now, we will definitely encounter some bad consequences.

Although he really hates this traveler.

But now is not the time to take action against him.

Even if he wants to take action, he has to wait until he obtains the Heart of God and becomes a god.

The skirmisher looked at the traveler’s back, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and snorted coldly:

“Now you can only dance for a while”

“If you wait until I become a god, I will definitely destroy you with one hand.”

After saying that, the skirmishers turned around and looked in the direction of Narukami Island.

“Now, it’s time to collect the heart of God.”

After Kong defeated a group of wandering warriors,

Paimon looked at the messy place and complained:

“There are so many wandering warriors.”

Xinde from Swordfish Division 2 explained:

“This is just part of it, they have two other camps nearby”

“No matter which camp we attack, the wandering warriors in the other two camps will become hidden dangers, and they can freely choose to support or escape. Kong shrugged and said calmly:

“Then attack at the same time”

“I’ll go to one of the camps, and you can take care of the rest. Kotoku said worriedly:

“There were an extremely large number of wandering warriors in the two camps of 913, nearly one to two hundred people.”

“Even if all of us, the second team members, go to one of the camps, they may overturn.”

“And captain, are you really not worried about getting hurt or having an accident? Kong chuckled softly:

“No problem”

“I’m more worried about you than that.”

“If you can’t handle so many wandering warriors, you can harass them first without attacking them head-on.”

“Just wait until I come back.”

Xingtoku and the members of the Second Division were stunned for a moment. They had no idea that the traveler would make such an outrageous request.

“this…Is this okay?”

“Captain, are you really not afraid of getting hurt? There are really many wandering warriors there.”

“That’s right, there are so many wandering warriors, even we need to be extremely careful. The captain even said that we can just intercept these wandering warriors. Isn’t that too outrageous?”

Paimon stretched out his hand and patted his bicep, grinning and saying:

“Hey, don’t worry”

“Just this few people can’t hurt us.”

After hearing this, Xingtoku and others looked at each other and sighed:

“Okay, since the captain is so determined, we won’t say anything more.”

“So let’s talk about catching them all now, and then we’ll have a round with the captain.”

The members of the Second Swordfish Squadron then headed to another camp to clean up the stray warriors.

Sora and Paimon headed to another camp alone.

Soon, they arrived at the scene.

Paimon saw a lot of wandering warriors wandering in the camp below, and couldn’t help but complain:

“Wow, there are so many people here”

“No wonder everyone in the Swordfish Division 2 is worried that they may not be able to defeat so many people at once.”

“If many people escape, it may be even more troublesome to chase them.”

Kong nodded and agreed with what Paimon said.

But although there are many wandering warriors, they are just some trash to me who now has the power of the Herrscher.

Think about it.

Kong directly transformed into thunder and rushed forward instantly. Entering the battlefield.

In an instant, lightning ravaged the camp of the wanderers.

Wails suddenly came out.

Just more than ten seconds later, the original screams slowly disappeared.

Replaced by silence.

Sora didn’t know when. Returning to Paimon’s side again, he said calmly:

“Let’s go, it’s time to go back and see how they are doing.”

Paimeng was stunned and exclaimed: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Oh my gosh, Paimon, I was originally going to bring some snacks out to watch you fight.”

“Are you solving it now before the snacks are even taken out?”

Under Kong Na’s incomparable strength, nearly a hundred wandering warriors fell to the ground, and no one could escape from his hands.

At this time. (bgbb)

In the camp on the other side of the mountain.

The sword. The members of the Second Fish Division arrived at this place not long after they were separated from Sora.

When they noticed that there were fewer wandering warriors in the camp than they thought, they all became excited.

Then in Under the command of the squad leader, the men of Swordfish Squadron 2 also quickly began to sneak in and attack.

Their movements were extremely fast. After all, they were all soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles.

No matter what, they were stronger than ordinary wandering warriors. A lot.

But even so, they were quickly discovered by the wandering warriors in the camp.

There were more wandering warriors, and although there were fewer members of the Swordfish Second Division, each of them had stronger combat power than ordinary wandering warriors..The two sides soon started a fierce battle, and the battle situation became anxious for a while.[]

But at this moment.

A roar of thunder suddenly resounded throughout the world.

Before anyone on both sides could react.

The thunder was already exploding on the battlefield like a swimming dragon.

The moment they came into contact with the thunder, the wandering warriors all began to fall down.

Every member of the Swordfish Division 2 looked at the flashing thunder in horror, and couldn’t help but swallow in fear.

They have no idea what this thunder is.

I can only vaguely feel if this thunder hits.

They will also fall down instantly like those wandering warriors.

After a few breaths.

Only the members of the Second Swordfish Squadron were left standing on the battlefield.

When they finally saw clearly the figure that appeared after Thunder disappeared, the members of Swordfish Division 2 were also completely shocked.

“Oh my god, this Thunder is actually the captain?”

“Why did he come so quickly? Didn’t I remember that the captain was in another camp, which was so far away from here, and the captain came over all at once?”

“this…How is this possible, how is it possible that someone could fly from there in such a short time?”

“That should be it. Look at the captain’s incarnation of thunder. The speed is simply terrifying. I can’t even see how the captain moved with my naked eyes. Those wandering warriors all fell down one by one.”

“Wait, we have only been on the battlefield not long ago! Doesn’t that mean that the captain resolved the battle in just a few seconds on the battlefield over there?”

“Damn it, we are still fighting hard here, but the battle on the captain’s side is over and he can even come over to help? Is this something a human can do?”

“No wonder the captain just said that we only need to contain these wandering warriors. Now it seems that it is true what he said.”

“It’s really crazy. The captain solved the battle in just a few seconds. There are so many people on our side who couldn’t solve the battle. Instead, we fell into anxiety. Doesn’t this make us look stupid?”

“As expected of a traveler who was able to escape from the hands of General Thunder and Lightning, such strength is really terrifying!”.

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