Chapter 694: Kamisato Ayaka: So you found so many women behind my back! Sora: Listen to my explanation first, in the live broadcast room. at this time.

Amber was furious and said angrily:

“Kong, please tell me, we have been apart for so long, do you miss me every day in Sumeru?!”

Kong’s right eyelid twitched wildly, and he said with a smile:

“Think about it…think about it very much……”

Kelai held Sora’s arms, stared into his eyes and said:

“Sora, I have held so many ceremonies with you, do you think you should be responsible for me?”

Kong’s back was already cold, but he could only continue to smile and said:

“At once…That’s right.”

After Amber heard these words, she immediately stepped on Kong’s foot and glared at him, feeling completely stressed.


“How long have you and I been boyfriend and girlfriend in Mondstadt?”

“You even gave me a ring, are you also responsible for me?!”

Kong wiped the sweat on his forehead and still said with a smile:

“At once…That’s right.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler-san is responsible for both Kelai and Amber. What a responsible friend!”107

Dolly:”You can’t be considered responsible if you have two different things to do!””

Xiao Gong:”(Dan)? It’s the most outrageous thing to still be responsible!

Candice:”This traveler is really hopeless.””

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o, you already have Barbara, why do you still have to be responsible for other girls? Noelle

:”﹏, Noelle was obviously the one who came first, but why did I hear him say he was responsible for other girls from Sora’s mouth?”

Arataki Yidou:”Uuuuuu~ I really want to be responsible for other girls too!””

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu isn not me, though.

Lei Ze:”This time I finally admitted my envy. I’m very happy.” Falga:”


Mika:”Hey, is this where you should complain?”

Wendy:”(^^)—Sora, can you also be responsible for me?

Diluc:”Wendy?” ? ?”

Su Tang:”Wendy? ? ?”

Albedo:”Wendy? ? ?”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), the traveler said: Wendy, I owe you……%……%……%!”

Dyne:”(bgfd) I feel good. As expected, I have to watch travelers scolding the Seven Gods every day before I feel better.”

Skirmisher:”Song, I can only give nine points this time. It’s not that you’re bad at scolding, and You still have a lot of room for improvement!” in the live broadcast room.

Cole and Amber began to quarrel over Sora’s ownership.

Kelai:”Amber!!! Although you are very kind to me, I will never give in when it comes to Kong!”

Amber:”Me too! Kong clearly belongs to me, you are the one who comes later.!”

Ke Lai:”Kong is mine!”

Amber:”Nonsense, it obviously belongs to me!”

Kong:”Ahem!…Well, let’s stop arguing for now….I suddenly feel anxious. Can I go to the toilet first?”

Ke Lai:”Shut up!!!

Amber:”Shut up!”!!” null:”…..” at this time.

Outside the cafe.

Kamisato Ayaka, who was searching for Sora, suddenly seemed to hear Sora’s voice.

Follow the sound and look.

She discovered that the space she was longing for was actually in Sumeru.

Kamisato Ayaka was immediately pleasantly surprised, and felt that it was indeed right for her to follow her intuition and come to Xumi.

But it didn’t take long for her to be happy.

When she heard that Amber and Kelai were fighting for space, she immediately understood all the situation, and her pretty face slowly turned dark.

Then she slowly walked up to the three of them, stared at Sora with her dark beautiful eyes, and simultaneously pulled out the long knife in her hand.

“Sora, did you find so many women behind my back?”

“Ayaka, I am very angry!”

“Next, how are you going to compensate me?”

And when Kelai and Amber noticed Ayaka, they immediately knew that Sora had actually found another woman. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The three women looked at each other in confusion. , although none of them spoke, they already knew what they were thinking just by making eye contact.

So the three of them immediately turned to look at Sora, took out their weapons, and erupted with terrifying murderous intent. The murderous intent of the three Like layers of waves, each wave was stronger than the last.

Even Kong couldn’t help but feel frightened when he noticed it, so he had to explain quickly:

“Wait, wait, you three don’t take out your weapons yet, listen to my explanation first, listen to my explanation first, okay?…”

“It’s over.”




_ The most outrageous!

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, Lord Linghua actually caught the traveler’s scumbag side.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ In a sense, this is also a good thing.”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! It’s actually Lady Ayaka?

Thomas:”Lord Ayaka actually went to Xumi to find travelers?””

Kamizato Ayato:”Sora, ah ah ah ah, traveler, you deserve to die, you actually brought disaster to my sister!!”[]

Lady:”This traveler is such a scumbag!”

Servant:”Sora, scumbag!”

Puppet:”Sora, scumbag!”

Kamisato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, you have three boats or something. Absolutely unforgivable!!!”

Columbia (blackened):”Sora, why don’t you have me?!”

Rich man:”Columbia, is that what you care about?”

Amber:”O(Mouth)O Kong, ah ah ah ah, you bastard, don’t mention me and Cole, but you also have Kamisato Ayaka?”

Yura:”(Dan) Kong, you still have three boats, right? I even remembered this grudge!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, good guy, every time you go to a country, you have to bring trouble to the beautiful ladies, right? Don’t let me catch you. If you let me catch you, it won’t be as simple as being beaten up in the video.”

Funina:”(^^)—In my opinion, it should be directly punished by death!

Hutao:”(Dan)?, yes, just find a coffin and bury him!”

Yan Fei:”Hu Tao, good, good!”

Xiao Gong:”It’s hard not to support!””

Kujo Suluo:”Indeed!”

Kavi:”Hahahaha, but I was so happy to see the last scene where the travelers were dealt with!”

Arataki Yidou:”Hahahahaha, I’m not happy at all when the traveler is taken care of, hahahahahaha!!! Bennett

:”Hahahaha~ I’m not happy at all when Grandmaster overturned his car or something, hahahaha!”!!

Lei Ze:”Don’t you look very happy?””.

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